Virtual Library

The BIOFUND Virtual Library is an online archive of information on Mozambique’s biodiversity, organized along the lines suggested by the Convention on Biodiversity’s Clearing House Mechanism. The Virtual Library will strive to make available all the documents, studies, reports, articles, educational and communications materials, maps and digital files that have been produced, to serve as a repository of our collective institutional memory as a conservation community. The usefulness of the Virtual Library will improve the more we share amongst ourselves. If you have any materials that are not currently part of the Virtual Library, please click on "Add Document" and become a contributor.





Year of Publication




Type of Biodiversity

Protected Areas

Title Author Year of Publication
Perfil Ambiental e Mapeamento do Uso Actual da Terra nos Distritos da Zona Costeira de Moçambique – Distrito de NicoadalaImpacto2012



O presente perfil inventaria os componentes e os processos ambientais do Distrito de Nicoadala que são mais relevantes para o ordenamento territorial e planificação do uso sustentável da terra e dos recursos naturais no distrito.


No Restrictions


Official Government Document

Legal and Political (Laws, Regulations, Action Plans, Strategies, etc.);
Biological and Cultural Diversity


Perfil Ambiental e Mapeamento do Uso Actual da Terra nos Distritos da Zona Costeira de Moçambique – Distrito de Nicoadala
Perfil Ambiental e Mapeamento do Uso Actual da Terra nos Distritos da Zona Costeira de Moçambique – Distrito de NamacurraImpacto2012



O presente perfil inventaria os componentes e os processos ambientais do Distrito de Namacurra que são mais relevantes para o ordenamento territorial e planificação do uso sustentável da terra e dos recursos naturais no distrito.


No Restrictions


Official Government Document

Legal and Political (Laws, Regulations, Action Plans, Strategies, etc.);
Biological and Cultural Diversity


Perfil Ambiental e Mapeamento do Uso Actual da Terra nos Distritos da Zona Costeira de Moçambique – Distrito de Namacurra
Perfil Ambiental e Mapeamento do Uso Actual da Terra nos Distritos da Zona Costeira de Moçambique – Distrito de Maganja da CostaImpacto2012



O presente perfil inventaria os componentes e os processos ambientais do Distrito da Maganja da Costa que são mais relevantes para o ordenamento territorial e planificação do uso sustentável da terra e dos recursos naturais no distrito.


No Restrictions


Official Government Document

Legal and Political (Laws, Regulations, Action Plans, Strategies, etc.);
Biological and Cultural Diversity


Perfil Ambiental e Mapeamento do Uso Actual da Terra nos Distritos da Zona Costeira de Moçambique – Distrito de Maganja da Costa
Perfil Ambiental e Mapeamento do Uso Actual da Terra nos Distritos da Zona Costeira de Moçambique – Distrito de InhassungeImpacto2012



O presente perfil inventaria os componentes e os processos ambientais do Distrito de Inhassunge, que são mais relevantes para o ordenamento territorial e planificação do uso sustentável da terra e dos recursos naturais no distrito.


No Restrictions


Official Government Document

Legal and Political (Laws, Regulations, Action Plans, Strategies, etc.);
Biological and Cultural Diversity


Perfil Ambiental e Mapeamento do Uso Actual da Terra nos Distritos da Zona Costeira de Moçambique – Distrito de Inhassunge
Perfil Ambiental e Mapeamento do Uso Actual da Terra nos Distritos da Zona Costeira de Moçambique – Distrito de MuanzaImpacto2012



O presente perfil inventaria os componentes e os processos ambientais do Distrito de Muanza que são mais relevantes para o ordenamento territorial e planificação do uso sustentável da terra e dos recursos naturais no distrito.


No Restrictions


Official Government Document

Legal and Political (Laws, Regulations, Action Plans, Strategies, etc.);
Biological and Cultural Diversity


Perfil Ambiental e Mapeamento do Uso Actual da Terra nos Distritos da Zona Costeira de Moçambique – Distrito de Muanza
Perfil Ambiental e Mapeamento do Uso Actual da Terra nos Distritos da Zona Costeira de Moçambique – Distrito de MarromeuImpacto2012



O presente perfil inventaria os componentes e os processos ambientais do Distrito de Marromeu que são mais relevantes para o ordenamento territorial e planificação do uso sustentável da terra e dos recursos naturais no distrito.


No Restrictions

Marine Biodiversity;
Coastal Biodiversity

Official Government Document

Legal and Political (Laws, Regulations, Action Plans, Strategies, etc.)


Perfil Ambiental e Mapeamento do Uso Actual da Terra nos Distritos da Zona Costeira de Moçambique – Distrito de Marromeu
Perfil Ambiental e Mapeamento do Uso Actual da Terra nos Distritos da Zona Costeira de Moçambique – Distrito de MachangaImpacto2012



O presente perfil inventaria os componentes e os processos ambientais do Distrito de Machanga que são mais relevantes para o ordenamento territorial e planificação do uso sustentável da terra e dos recursos naturais no distrito.


No Restrictions

Marine Biodiversity;
Coastal Biodiversity

Official Government Document

Legal and Political (Laws, Regulations, Action Plans, Strategies, etc.)


Perfil Ambiental e Mapeamento do Uso Actual da Terra nos Distritos da Zona Costeira de Moçambique – Distrito de Machanga
Perfil Ambiental e Mapeamento do Uso Actual da Terra nos Distritos da Zona Costeira de Moçambique – Distrito do DondoImpacto2012



O presente perfil inventaria os componentes e os processos ambientais do Distrito do Dondo que são mais relevantes para o ordenamento territorial e planificação do uso sustentável da terra e dos recursos naturais no distrito.


No Restrictions

Marine Biodiversity;
Coastal Biodiversity

Official Government Document

Legal and Political (Laws, Regulations, Action Plans, Strategies, etc.)


Perfil Ambiental e Mapeamento do Uso Actual da Terra nos Distritos da Zona Costeira de Moçambique – Distrito do Dondo
Perfil Ambiental e Mapeamento do Uso Actual da Terra nos Distritos da Zona Costeira de Moçambique – Distrito de MossurilImpacto2012



O presente perfil inventaria os componentes e os processos ambientais do Distrito de Mossuril que são mais relevantes para o ordenamento territorial e planificação do uso sustentável da terra e dos recursos naturais no distrito.


No Restrictions


Official Government Document

Legal and Political (Laws, Regulations, Action Plans, Strategies, etc.);
Biological and Cultural Diversity


Perfil Ambiental e Mapeamento do Uso Actual da Terra nos Distritos da Zona Costeira de Moçambique – Distrito de Mossuril
Perfil Ambiental e Mapeamento do Uso Actual da Terra nos Distritos da Zona Costeira de Moçambique – Distrito de MomaImpacto2012



O presente perfil inventaria os componentes e os processos ambientais do Distrito de Moma que são mais relevantes para o ordenamento territorial e a planificação do uso sustentável da terra e dos recursos naturais no distrito.


No Restrictions


Official Government Document

Legal and Political (Laws, Regulations, Action Plans, Strategies, etc.);
Biological and Cultural Diversity


Perfil Ambiental e Mapeamento do Uso Actual da Terra nos Distritos da Zona Costeira de Moçambique – Distrito de Moma
Perfil Ambiental e Mapeamento do Uso Actual da Terra nos Distritos da Zona Costeira de Moçambique – Distrito de Nacala-a-VelhaImpacto2012



O presente perfil inventaria os componentes e os processos ambientais do Distrito de Nacalaa- Velha, considerados mais relevantes para o ordenamento territorial e planificação do uso sustentável da terra e dos recursos naturais no distrito.


No Restrictions


Official Government Document

Legal and Political (Laws, Regulations, Action Plans, Strategies, etc.);
Biological and Cultural Diversity


Perfil Ambiental e Mapeamento do Uso Actual da Terra nos Distritos da Zona Costeira de Moçambique – Distrito de Nacala-a-Velha
Perfil Ambiental e Mapeamento do Uso Actual da Terra nos Distritos da Zona Costeira de Moçambique – Distrito de ChiúreImpacto2012

Cabo Delgado


O presente perfil inventaria os componentes e os processos ambientais do Distrito de Chiúre que sejam mais relevantes para o ordenamento territorial e planificação do uso sustentável da terra e dos recursos naturais no distrito.


No Restrictions


Official Government Document

Legal and Political (Laws, Regulations, Action Plans, Strategies, etc.);
Biological and Cultural Diversity


Perfil Ambiental e Mapeamento do Uso Actual da Terra nos Distritos da Zona Costeira de Moçambique – Distrito de Chiúre
Perfil Ambiental e Mapeamento do Uso Actual da Terra nos Distritos da Zona Costeira de Moçambique – Distrito de Mocimboa da PraiaImpacto2012

Cabo Delgado


O presente perfil inventaria os componentes e os processos ambientais do Distrito de Mocímboa da Praia que sejam mais relevantes para o ordenamento territorial e planificação do uso sustentável da terra e dos recursos naturais no distrito.


No Restrictions


Official Government Document

Legal and Political (Laws, Regulations, Action Plans, Strategies, etc.);
Biological and Cultural Diversity


Perfil Ambiental e Mapeamento do Uso Actual da Terra nos Distritos da Zona Costeira de Moçambique – Distrito de Mocimboa da Praia
Perfil Ambiental e Mapeamento do Uso Actual da Terra nos Distritos da Zona Costeira de Moçambique – Distrito do IboImpacto2012

Cabo Delgado


O presente perfil inventaria os componentes e os processos ambientais do Distrito do Ibo considerados mais relevantes para o ordenamento territorial e planificação do uso sustentável da terra e dos recursos naturais no distrito.


No Restrictions


Official Government Document

Legal and Political (Laws, Regulations, Action Plans, Strategies, etc.);
Biological and Cultural Diversity


Perfil Ambiental e Mapeamento do Uso Actual da Terra nos Distritos da Zona Costeira de Moçambique – Distrito do Ibo
Perfil Ambiental e Mapeamento do Uso Actual da Terra nos Distritos da Zona Costeira de Moçambique – Distrito de MecufiImpacto2012

Cabo Delgado


O presente perfil inventaria os componentes e os processos ambientais do Distrito de Mecúfi que são mais relevantes para o ordenamento territorial e planificação do uso sustentável da terra e dos recursos naturais no distrito.


No Restrictions


Official Government Document

Legal and Political (Laws, Regulations, Action Plans, Strategies, etc.);
Biological and Cultural Diversity


Perfil Ambiental e Mapeamento do Uso Actual da Terra nos Distritos da Zona Costeira de Moçambique – Distrito de Mecufi
Perfil Ambiental e Mapeamento do Uso Actual da Terra nos Distritos da Zona Costeira de Moçambique – Distrito de PalmaImpacto2012

Cabo Delgado


O presente perfil inventaria os componentes e os processos ambientais do Distrito de Palma que são mais relevantes para o ordenamento territorial e planificação do uso sustentável da terra e dos recursos naturais no distrito.


No Restrictions


Official Government Document

Legal and Political (Laws, Regulations, Action Plans, Strategies, etc.);
Biological and Cultural Diversity


Perfil Ambiental e Mapeamento do Uso Actual da Terra nos Distritos da Zona Costeira de Moçambique – Distrito de Palma
Field Identification Guide of the Prebranchial Appendages (Gill Plates) of Mobulid Rays for Law Enforcement and Trade Monitoring ApplicationsStevens, G.Sd



No Restrictions

Marine Biodiversity

General Information

Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments


Field Identification Guide of the Prebranchial Appendages (Gill Plates) of Mobulid Rays for Law Enforcement and Trade Monitoring Applications
Biofuel developments in Mozambique. Update and analysis of policy, potential and realitySchutt, M.; Slingerland, M. & Locke, A.2010



No Restrictions


Peer-reviewed article

Legal and Political (Laws, Regulations, Action Plans, Strategies, etc.)


Biofuel developments in Mozambique. Update and analysis of policy, potential and reality
Mozambique – Political Dynamics, Regulatory Outlook and Infrastructure RisksBesseling, R.2013


Hugely promising natural gas exploration success rates off Mozambique have generated expectations of escalating investment in the country in the coming years. Robert Besseling examines the most significant political challenges to the development of the natural gas sector in Mozambique. Political in-fighting and distractions are likely to stall the formulation of a legislative framework for the sector, motivate the renegotiation of existing contracts and delay the necessary development of LNG infrastructure. In order to mitigate risks, investing companies will become more dependent on local partnerships with the political elite.


No Restrictions


Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations

Economics, Trade and Incentive Measures;
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments


Mozambique – Political Dynamics, Regulatory Outlook and Infrastructure Risks
Economia Extractiva e Desafios de Industrialização: para além de rendas dos recursos naturaisCastel-Branco, C.2013




No Restrictions



Economics, Trade and Incentive Measures


Economia Extractiva e Desafios de Industrialização: para além de rendas dos recursos naturais
Handbook for Sandfish farmingReCoMaPSd


This handbook aims to disseminate the approach employed by project partners, in a ReCoMaP funded project, to develop sea cucumber farming as an alternative livelihood for vezo fishers, a marginalised coastal population, in south-west Madagascar. It is designed to raise awareness, among future stakeholders, of the factors that can affect the viability of the activity.


No Restrictions

Marine Biodiversity;
Coastal Biodiversity

Project Document, Project Reports and Evaluations

Biological and Cultural Diversity


Handbook for Sandfish farming
Governance in Norwegian Petroleum-Related AssistanceMcCourt, E.2010



This thesis aims to provide a contribution to the discussion of Norway’s role in petroleum-related assistance to developing countries. The thesis will focus on the aspect of governance in this type of development assistance, based on the premise that the qualified version of governance, namely good governance, is a prerequisite for avoiding the resource curse.


No Restrictions


Peer-reviewed article

Legal and Political (Laws, Regulations, Action Plans, Strategies, etc.)


Governance in Norwegian Petroleum-Related Assistance
Gender and Poverty in MozambiqueCMI BRIEF2010


Gender equality and women’s empowerment are high on the government and donor agendas in Sub-Saharan Africa, but have largely failed to have an impact. Rather than ‘mainstreaming’ gender, more attention to the variations in the position of women is necessary. In a series of three studies on gender policies and the feminisation of poverty in Mozambique, significant differences were found between the north and the south as well as between rural and urban areas. Such variations are essential to understand in order to design relevant policies and interventions for improving the conditions for women in the country.


No Restrictions


General Information

Gender and Biodiversity


Gender and Poverty in Mozambique
Gas for development or just for money?Hanlon, J. & Nuvunga, A.2015


Centro de Integridade Pública

Mozambique’s gas can be used to promote industrialisation and rural development, but only if key choices are made now. Current priorities are for export based mega-projects promising high revenues, but like past mega-projects doing little to create jobs or reduce poverty. Mega-projects costing tens of billions of dollars are essential, but the Council of Ministers can instruct that negotiations give a higher priority to using the gas to create a domestic industry and jobs, even if it reduces short term income.


No Restrictions



Legal and Political (Laws, Regulations, Action Plans, Strategies, etc.)


Gas for development or just for money?
Few Data But Many Fish: Marine Small-Scale Fisheries Catches for Mozambique and TanzaniaJacquet, J. Et al.2008


The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) fi sheries landings data, which are fed by national statistics, have served as the primary tool for many global and regional fi sheries studies, and are used to determine fi sh consumption, the value of fi sheries to national economies, and the amount of surplus fi sheries production.


No Restrictions

Marine Biodiversity;
Coastal Biodiversity

Project Document, Project Reports and Evaluations

Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments


Few Data But Many Fish: Marine Small-Scale Fisheries Catches for Mozambique and Tanzania
Estratégia Ambiental para o Desenvolvimento SustentávelMICOA2007



Moçambique aspira um desenvolvimento sócio-económico que lhe permita ter uma população saudável, capacitada e activa, financeiramente estável e com uma atitude positiva para com ela própria, com o seu país e com a humanidade. Para que Moçambique alcance estes objectivos, deverá compatibilizar o processo de planificação do seu desenvolvimento sócio-económico, com uma Estratégia Ambiental Nacional, baseada no conceito de Desenvolvimento Sustentável.


No Restrictions


Official Government Document

Legal and Political (Laws, Regulations, Action Plans, Strategies, etc.)


Estratégia Ambiental para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável
Exposing the Hydra: The growing role of Vietnamese syndicates in ivory traffickingEnvironmental Investigation AgencySd


Despite being the focus of numerous investigations and exposés regarding the country’s role in the international illegal wildlife trade, Vietnam continues to be a primary hub for ivory trafficking.


No Restrictions

Forest Biodiversity;
Other Terrestrial Biodiversity

Project Document, Project Reports and Evaluations

Threats to Biodiversity

All Protected Areas of Mozambique

Exposing the Hydra: The growing role of Vietnamese syndicates in ivory trafficking
An Economic Analysis of Natural Resources Sustainability in Mozambique FisheriesEide, A.2004

Cabo Delgado;
Maputo (cidade);

World Bank

Mozambican fisheries are characterized by vast varieties of environmental conditions, catch technologies, ownerships and market structures. Fisheries take place in freshwater lakes, dams and rivers, brackish water, mangrove forests and other coastal areas, or in open ocean waters on the continental shelf and pelagically. The diversity of habitats include coral reefs and rocky bottom in the narrow shelf zones, the soft bottom of the Sofala Bank and the deeper areas on the continental slope.


No Restrictions

Marine Biodiversity;
Coastal Biodiversity

Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations

Economics, Trade and Incentive Measures


An Economic Analysis of Natural Resources Sustainability in Mozambique Fisheries
Realizações do Sector das Pescas 2005 / 2013Ministério das pescas2013

Cabo Delgado;
Maputo (cidade);


No Restrictions

Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity;
Marine Biodiversity;
Coastal Biodiversity


Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments

Quirimbas National Park;
Bazaruto Archipelago National Park;
Ponta do Ouro Partial Marine Reserve;
Cabo de São Sebastião Total Protection Zone;
Inhaca Biological Reserve;
Tchuma Tchato Community Reserve

Realizações do Sector das Pescas 2005 / 2013
Environmental impact assessment for shallow Water seismic survey & exploration drilling in Rovuma area 1 – Volume 3 Specialist StudiesJASCO Research Ltd.2008

Cabo Delgado

Anadarko Moçambique Área 1, Lda, along with partner Empresa Nacional de Hidrocarbonetos, EP, has proposed to undertake shallow water seismic surveys in Rovuma Offshore Area 1, offshore of theMozambique coast. This block is located approximately 100 km north of Pemba and extends to the national border with Tanzania. The survey would take place during the second and third quarters of 2009.For the survey under consideration in this report, the project area is bounded to the west by the shoreline and to the east by a line joining the most easterly points of the 200 m depth contour.


No Restrictions

Marine Biodiversity;
Coastal Biodiversity

Impact Assessment


Environmental impact assessment for shallow Water seismic survey & exploration drilling in Rovuma area 1 – Volume 3 Specialist Studies
Environmental impact assessment for shallow Water seismic survey & exploration drilling in Rovuma area 1 – Volume 2 – Part B Environmental Management Plan (EMP)IMPACTO2008

Cabo Delgado

The present Environmental Management Plan (EMP) contains directives for implementing the mitigation measures associated with the environmental impacts resulting from the seismic surveys and exploration drilling of wells in shallow waters - less than 50m for seismic and less than 200m in depth for drilling to be undertaken by Anadarko Moçambique Área 1, Lda (AMA1) in Rovuma Offshore Area 1.


No Restrictions

Marine Biodiversity;
Coastal Biodiversity

Environmental Impact Assessment, Environmental Management Plans, Biodiversity Counterbalance Plans, and the like

Impact Assessment


Environmental impact assessment for shallow Water seismic survey & exploration drilling in Rovuma area 1 – Volume 2 – Part B Environmental Management Plan (EMP)
Strategy and Action Plan for the Conservation of Biological Diversity in Mozambique 2003 – 2010Liphola, A.2008



This presentation aims to share some basic and relevant information on NBSAP focusing on what has been done and what is being done in Mozambique pertaining to NBSAP, and underlying the major challenges as well as to stress significant gains on this important area of national development.


No Restrictions



Legal and Political (Laws, Regulations, Action Plans, Strategies, etc.)


Strategy and Action Plan for the Conservation of Biological Diversity in Mozambique 2003 – 2010
Coastal Aquaculture Surveying Quirimbas National ParkInstituto Nacional de Investigação Pesqueira2003

Cabo Delgado


This initial study covered the coast of Ibo Island and the west coast of Matemo Island north of Ibo. The surveying on bivalve distribution with particular interest on oysters was extended to the northwest coast of Quilaluia Island and the canals within the Quirimbas Islands.


No Restrictions

Marine Biodiversity

Official Government Document

Legal and Political (Laws, Regulations, Action Plans, Strategies, etc.);
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments

Quirimbas National Park

Coastal Aquaculture Surveying Quirimbas National Park
Terceiro Relatório Nacional da Convenção sobre Diversidade BiológicaMICOA2006



O Terceiro Relatório Nacional da Convenção sobre Diversidade Biológica foi elaborado pela Unidade de Biodiversidade sob coordenação do MICOA com activa participação de intervenientes dos sectores público e privado bem como das organizações não-governamentais, e pretende apresentar os resultados reais resultantes da adopção de políticas, estratégias e planos relacionados com a implementação nacional da Convenção sobre Diversidade Biológica no período 2002-2005.


No Restrictions


Official Government Document

Legal and Political (Laws, Regulations, Action Plans, Strategies, etc.);
Biological and Cultural Diversity

All Protected Areas of Mozambique

Terceiro Relatório Nacional da Convenção sobre Diversidade Biológica
Fifth National Report on the Implementation of Convention on Biological Diversity in MOZAMBIQUEMICOA2014


Ministry for the Coordination of Environmental Affairs

Adopted in May 1992 by 156 countries, the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) aims to promote the conservation of biological diversity; sustainable use of its components and equitable sharing in the use of genetic resources. Mozambique ratified the CBD in August 1994, through Resolution 2/94 of 24 August. Under Article 6 of the CBD, Parties are encouraged to develop a National Strategy and Action Plan for the Conservation of Biodiversity (NBSAP), a document that works as the global and national framework for implementing the Convention's objectives, the promotion of conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.


No Restrictions


Official Government Document

Legal and Political (Laws, Regulations, Action Plans, Strategies, etc.)

All Protected Areas of Mozambique

Fifth National Report on the Implementation of Convention on Biological Diversity in MOZAMBIQUE
Shallow Water Farming of Marine Organisms, in Particular Bivalves, in Quirimbas National Park, MozambiqueJensen, K.2006



Shellfish collected from local intertidal and shallow subtidal areas in the coastal zone form an important dietary component in many developing countries, especially in the tropics. Increased population pressure, whether from increased birth rates or migration, usually leads to increased pressure on such open access resources. This report summarizes some of the available literature, especially from eastern Africa and from other developing countries in the tropics.


No Restrictions

Marine Biodiversity;
Coastal Biodiversity

Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations

Sustainable Use of Biodiversity;
Community Use of Biodiversity

Quirimbas National Park

Shallow Water Farming of Marine Organisms, in Particular Bivalves, in Quirimbas National Park, Mozambique
Biofuels, land access and rural livelihoods in MozambiqueNhantumbo, I. & Salomão, A.2010

Cabo Delgado;

This report documents how the spread of biofuels is affecting land access for poorer groups in Mozambique, and what actions are being taken, successfully and unsuccessfully, to secure land access for poorer groups. To the extent possible given the recent nature of the biofuels boom in Mozambique, the report also assesses the early impacts of a few biofuels projects. The report is based on a review of existing documentation, on multi-stakeholder interviews and on case studies of three biofuels projects. The aim is to feed into debates on biofuels both nationally and internationally.


No Restrictions


Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations

Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments;
Threats to Biodiversity


Biofuels, land access and rural livelihoods in Mozambique
Size and structure of a photographically identified population of manta rays Manta alfredi in southern MozambiqueMarshall, A.; Dudgeon, C. & Bennett, M.2011

Maputo (cidade);

Mar Biol

The size and structure of a photographically identified population of reef manta ray, Manta alfredi, were examined at aggregation sites over a four-year period in southern Mozambique. The use and standardisation of photo-ID techniques was examined as a minimally-intrusive means to study this species. Using these techniques, we report on the size, structure and seasonality of this population of M. alfredi. In total, 449 individuals were identified during this time period, 40.5% of which were re-sighted on at least one occasion. The longest period between re-sighting events was 1,252 days.


No Restrictions

Marine Biodiversity

Peer-reviewed article

Biological and Cultural Diversity

Bazaruto Archipelago National Park;
Ponta do Ouro Partial Marine Reserve;
Cabo de São Sebastião Total Protection Zone;
Inhaca Biological Reserve

Size and structure of a photographically identified population of manta rays Manta alfredi in southern Mozambique
Aerial CensusSurvey of Marine Mammalsand Sea Turtleswithin the Rovuma Concession Block and Parque Nacional Quirimbas, MozambiqueCSA International, Inc.2007

Cabo Delgado

This report provides a description of field survey methods and a presentation of the results, including a chronology of events. Distributions and densities of marine mammals and turtles sighted during the survey also are presented and discussed.


No Restrictions

Marine Biodiversity;
Coastal Biodiversity

Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations

Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments

Quirimbas National Park

Aerial CensusSurvey of Marine Mammalsand Sea Turtleswithin the Rovuma Concession Block and Parque Nacional Quirimbas, Mozambique
Report on Fish Monitoring in Quirimbas National Park September 2004 to September 2005: Evaluation of fish Population within Matemo, Quilalea and Ibo SanctuariesCosta, A.2006

Cabo Delgado


This work presents the results of the first survey of the fish population inside sanctuaries and adjacent fished area after closure, aiming to provide a baseline in the future. This study was carried out as part of the strategies to recover the declining fish stock population in Quirimbas National Park.


No Restrictions

Marine Biodiversity

Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations

Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments

Quirimbas National Park

Report on Fish Monitoring in Quirimbas National Park September 2004 to September 2005: Evaluation of fish Population within Matemo, Quilalea and Ibo Sanctuaries
1 30 31 32 33 34 63 Total Documents: 2488