The BIOFUND Virtual Library is an online archive of information on Mozambique’s biodiversity, organized along the lines suggested by the Convention on Biodiversity’s Clearing House Mechanism. The Virtual Library will strive to make available all the documents, studies, reports, articles, educational and communications materials, maps and digital files that have been produced, to serve as a repository of our collective institutional memory as a conservation community. The usefulness of the Virtual Library will improve the more we share amongst ourselves. If you have any materials that are not currently part of the Virtual Library, please click on "Add Document" and become a contributor.
Year of Publication
Plano de Maneio do Parque Nacional do Bazaruto – Guião de Implementação Volume 3: ECO-HIDROLOGIA
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity; Coastal Biodiversity
PA Management Document
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments; Protected Areas
Bazaruto Archipelago National Park
Plano de Maneio do Parque Nacional do Bazaruto – Guião de Implementação Volume 3: ECO-HIDROLOGIA
Plano de Maneio do Parque Nacional do Bazaruto – Guião de Implementação Volume 3: DESENVOLVIMENTO DO TURISMO
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity; Coastal Biodiversity
PA Management Document
Protected Areas; Tourism and Biodiversity
Bazaruto Archipelago National Park
Plano de Maneio do Parque Nacional do Bazaruto – Guião de Implementação Volume 3: DESENVOLVIMENTO DO TURISMO
Plano de Maneio do Parque Nacional do Bazaruto – Guião de Implementação Volume 3
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity; Coastal Biodiversity
PA Management Document
Biological and Cultural Diversity; Protected Areas
Bazaruto Archipelago National Park
Plano de Maneio do Parque Nacional do Bazaruto – Guião de Implementação Volume 3
Avaliação Preliminar da Caça Desportiva em Moçambique
Fundação IGF
Todas as Províncias
O presente documento tenciona fazer uma avaliação preliminar do estado actual da caça desportiva em Moçambique. Três países limítrofes de Moçambique onde a actividade cinegética é praticada há várias décadas, nomeadamente a Tanzânia, a Zâmbia e o Zimbabwe são tidos como países de referência dadas as suas similaridades com Moçambique. Sempre que possível comparações com estes três países são feitas.
No Restrictions
Project Document, Project Reports and Evaluations
Economics, Trade and Incentive Measures; Protected Areas; Sustainable Use of Biodiversity; Tourism and Biodiversity
All Protected Areas of Mozambique
Avaliação Preliminar da Caça Desportiva em Moçambique
National Census of Wildlife 2008 – Final Report
Todas as Províncias
The general objective of this Project was to conduct a country-wide wildlife survey and census, to contribute to the preparation of a strategy for the management of wildlife at the national scale, and to the prevention or mitigation of human-wildlife conflicts.
No Restrictions
Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments; Protected Areas; Sustainable Use of Biodiversity
All Protected Areas of Mozambique
National Census of Wildlife 2008 – Final Report
Intermediate Working Document on the Contribution of Tourism Hunting to the Economy in Mozambique
Fundação IGF (Vernon Booth)
Todas as Províncias
The present report is the output of the first phase of a study aiming at assessing the global importance of the tourism hunting in Mozambique. The current first phase is attempting to evaluate the direct contribution of tourism hunting to the economy in the country. The second phase is due to evaluate the indirect values of the tourism hunting with particular reference to the ecosystem services provided by hunting areas throughout the country. The final report is expected to produce a global picture of the importance of the tourism hunting for the country
No Restrictions
Project Document, Project Reports and Evaluations
Economics, Trade and Incentive Measures; Protected Areas; Tourism and Biodiversity
All Protected Areas of Mozambique
Intermediate Working Document on the Contribution of Tourism Hunting to the Economy in Mozambique
Diploma Ministerial n.º 204/2012: Actualiza as taxas e tarifas devidas pelo exercício do turismo contemplativo, a cobrar nos Parques e Reservas Nacionais
Boletim da República
No Restrictions
Official Government Document
Legal and Political (Laws, Regulations, Action Plans, Strategies, etc.); Economics, Trade and Incentive Measures; Protected Areas; Tourism and Biodiversity
All Protected Areas of Mozambique
Diploma Ministerial n.º 204/2012: Actualiza as taxas e tarifas devidas pelo exercício do turismo contemplativo, a cobrar nos Parques e Reservas Nacionais
Decreto n.º 8/2007: Aprova o Regulamento de Armas e Munições e revoga toda legislação contrária à estabelecida no presente decreto
Boletim da República
No Restrictions
Official Government Document
Legal and Political (Laws, Regulations, Action Plans, Strategies, etc.)
Decreto n.º 8/2007: Aprova o Regulamento de Armas e Munições e revoga toda legislação contrária à estabelecida no presente decreto
Effects of different management regimes on mangrove ecosystem services in Java, Indonesia
Van Oudenhoven, A. Et al
Wageningen University (Environmental Systems Analysis Group, Wageningen) Wetlands International (Ede & Bogor)
This report reviews the current state of mangrove ecosystem services and relates their provision to different mangrove management regimes in Java, Indonesia. Based on our findings, decision makers and managers should be able to explore the crucial elements of optimal coastal management, by considering which management purpose will result in the provision of which bundle of ecosystem services.
No Restrictions
Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity
Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations
Biological and Cultural Diversity
Effects of different management regimes on mangrove ecosystem services in Java, Indonesia
Integrating Ecosystem Services in Strategic Environmental Assessment: A guide for practitioners
No Restrictions
Project Document, Project Reports and Evaluations
Biological and Cultural Diversity; Sustainable Use of Biodiversity
Integrating Ecosystem Services in Strategic Environmental Assessment: A guide for practitioners
Towards the Legal Recognition and Governance of Forest Ecosystem Services in Mozambique
Norfolk, S. & Cosijn, M.
The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (Millenium Ecosystem Assessment, 2005 carried out between 2001 and 2005) defined ‘ecosystem services’ as ‘the benefits people obtain from ecosystems’. It identified four categories of ecosystem services, including provisioning, regulating, cultural, and supporting.
No Restrictions
Project Document, Project Reports and Evaluations
Biological and Cultural Diversity
Towards the Legal Recognition and Governance of Forest Ecosystem Services in Mozambique
Nature for People’s Sake Integrating ecosystem services in public decision making
No Restrictions
Biological and Cultural Diversity
Nature for People’s Sake Integrating ecosystem services in public decision making
Study on The Land Use Potential And Carrying Capacity For The Population In the Support Zone of the Limpopo National Park In Mozambique
Rural Consult
According to various international bodies such as the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the World Wildlife Foundation (WWF), and other international, regional and national legislations, the primary purpose of a national park is conservation of natural resources and biodiversity in their areas of jurisdiction, which shall be subject to a technical-scientific management contributing towards resource valuing, taking into account that these territories, sooner or later, will be exposed to a pressure on the use of natural resources and biodiversity, which endanger maintaining of such status.
No Restrictions
Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations
Protected Areas
Limpopo National Park
Study on The Land Use Potential And Carrying Capacity For The Population In the Support Zone of the Limpopo National Park In Mozambique
Estudo do Potencial do Uso de Terra e Capacidade de Carga para a População da Zona de Apoio do Parque Nacional do Limpopo em Moçambique
Rural consult
De acordo com diferentes organismos internacionais, como a União Internacional para a Conservação da Natureza (IUCN), da Fundação Mundial de Fauna Bravia (WWF), e demais legislações internacional, regional e nacional, o objectivo primário de um parque nacional é o da conservação dos recursos naturais e biodiversidade presentes no seu território de jurisdição, os quais deverão ser objecto de uma gestão técnico-científica que concorram para a valorização do recurso, considerando que, estes territórios, mais cedo ou mais tarde, serão expostos a uma pressão sobre a utilização dos recursos naturais e biodiversidade, que periguem a manutenção de tal estatuto.
No Restrictions
Official Government Document
Biological and Cultural Diversity
Limpopo National Park
Estudo do Potencial do Uso de Terra e Capacidade de Carga para a População da Zona de Apoio do Parque Nacional do Limpopo em Moçambique
Plano De Maneio E Desenvolvimento Do Parque Nacional Do Limpopo
Esta primeira edição do Plano de Maneio é de autores múltiplos e esforços colaborativos. A primeira parte contém informação de antecedentes relacionados com o estabelecimento do LNP e são apresentados os maiores aspectos biofísicos e socio-económicos. Depois segue lidando com os varios programas, e cada capitulo inclue guiao principal, objectivos de gestão. Onde são apresentadas apropriadas e visiveis acções e responsabilidades.
No Restrictions
Official Government Document
Biological and Cultural Diversity; Protected Areas
Limpopo National Park
Plano De Maneio E Desenvolvimento Do Parque Nacional Do Limpopo
Potencial Ecoturismo de pequena escala no Parque Nacional do Limpopo – Zona de Apoio Relatório Final
A razão fundamental pela pesquisa sobre o potencial Ecoturismo é a identificação de locais, o valor comercial, a aceitação do mercado e da metodologia para implementar o conceito do ecoturismo comercial na Zona de Apoio do Parque Nacional do Limpopo. Criar um ambiente comercial no fortalecimento das actuais actividades de turismo, mas com maior destaque no aumento das actividades de turismo no futuro para os benefícios finais das comunidades e populações locais dentro da zona de apoio.
No Restrictions
Official Government Document
Economics, Trade and Incentive Measures; Protected Areas; Tourism and Biodiversity
Limpopo National Park
Potencial Ecoturismo de pequena escala no Parque Nacional do Limpopo – Zona de Apoio Relatório Final
Potential small scale Eco-tourism in the Limpopo National Park – Support Zone Final Report
The fundamental reason for the research into the Eco-tourism potential is to identify sites, the commercial value, the market acceptance and the methodology to implement the commercial eco-tourism concept into the Support Zone of the Limpopo National Park. To create a commercial environment on the strength of current tourism activities, but more so on the increased tourism activities in the future for the ultimate benefits of the local communities and their people within the support zone.
No Restrictions
Official Government Document
Economics, Trade and Incentive Measures; Protected Areas; Tourism and Biodiversity
Limpopo National Park
Potential small scale Eco-tourism in the Limpopo National Park – Support Zone Final Report
Study of Soils in the Support Zone of Limpopo National Park (Scale 1:250 000) – Final Report
This study of soils aims to provide information on areas with potential for different types of agricultural use of land resources, in view of the characteristics and suitability of soils at the LNP´s Support Zone, which could facilitate the better planning of use and conservation of these resources. This information will be integrated with other disciplines in the process of Agro-ecological Zoning and integrated analysis of the load capacity of the area under reference
No Restrictions
Official Government Document
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments; Protected Areas
Limpopo National Park
Study of Soils in the Support Zone of Limpopo National Park (Scale 1:250 000) – Final Report
Estudo de Solos da Zona de Apoio do Parque Nacional do Limpopo (Escala 1:250 000) – Relatório Final
O presente estudo de solos visa proporcionar informação sobre áreas com potencial para os diversos tipos de uso agrário dos recursos de terra, na perspectiva das características e aptidão dos seus solos, na Zona de Apoio do PNL, o que poderá facilitar o melhor planeamento do uso e conservação destes recursos. Esta informação será integrada com a de outras disciplinas no processo de Zoneamento Agro-ecológico e análise integrada da capacidade de carga da área aquí em referência.
No Restrictions
Official Government Document
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments
Limpopo National Park
Estudo de Solos da Zona de Apoio do Parque Nacional do Limpopo (Escala 1:250 000) – Relatório Final
Limpopo National Park – MAP 2: Geology
Peace Park Foundation
No Restrictions
Forest Biodiversity; Mountain Biodiversity; Other Terrestrial Biodiversity; Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity
Maps and georeferenced data (images, shp files, etc.)
Protected Areas
Limpopo National Park
Limpopo National Park – MAP 2: Geology
Limpopo National Park – Map
No Restrictions
Forest Biodiversity; Mountain Biodiversity; Other Terrestrial Biodiversity; Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity
PA Management Document
Protected Areas
Limpopo National Park
Limpopo National Park – Map
Great Limpopo Transfrontier Conservation Area (Gltfca): Integrated Livelihoods Diversification Strategy2016 – 2030
The Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park (GLTP) was formally established through an International Treaty signed by the Heads of States for Mozambique, South Africa and Zimbabwe at Xai-Xai, Mozambique in December 2002. The Transfrontier Park comprises three national parks; Parque Nacional do Limpopo (PNL also known as Limpopo National Park or LNP) in Mozambique, the Kruger National Park (KNP) including the Makuleke Contractual Park in South Africa, and the Gonarezhou National Park (GNP) in Zimbabwe. It also includes adjoining areas including Manjinji Pan Sanctuary, the Malipati Safari Area and the Sengwe/ Tshipise Wilderness Corridor in Zimbabwe. The GLTP covers a total of 3,577,144 hectares.
No Restrictions
Forest Biodiversity; Mountain Biodiversity; Other Terrestrial Biodiversity; Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity
Project Document, Project Reports and Evaluations
Protected Areas; Community Use of Biodiversity
Limpopo National Park
Great Limpopo Transfrontier Conservation Area (Gltfca): Integrated Livelihoods Diversification Strategy2016 – 2030
Communication Strategy for the Limpopo National Park
Inglis, R.; Mahumida, A. & Mboweni, A.
Jive Media Africa
The park has identified communications as a key element of its strategy moving forward. A number of broad groups of target audiences were identified, namely park staff, surrounding districts and communities and external audiences including government, NGO’s and visitors. The park requested the development of a strategy around which to structure and improve communications to these groups. Jive Media Africa was contracted to develop the strategy with support of GIZ (German Development Cooperation) on behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
No Restrictions
PA Management Document
Communication and Public Awareness; Protected Areas
Limpopo National Park
Communication Strategy for the Limpopo National Park
Aerial census of the Shingwedzi catchment and Limpopo – Elefantes confluence area of the Parque Nacional do Limpopo in Mozambique
Swanepoel, W.
No full aerial census of Parque Nacionale do Limpopo (Limpopo National Park or PNL) in Mozambique has been conducted. However three surveys have been flown. Two earlier surveys were conducted in the “Sanctuary” area – one was an organized survey conducted by a cooperative international team (Whyte 2004) and a second informal survey (Hofmeyr 2005). Both these surveys were done using the Kruger National Park (KNP) helicopter. In 2006, a fixed wing survey of the Shingwedzi basin was done, using the KNP Cessna 206 (Whyte and Swanepoel 2006).
No Restrictions
Forest Biodiversity; Mountain Biodiversity; Other Terrestrial Biodiversity
Project Document, Project Reports and Evaluations
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments; Protected Areas
Limpopo National Park
Aerial census of the Shingwedzi catchment and Limpopo – Elefantes confluence area of the Parque Nacional do Limpopo in Mozambique
Aerial Survey of Elephant, Other Wildlife and Human Activity in Limpopo National Park and the Southern Extension
Grossmann, F. Et al.
As part of the Pan-African Elephant Aerial Survey (PAEAS), a range wide assessment of savannah elephant populations across Africa, five key elephant population ranges in Mozambique were selected. These sites are estimated to contain > 90% of the countries elephant population. The objective of these surveys was to update the national data base on elephant numbers (including carcasses), distributions and trends using a systematic and scientifically robust method across all sites and within a short survey time window. The aerial surveys used strip samplin methods and adhered to current best practices. The results of these surveys are presented in five technical reports, one for each of the main population ranges.
No Restrictions
Forest Biodiversity; Mountain Biodiversity; Other Terrestrial Biodiversity; Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity
Project Document, Project Reports and Evaluations
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments; Protected Areas
Limpopo National Park
Aerial Survey of Elephant, Other Wildlife and Human Activity in Limpopo National Park and the Southern Extension
Após o Acordo de Paz de Moçambique, em 1992, por recomendação do Conselho de Ministros moçambicano, o Fundo para o Meio Ambiente Mundial, financiou, através do Banco Mundial, estudos de viabilidade que viriam a culminar num conjunto de recomendações contidas num relatório produzido em 1996. A visão, cuja realização há muito se esperava, de ligação dos três parques nacionais, incluindo as áreas intersticiais chave, tornou-se uma realidade com os acordos formais dos Governos de Moçambique, África do sul e Zimbabwe, assinados a 10 de Novembro de 2000, para o estabelecimento do Parque Transfronteiriço do Grande Limpopo (PTGL) e da Área de Conservação do Grande Limpopo.
No Restrictions
PA Management Document
Protected Areas
Limpopo National Park
Parque Nacional do Limpopo – Organograma
No Restrictions
PA Management Document
Protected Areas
Limpopo National Park
Parque Nacional do Limpopo – Organograma
Parque Nacional do Limpopo, Plano Estratégico para a Comercialização do Turismo
O Governo Moçambicano identificou o desenvolvimento do Parque Nacional do Limpopo (PNL), que constitui parte do Parque Transfronteiriço do Grande Limpopo (PTGL) (na sigla em Inglês – GLTP - Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park), como uma prioridade máxima visada a alcançar os objectivos de conservação e a aumentar o turismo na região (consultar o Mapa 1). O Plano Estratégico para a Comercialização do Turismo (na sigla em Inglês - SPTC) foi desenvolvido com a finalidade de apoiar a realização do potencial turístico do PNL.
No Restrictions
Official Government Document
Economics, Trade and Incentive Measures; Protected Areas; Tourism and Biodiversity
Limpopo National Park
Parque Nacional do Limpopo, Plano Estratégico para a Comercialização do Turismo
Limpopo National Park – MAP 6: Land Cover
Peace Parks Foundation
No Restrictions
Forest Biodiversity; Mountain Biodiversity; Other Terrestrial Biodiversity; Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity
Maps and georeferenced data (images, shp files, etc.)
Protected Areas
Limpopo National Park
Limpopo National Park – MAP 6: Land Cover
Limpopo National Park – MAP 3: Soil
Peace Parks Foundation
No Restrictions
Forest Biodiversity; Mountain Biodiversity; Other Terrestrial Biodiversity; Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity
Maps and georeferenced data (images, shp files, etc.)
Protected Areas
Limpopo National Park
Limpopo National Park – MAP 3: Soil
Limpopo National Park – MAP 4: Vegetation
Peace Parks Foundation
No Restrictions
Forest Biodiversity; Mountain Biodiversity; Other Terrestrial Biodiversity; Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity
Maps and georeferenced data (images, shp files, etc.)
Protected Areas
Limpopo National Park
Limpopo National Park – MAP 4: Vegetation
Parque Nacional do Limpopo National Park Business Plan period 2004-2006
Vicente, G. Et al.
This Business Plan is based on the Vision Statement and the related Goals described in the Management Plan of the LNP. The Business Plan analyses the current and future budget of the LNP by comparing operational costs to revenues expected to be generated by the park. Based on this information the Business Plan proposes strategies that may enable the LNP to achieve financial sustainability. This Business Plan covers a three-year period until the termination of the first phase of the KfW financed project. The Business Plan has to be reviewed and updated by the end of 2006. By then changes may be required, in particular with respect to priority settings and strategies that are designed to meet the overall goals and objectives for the LNP.
No Restrictions
Forest Biodiversity; Mountain Biodiversity; Other Terrestrial Biodiversity; Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity
PA Management Document
Economics, Trade and Incentive Measures; Protected Areas
Limpopo National Park
Parque Nacional do Limpopo National Park Business Plan period 2004-2006
PNL Ecological Corridor Feasibility Analysis
Macandza, V. & Ruiz, S.
Ecological corridors are essential for maintaining connectivity at all levels of biological organization, including landscapes, ecosystems, habitats, populations and genes. However, in human-dominated landscapes, such as the buffer zone of the LNP, human land use can result in habitat destruction and fragmentation, hampering wildlife access to water and dry season habitats along the Limpopo River and blocking migration routes to the BNP and areas outside national parks that are important for wildlife populations during the annual cycle.
No Restrictions
Forest Biodiversity; Mountain Biodiversity; Other Terrestrial Biodiversity; Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity
Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations
Biological and Cultural Diversity; Protected Areas; Community Use of Biodiversity
Limpopo National Park
PNL Ecological Corridor Feasibility Analysis
Análise da viabilidade de corredores ecológicos no PNL
Macandza, V. & Ruiz, S.
Corredores ecológicos são essenciais para manter a conectividade a todos os níveis de organização biológica, incluindo paisagens, ecossistemas, habitates, populações e genes. Contudo, em paisagens dominadas pelo homem, tais como a zona tampão do PNL, o uso da terra pelo homem pode resultar na destruição e fragmentação do habitat, dificultando o acesso à água e habitates no rio Limpopo, e bloquear rotas de migração para o PNB e para áreas localizadas fora dos parques nacionais mas são importantes para populações de fauna bravia em diferentes períodos do ano.
No Restrictions
Forest Biodiversity; Mountain Biodiversity; Other Terrestrial Biodiversity; Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity
Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations
Biological and Cultural Diversity; Protected Areas
Limpopo National Park
Análise da viabilidade de corredores ecológicos no PNL
Decreto n.º 42/2009: Cria a Reserva Marinha Parcial da Ponta de Ouro
Boletim da República
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity; Coastal Biodiversity
Official Government Document
Legal and Political (Laws, Regulations, Action Plans, Strategies, etc.); Protected Areas
Ponta do Ouro Partial Marine Reserve
Decreto n.º 42/2009: Cria a Reserva Marinha Parcial da Ponta de Ouro
Contribution of tourism to coastal livelihoods in Ponta do Ouro, southern Mozambique
Come, J.
University of Cape Town
Tourism is increasingly seen as a panacea for the problems of rural areas, especially in developing countries. It is promoted by governments and international development organizations as a vehicle for achieving development, poverty reduction and economic growth. However, tourism has resulted in many unwanted economic, social, cultural and environmental consequences for local communities. Through a case study conducted in Ponta do Ouro, Southern Mozambique, this research sought to investigate the contribution of tourism to coastal livelihoods.
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity; Coastal Biodiversity
Peer-reviewed article
Economics, Trade and Incentive Measures; Tourism and Biodiversity
Ponta do Ouro Partial Marine Reserve
Contribution of tourism to coastal livelihoods in Ponta do Ouro, southern Mozambique
Estudo da ocorrência e estado de conservação da Raphia australis Oberm. Strey na Reserva Botânica de Bobole
Pais, A.
O presente projecto foi realizado na Reserva Botânica de Bobole (RBB) com o objectivo de se conhecer o estado de conservação actual da espécie da Raphia australis. Esta espécie é quasi-endémica em Moçambique e vive associada a diferentes formas de flora e fauna, constituindo habitat, alimentação e ciclagem de nutrientes para várias epífitas, fetos, microfauna e outros seres vivos. R.australis está sob extrema ameaça, em virtude de estar localizada numa zona com um grande potencial agrícola, atraindo as comunidades circunvizinhas a derrubá-la para a prática de agricultura.
No Restrictions
Other Terrestrial Biodiversity
Peer-reviewed article
Threats to Biodiversity
Others National Conservation Areas
Estudo da ocorrência e estado de conservação da Raphia australis Oberm. Strey na Reserva Botânica de Bobole
Eficiência dos tratamentos pré-germinativos para a quebra de dormência de sementes da Raphia australis L
Nhatave, N.
Universidade Pedagógica
O presente trabalho foi realizado com objectivo de avaliar tratamentos pré-germinativos que possam acelerar a germinação de sementes da R. australis.
No Restrictions
Other Terrestrial Biodiversity
Peer-reviewed article
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments
Others National Conservation Areas
Eficiência dos tratamentos pré-germinativos para a quebra de dormência de sementes da Raphia australis L
Análise da influência da prática de agricultura na regeneração e manutenção da espécie Raphia australis na Reserva Botânica de Bobole em Marracuene, província de Maputo
João, F.
Este trabalho foi realizado na Reserva Botânica de Bobole, em Marracuene, província de Maputo com o objectivo de analisar a influência da prática da agricultura na regeneração e manutenção da Raphia australis, bem como a sua importância socío-económica para as comunidades circunvizinhas, de forma a contribuir com informação sobre as práticas agrícolas usadas na reserva, sobre compatibilidade ou não destas no processo de regeneração da espécie.
No Restrictions
Other Terrestrial Biodiversity
Peer-reviewed article
Threats to Biodiversity
Others National Conservation Areas
Análise da influência da prática de agricultura na regeneração e manutenção da espécie Raphia australis na Reserva Botânica de Bobole em Marracuene, província de Maputo
Extinção da Raphia australis Preocupa o CIF
Mocumbi, S. Et al.
O Centro de Investigação Florestal (CIF) do Instituto de Investigação Agrária de Moçambique (IIAM), sensibilizado pela eminente extinção da Raphia australis colheu alguns indivíduos a 11 de Junho de 2009 no seu local de ocorrência no distrito de Marracuene, província de Maputo, para consubstanciar os estudos que visam conserva-la em seu habitat natural ou ex-situ a espécie.