The BIOFUND Virtual Library is an online archive of information on Mozambique’s biodiversity, organized along the lines suggested by the Convention on Biodiversity’s Clearing House Mechanism. The Virtual Library will strive to make available all the documents, studies, reports, articles, educational and communications materials, maps and digital files that have been produced, to serve as a repository of our collective institutional memory as a conservation community. The usefulness of the Virtual Library will improve the more we share amongst ourselves. If you have any materials that are not currently part of the Virtual Library, please click on "Add Document" and become a contributor.
Year of Publication
An Analysis of Game Meat Production and Wildlife-based Land Uses on Freehold Land in Namibia: Links with Food Security
Lindsey, P.
TRAFFIC East/Southern Africa
This project forms a component of the BMZ-funded programme with TRAFFIC entitled “Vulnerable People, Diminishing Wildlife: Addressing priority bushmeat trade, livelihood and food security issues in Africa”. The illegal trade in bushmeat represents a severe conservation threat in several African countries. However, in Namibia, wildlife-based land uses (WBLU) and the legal production of game meat have potential to contribute significantly to conservation, food security and the economy of the country. A structured questionnaire survey of farmers in Namibia was used to gain insights into WBLU on freehold land in the country and links with food security.
No Restrictions
Forest Biodiversity; Mountain Biodiversity; Other Terrestrial Biodiversity
Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments
International Protected Areas
An Analysis of Game Meat Production and Wildlife-based Land Uses on Freehold Land in Namibia: Links with Food Security
The Significance of African Lions for the Financial Viability of Trophy Hunting and the Maintenance of Wild Land
Lindsay, P. Et al.
Recent studies indicate that trophy hunting is impacting negatively on some lion populations, notably in Tanzania. In 2004 there was a proposal to list lions on CITES Appendix I and in 2011 animal-welfare groups petitioned the United States government to list lions as endangered under their Endangered Species Act. Such listings would likely curtail the trophy hunting of lions by limiting the import of lion trophies. Concurrent efforts are underway to encourage the European Union to ban lion trophy imports. We assessed the significance of lions to the financial viability of trophy hunting across five countries to help determine the financial impact and advisability of the proposed trade restrictions.
No Restrictions
Forest Biodiversity; Mountain Biodiversity; Other Terrestrial Biodiversity
Peer-reviewed article
Economics, Trade and Incentive Measures; Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments
All Protected Areas of Mozambique
The Significance of African Lions for the Financial Viability of Trophy Hunting and the Maintenance of Wild Land
Guidelines for improving the administration of sustainable hunting in sub-Saharan Africa
Booth, V. & Chardonnet, P.
This manual focuses on how hunting, as a legal activity, is managed and administered across sub-Saharan Africa. It specifically addresses sustainable regulated (or sport or tourism) hunting. However, it does not consider illegal, recreational and traditional hunting.
No Restrictions
Project Document, Project Reports and Evaluations
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments
All Protected Areas of Mozambique
Guidelines for improving the administration of sustainable hunting in sub-Saharan Africa
Moçambique Game trophies plants
Todas as Províncias
No Restrictions
General Information
Protected Areas; Sustainable Use of Biodiversity; Tourism and Biodiversity
All Protected Areas of Mozambique
Moçambique Game trophies plants
Best Practices In Hunting – Namibia Communal Area Conservancies
Weaver, L. & Pieterse, L.
No Restrictions
Project Document, Project Reports and Evaluations
Economics, Trade and Incentive Measures; Protected Areas; Tourism and Biodiversity
International Protected Areas
Best Practices In Hunting – Namibia Communal Area Conservancies
Ponta do Ouro Partial Marine Reserve Operational Plan
ANAC ‐ PPMR Administration
The Operational Plan for the Ponta do Ouro Partial Marine Reserve (PPMR) builds forth on the PPMR Management Plan and Tourism Development Framework and defines how the Reserve Administration will operate in practice to implement the objectives and actions set out in these documents.
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity; Coastal Biodiversity
PA Management Document
Protected Areas
Ponta do Ouro Partial Marine Reserve
Ponta do Ouro Partial Marine Reserve Operational Plan
Ponta do Ouro Partial Marine Reserve Management Plan
The Management Plan for the PPMR prescribes the management of the Marine Protected Area (MPA) and draws on international and local experience of MPA management, as well as relevant guidelines published by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and incorporates legal and institutional requirements.
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity; Coastal Biodiversity
PA Management Document
Protected Areas
Ponta do Ouro Partial Marine Reserve
Ponta do Ouro Partial Marine Reserve Management Plan
Local People’s Perceptions of Marine Protected Areas: A Case Study of Ponta do Ouro, Mozambique
Gaspar, A.
University of KwaZulu-Natal
This study investigated respondents’ perceptions of the Ponta do Ouro – Kosi Bay MPA. The MPA is part of the now proclaimed Lubombo Trans-frontier Conservation Area (TFCA). An interviewer - administered questionnaire was used to obtain primary data from 35 respondents, all resident in the study area and who are involved in various activities based on the coastal area and its marine resources. The focus of the study was on awareness regarding the establishment, impacts of the MPA, the setting of priorities for the MPA and lastly, respondents’ roles and responsibilities.
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity; Coastal Biodiversity
Peer-reviewed article
Protected Areas; Community Use of Biodiversity
Ponta do Ouro Partial Marine Reserve
Local People’s Perceptions of Marine Protected Areas: A Case Study of Ponta do Ouro, Mozambique
Ponta do Ouro Partial Marine Reserve Strategic Plan for Commercialisation
The need for a SPC for the PPMR lies in the requirement for attaining financial sustainbility by unlocking the economic potential of the PPMR in order to provide social benefits and to manage the natural resources of Marine Protected Area in a sound manner.
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity; Coastal Biodiversity
PA Management Document
Protected Areas
Ponta do Ouro Partial Marine Reserve
Ponta do Ouro Partial Marine Reserve Strategic Plan for Commercialisation
Ponta do Ouro Partial Marine Reserve Tourism Development Strategy
The need for a Tourism Development Strategy for the PPMR thus lies in the requirement for attaining financial sustainbility by unlocking the economic potential of the PPMR in order to provide social benefits and to manage the natural resources of MPA in a sound manner.
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity; Coastal Biodiversity
PA Management Document
Protected Areas; Tourism and Biodiversity
Ponta do Ouro Partial Marine Reserve
Ponta do Ouro Partial Marine Reserve Tourism Development Strategy
Plano de Maneio da Reserva Marinha Parcial da Ponta do Ouro
O Plano de Maneio da RMPPO estabelece a Área Marinha Protegida (AMP) e apoia-se na experiência internacional e local de gestão de AMP, e em directrizes pertinentes publicadas pela União Internacional para a Conservação da Natureza (IUCN), e incorpora requisitos legas e institucionais.
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity; Coastal Biodiversity
PA Management Document
Protected Areas
Ponta do Ouro Partial Marine Reserve
Plano de Maneio da Reserva Marinha Parcial da Ponta do Ouro
Scuba diving tourism systems and sustainability: Perceptions by the scuba diving industry in two Marine Protected Areas
Lucrezi, S. Et al.
Tourism Management
Scuba diving tourism encourages conservation, generates revenue, and supports local communities. Understanding its interactions with environmental, social, and economic factors is important in the context of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), where dynamics between role players are complex. This study provides insights into the problems affecting the sustainability of the scuba diving tourism industry in two MPAs in Italy and Mozambique.
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity; Coastal Biodiversity
Peer-reviewed article
Economics, Trade and Incentive Measures; Protected Areas; Tourism and Biodiversity
Ponta do Ouro Partial Marine Reserve
Scuba diving tourism systems and sustainability: Perceptions by the scuba diving industry in two Marine Protected Areas
Monitoria, Marcação e Conservação de Tartarugas Marinhas em Moçambique: Relatório Anual 2012/13
Louro, C. & Fernandes, R.
A época 2012/13 registou um total de 1000 ninhos. Destes, cerca de 75% foram registados na região sul do país (Parque Nacional do Arquipélago do Bazaruto – Ponta do Ouro) e os restantes 25% foram registados na região norte (Ilhas Vamizi e Rongui). A maior parte dos ninhos foram registados na área entre a Ponta do Ouro e o Cabo de Santa Maria (67%) e nas Ilhas Vamizi e Rongui (25%). Demonstrando, assim, e mais uma vez, que estas duas áreas de monitoria são áreas importantes para a nidificação de tartarugas marinhas no país.
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity; Coastal Biodiversity
Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments; Threats to Biodiversity
Ponta do Ouro Partial Marine Reserve
Monitoria, Marcação e Conservação de Tartarugas Marinhas em Moçambique: Relatório Anual 2012/13
The benthos and ichthyofauna of Baixo São João, Ponta do Ouro Partial Marine Reserve, southern Mozambique
Schleyer, M.; Pereira, M. & Fernandes, R.
A reef survey was conducted at Baixo São João, southern Mozambique, in July 2015. This involved point intercept analysis of photo-quadrat transects of the benthos recorded in the northern, central and southern parts of the reef, on the reef top and its inshore and offshore slopes. Visual techniques were used to describe the ichthyofauna. The coral community proved to be uniform within all reef zones and relatively rich compared to other southern Mozambican reefs, but with no unique or fragile species.
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity; Coastal Biodiversity
Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations
Biological and Cultural Diversity
Ponta do Ouro Partial Marine Reserve
The benthos and ichthyofauna of Baixo São João, Ponta do Ouro Partial Marine Reserve, southern Mozambique
Area de Caça de Bawa Delimitada
No Restrictions
Forest Biodiversity; Mountain Biodiversity; Other Terrestrial Biodiversity
Official Government Document
Protected Areas
Mágoè National Park; Tchuma Tchato Community Reserve
Area de Caça de Bawa Delimitada
Mapa Tchuma Tchato
No Restrictions
Forest Biodiversity; Mountain Biodiversity; Other Terrestrial Biodiversity
Maps and georeferenced data (images, shp files, etc.)
Biological and Cultural Diversity; Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments
Mágoè National Park; Tchuma Tchato Community Reserve
Mapa Tchuma Tchato
Plano de Maneio do Parque Nacional de Mágoè, Província de Tete
O presente plano analisou com pormenor todos os factores chave para o sucesso no processo de gestão do PNM bem como os desafios que deverão ser enfrentados nesse processo, sintetizados através da análise FOFA (SWOT) no anexo 2 deste documento
No Restrictions
Forest Biodiversity; Mountain Biodiversity; Other Terrestrial Biodiversity
PA Management Document
Biological and Cultural Diversity; Protected Areas
Mágoè National Park
Plano de Maneio do Parque Nacional de Mágoè, Província de Tete
Proposta de Criação do parque Nacional de Mágoè
No Restrictions
Forest Biodiversity; Mountain Biodiversity; Other Terrestrial Biodiversity
Official Government Document
Legal and Political (Laws, Regulations, Action Plans, Strategies, etc.); Protected Areas
Mágoè National Park
Proposta de Criação do parque Nacional de Mágoè
Decreto n.º 67/2013: Cria o Parque Nacional de Mágoè, e estabelece a respectiva Zona Tampão
Boletim da República
No Restrictions
Forest Biodiversity; Mountain Biodiversity; Other Terrestrial Biodiversity
Official Government Document
Legal and Political (Laws, Regulations, Action Plans, Strategies, etc.); Protected Areas
Mágoè National Park
Decreto n.º 67/2013: Cria o Parque Nacional de Mágoè, e estabelece a respectiva Zona Tampão
Relatório da Contagem Aérea de Fauna Bravia na Reserva Nacional do Gilé
A contagem aérea de fauna bravia na Reserva Nacional do Gilé (RNG) foi realizada de 24 a 27 de Novembro de 2016, no fim da estação seca. A contagem tinha como objectivos: (i) obter estimativas suficientemente precisas do tamanho das populações de espécies de fauna bravia, incluindo carcaças de elefante, (ii) determinar a distribuição espacial de espécies de fauna bravia, (iii) documentar o tipo e distribuição espacial de actividades humanas, e (iv) mapear a vegetação e as áreas afectadas pelo desmatamento (perda de habitat).
No Restrictions
Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations
Biological and Cultural Diversity; Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments; Protected Areas
Gilé National Reserve
Relatório da Contagem Aérea de Fauna Bravia na Reserva Nacional do Gilé
Inventaire et caractérisation des produits forestiers non ligneux exploités par les populations périphériques de la Réserve Nationale de Gilé (Mozambique)
Romann, C.
La Réserve Nationale de Gilé (RNG), constituée de forêts de miombo et seule réserve non habitée du Mozambique, subit de fortes pressions anthropiques liées à l’exploitation illégale de bois et de produits miniers, à l’extension des surfaces agricoles périphériques, au déclenchement volontaire de feux de brousse, au braconnage et, dans une moindre mesure, à l’exploitation des produits forestiers non-ligneux (PFNL) dont les communautés locales sont très dépendantes. Dans le cadre de son contrat de co-gestion de la RNG, la Fondation IGF, commanditaire de cette étude, souhaiterait mettre en place un système d’exploitation durable de ces PFNL jusqu’au sein de la RNG où la récolte est aujourd’hui illégale et sanctionnée.
No Restrictions
Forest Biodiversity
Peer-reviewed article
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments; Protected Areas; Sustainable Use of Biodiversity
Gilé National Reserve
Inventaire et caractérisation des produits forestiers non ligneux exploités par les populations périphériques de la Réserve Nationale de Gilé (Mozambique)
Decreto n.º 41-2013: Cria aCoutada Oficial de Messalo, Nungo, Mulela e Lureco, destinadas à actividade de caça desportiva
Boletim da República
No Restrictions
Forest Biodiversity; Mountain Biodiversity; Other Terrestrial Biodiversity
Official Government Document
Legal and Political (Laws, Regulations, Action Plans, Strategies, etc.); Protected Areas
Niassa National Reserve; Gilé National Reserve
Decreto n.º 41-2013: Cria aCoutada Oficial de Messalo, Nungo, Mulela e Lureco, destinadas à actividade de caça desportiva
Catalogue des orchidées de la réserve de Gilé (Mozambique)
Melkl, F.
Les cahiers de la fondation Biotope
Seule aire protégée de la Province de Zambézia, la Réserve Nationale de Gilé au Mozambique abrite l’une des dernières zones sauvages qui subsistent à ce jour dans la Province ainsi que plusieurs espèces menacées d’extinction. Elle constitue l’une des quatre aires protégées situées dans l’écorégion Eastern Miombo Woodland. Ce type de paysage appelé “forêt de Miombo” couvre une grande partie du centre-sud de l’Afrique allant de l’Angola au Mozambique et de la Tanzanie au Zimbabwe. Très peu connue du grand public, c’est pourtant l’une des plus grandes forêts sèches intactes du monde.
No Restrictions
Other Terrestrial Biodiversity
Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments; Protected Areas
Gilé National Reserve
Catalogue des orchidées de la réserve de Gilé (Mozambique)
Plano Estratégico de Desenvolvimento da Província de Tete, 2007 – 2011
No Restrictions
Legal and Political (Laws, Regulations, Action Plans, Strategies, etc.)
Mágoè National Park; Tchuma Tchato Community Reserve
Plano Estratégico de Desenvolvimento da Província de Tete, 2007 – 2011
Perfil do Distrito de Mágoè
No Restrictions
Official Government Document
Biological and Cultural Diversity
Mágoè National Park; Tchuma Tchato Community Reserve
Perfil do Distrito de Mágoè
Diploma Ministerial n.º 92/96: Introduz a taxa de exploração de Safaris de Fotografia
Boletim da República
No Restrictions
Official Government Document
Legal and Political (Laws, Regulations, Action Plans, Strategies, etc.); Protected Areas
All Protected Areas of Mozambique
Diploma Ministerial n.º 92/96: Introduz a taxa de exploração de Safaris de Fotografia
Decreto n.º 63/2003: Altera o quadro de distribuição das receitas, ao abrigo do Diploma Ministerial n.º 92/95, de 12 de Julho
Boletim da República
No Restrictions
Official Government Document
Legal and Political (Laws, Regulations, Action Plans, Strategies, etc.); Protected Areas
Tchuma Tchato Community Reserve; Official Hunting Areas (Coutadas); Game Farms (Fazendas de Bravio)
Decreto n.º 63/2003: Altera o quadro de distribuição das receitas, ao abrigo do Diploma Ministerial n.º 92/95, de 12 de Julho
Revisiting Community Based Natural Resource Man.agement: A Case Study of the Tchuma Tchato Project in Tete Province, Mozambique
Brown, A.
University of Natal
This dissertation revisits the concept of CBNRM, using the Tchuma Tchato project at Bawa, Tete Province, Mozambique as a case study. A conceptual framework for a CBNRM project intervention is developed and used to analyse the Tchuma Tchato project. The role of external agents, and particularly the lead institution, is vital to a project intervention. It is shown that external agents need to be well organised, and they need to interact effectively as a team. External agents need to have the financial and human capacity, and an understanding ofCBNRM to play a constructive and effective role in a time-bound project intervention.
No Restrictions
Forest Biodiversity; Mountain Biodiversity; Other Terrestrial Biodiversity
Peer-reviewed article
Community Use of Biodiversity
Mágoè National Park; Tchuma Tchato Community Reserve
Revisiting Community Based Natural Resource Man.agement: A Case Study of the Tchuma Tchato Project in Tete Province, Mozambique
Plano Estratégico de Desenvolvimento da Província de Tete, 2007 – 2011
No Restrictions
Legal and Political (Laws, Regulations, Action Plans, Strategies, etc.)
Mágoè National Park; Tchuma Tchato Community Reserve
Plano Estratégico de Desenvolvimento da Província de Tete, 2007 – 2011
Relatório Análitico sobre Estágio Actual e Opções de Gestão do Programa Tchuma Tchato
No Restrictions
Forest Biodiversity; Mountain Biodiversity; Other Terrestrial Biodiversity
Official Government Document
Biological and Cultural Diversity; Protected Areas
Mágoè National Park; Tchuma Tchato Community Reserve
Relatório Análitico sobre Estágio Actual e Opções de Gestão do Programa Tchuma Tchato
Tchuma Tchato: an evolving experience of community-based natural resource management in Mozambique
Filimão, E.; Mansur, E. & Namanha, L.
Tchuma Tchato is one of the first community-based natural resource management (CBNRM) programmes established in Mozambique. It started in 1994 in a remote area of about 200 000 ha on the right-hand side of the Zambeze River in Tete Province, close to the borders of Zimbabwe and Zambia. This typical mopane (Colophospermum mopane) forest ecosystem has been a concession area for safari operations since 1993. Because of conflicts between local communities, the private operator and the local government, intervention was required to promote collaborative management of the resources, with stakeholders’ benefits and obligations clearly defined.
No Restrictions
Project Document, Project Reports and Evaluations
Protected Areas; Community Use of Biodiversity
Mágoè National Park; Tchuma Tchato Community Reserve
Tchuma Tchato: an evolving experience of community-based natural resource management in Mozambique
The effectiveness of economic incentives for sustaining community based natural resource management
Suich, H.
Land Use Policy
Incentives are key to attracting and maintaining participation in community based natural resource management (CBNRM) initiatives. However, incentives cannot work if people do not know about them, if they are inappropriate or if they are delivered in insufficient quantities. In southern African CBNRM initiatives, many incentives are offered, particularly jobs and community income from hunting and photographic tourism activities. There is a need to assess – jointly – residents’ knowledge and perceptions of these incentives and their actual delivery to determine whether they are likely to be effective in sustaining participation in CBNRM activities over the long run.
No Restrictions
Forest Biodiversity; Mountain Biodiversity; Other Terrestrial Biodiversity
Peer-reviewed article
Economics, Trade and Incentive Measures; Protected Areas; Community Use of Biodiversity
Mágoè National Park; Tchuma Tchato Community Reserve
The effectiveness of economic incentives for sustaining community based natural resource management
Notes from the field: Lessons learned from using ecosystem service approaches to inform real-world decisions
Ruckelshaus, M. Et al.
Ecological Economics
While there have been rapid advances in assessments of biodiversity and ecosystem services (BES), a critical remaining challenge is how to move from scientific knowledge to real-world decision making. Weoffer 6 lessons from our experiences applying new approaches and tools for quantifying BES in 20 pilot demonstrations: (1) Applying a BES approach is most effective in leading to policy change as part of an iterative science-policy process; (2) simple ecological production function models have been useful in a diverse set of decision contexts, across a broad range of biophysical, social, and governance systems. Key limitations of simplemodels arise at very small scales, and in predicting specific future BES values
No Restrictions
Peer-reviewed article
Economics, Trade and Incentive Measures
Notes from the field: Lessons learned from using ecosystem service approaches to inform real-world decisions
Ecosystem service values for mangroves in Southeast Asia: A meta-analysis and value transfer application
Brander, L. Et al.
Ecosystem Services
This paper examines the value of ecosystem services provided by mangroves. It presents a meta- analysis of the economic valuation literature and applies the estimated value function to assess the value of mangroves in Southeast Asia. We construct a database containing 130 value estimates, largely for mangroves in Southeast Asia. Values are standardized to US$ per hectare per year in 2007 prices. The mean and median values are found to be 4185 and 239 US$/ha/year respectively. The values of mangrove ecosystem services are highly variable across study sites due to, amongst other factors, the bio-physical characteristics of the site and the socio-economic characteristics of the beneficiaries of ecosystem services.
No Restrictions
Peer-reviewed article
Economics, Trade and Incentive Measures; Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments
Ecosystem service values for mangroves in Southeast Asia: A meta-analysis and value transfer application
Legal Framework for Environmental Licensing
This booklet is one of a series aimed at helping investors do business in Mozambique. It is based on the idea that informed investors can more easily follow the law, and the conviction that the rule of law is the best guarantor of property and of orderly and sustained development.
No Restrictions
Project Document, Project Reports and Evaluations
Legal and Political (Laws, Regulations, Action Plans, Strategies, etc.); Impact Assessment
Legal Framework for Environmental Licensing
Estratégia Nacional de Adaptação e Mitigação de Mudanças Climáticas
O Governo de Moçambique apresenta através deste documento a sua Estratégia Nacional de Adaptação e Mitigação das Mudanças Climáticas (ENAMMC) para o período 2013-2025, que inclui linhas estratégicas e prioritárias a adoptar e implementar nesse período e o plano de acção para 2013-2014.
No Restrictions
Official Government Document
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments
All Protected Areas of Mozambique
Estratégia Nacional de Adaptação e Mitigação de Mudanças Climáticas
Decreto n.º 26/2011 de 15 de Junho: Estatuto Orgânico do Fundo do Ambiente
Biletim da República
No Restrictions
Environmental Impact Assessment, Environmental Management Plans, Biodiversity Counterbalance Plans, and the like
Legal and Political (Laws, Regulations, Action Plans, Strategies, etc.)
Decreto n.º 26/2011 de 15 de Junho: Estatuto Orgânico do Fundo do Ambiente
English Translation of Environment Law Approved 28/7/97
Boletim da República
No Restrictions
Official Government Document
Legal and Political (Laws, Regulations, Action Plans, Strategies, etc.)
All Protected Areas of Mozambique
English Translation of Environment Law Approved 28/7/97
Diploma Ministerial n.º 97/2012: Regulamento de Certificação e Equivalências
Boletim da República
No Restrictions
Official Government Document
Legal and Political (Laws, Regulations, Action Plans, Strategies, etc.)
Diploma Ministerial n.º 97/2012: Regulamento de Certificação e Equivalências
Lei n.º 16/2014 de 20 de Junho: Lei da Conservação da Biodiversidade
Boletim da República
No Restrictions
Official Government Document
Legal and Political (Laws, Regulations, Action Plans, Strategies, etc.)
All Protected Areas of Mozambique
Lei n.º 16/2014 de 20 de Junho: Lei da Conservação da Biodiversidade