Virtual Library

The BIOFUND Virtual Library is an online archive of information on Mozambique’s biodiversity, organized along the lines suggested by the Convention on Biodiversity’s Clearing House Mechanism. The Virtual Library will strive to make available all the documents, studies, reports, articles, educational and communications materials, maps and digital files that have been produced, to serve as a repository of our collective institutional memory as a conservation community. The usefulness of the Virtual Library will improve the more we share amongst ourselves. If you have any materials that are not currently part of the Virtual Library, please click on "Add Document" and become a contributor.





Year of Publication




Type of Biodiversity

Protected Areas

Title Author Year of Publication
Manual de Educação Ambiental para as áreas de conservação Aplicado ao Parque Nacional do LimpopoMwitu, J.A/D


O presente Manual, pretende ser mais um instrumento de apoio para aprendizagem de questões Ambientais, particularmente as ligadas ao Parque Nacional do Limpopo. O mesmo destina-se principalmente às comunidades localizadas na Zona Tampão do Parque, bem como aos professores e demais interessados dessas zonas e de fora.


No Restrictions

Forest Biodiversity;
Mountain Biodiversity;
Other Terrestrial Biodiversity;
Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity

Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations

Environmental Education;
Protected Areas

Limpopo National Park

Manual de Educação Ambiental para as áreas de conservação Aplicado ao Parque Nacional do Limpopo
Sínteses das Discussões e Recomendações da Auscultação Feita na Comunidade da Proposta de Plano de Maneio da Área de Proteção Ambiental das Ilhas Primeiras e Segundas nas províncias de Zambézia e NampulaANAC2015


A presente síntese é elaborada como forma de reportar os assuntos discutidos que se seguiam após apresentação da Proposta de Plano de Maneio para a Área de Proteção Ambiental das Ilhas Primeira e Segundas (PPM APA I&II). Em geral e quando as condições assim permitiam era feita uma apresentação através do uso de Power Point (em anexo). Nas comunidades os encontros eram feitos de forma oral com uso de tradução (em Coty ou em Macua).


No Restrictions

Marine Biodiversity;
Coastal Biodiversity

Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations

Protected Areas;
Community Use of Biodiversity

Primeiras e Segundas Islands Environmental Protection Area

Sínteses das Discussões e Recomendações da Auscultação Feita na Comunidade da Proposta de Plano de Maneio da Área de Proteção Ambiental das Ilhas Primeiras e Segundas nas províncias de Zambézia e Nampula
Sínteses das Discussões e Recomendações da Auscultação Feita na Comunidade da Proposta de Plano de Maneio da Área de Proteção Ambiental das Ilhas Primeiras e Segundas nas províncias de Zambézia e NampulaANAC2015


A presente síntese é elaborada como forma de reportar os assuntos discutidos que se seguiam após apresentação da Proposta de Plano de Maneio para a Área de Proteção Ambiental das Ilhas Primeira e Segundas (PPM APA I&II). Em geral e quando as condições assim permitiam era feita uma apresentação através do uso de Power Point (em anexo). Nas comunidades os encontros eram feitos de forma oral com uso de tradução (em Coty ou em Macua).


No Restrictions

Marine Biodiversity;
Coastal Biodiversity

Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations

Protected Areas;
Community Use of Biodiversity

Primeiras e Segundas Islands Environmental Protection Area

Sínteses das Discussões e Recomendações da Auscultação Feita na Comunidade da Proposta de Plano de Maneio da Área de Proteção Ambiental das Ilhas Primeiras e Segundas nas províncias de Zambézia e Nampula
Plano de Maneio do Parque Nacional do Arquipélago do Bazaruto 2008-2012 Volume 1DNAC2008


Este Plano de Maneio do Parque Nacional do Bazaruto foi orientado por 8 estudos de especialidade nomeadamente: 1) Estudo para o Desenvolvimento Turístico; 2) Estudo Eco-hidrológico; 3) Estudo de enquadramento legal e regulamentos; 4) Estudo dos aspectos sócio-económicos dos habitantes; 5) Estudo de Recursos Pesqueiros e estado das Pescarias; 6) Estudo da Ecologia Marinha; 7) Estudo de Pesca Desportiva e; 8) Plano de Negócios. Estes estudos constituem o Volume 2 do Plano de Maneio


No Restrictions

Marine Biodiversity;
Coastal Biodiversity

PA Management Document

Biological and Cultural Diversity;
Protected Areas;
Sustainable Use of Biodiversity

Bazaruto Archipelago National Park

Plano de Maneio do Parque Nacional do Arquipélago do Bazaruto 2008-2012 Volume 1
Plano de Maneio do Parque Nacional do Arquipélago do Bazaruto 2009-2013 Estudos de Especialidade – Vol. 2MITUR2009


Este Plano de Maneio do Parque Nacional do Bazaruto foi orientado por 7 estudos de especialidade nomeadamente: 1) Estudo para o Desenvolvimento Turístico; 2) Estudo Eco-hidrológico e Maneio dos Recursos Terrestres; 3) Estudo de Recursos Pesqueiros e estado das Pescarias 4) Estudo da Ecologia Marinha; 5) Estudo dos aspectos socio-económicos dos habitantes; 6) Estudo de enquadramento legal e regulamentos; e 7) Estudo e Elaboração do Plano de Negócios.


No Restrictions

Marine Biodiversity;
Coastal Biodiversity

PA Management Document

Biological and Cultural Diversity;
Protected Areas

Bazaruto Archipelago National Park

Plano de Maneio do Parque Nacional do Arquipélago do Bazaruto 2009-2013 Estudos de Especialidade – Vol. 2
Soil organic carbon stocks in the Limpopo National Park, Mozambique: Amount, spatial distribution and uncertaintyCambule, A. Et al.2013



Many areas in sub-Saharan African are data-poor and poorly accessible. The estimation of soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks in these areas will have to rely on the limited available secondary data coupled with restricted field sampling. We assessed the total SOC stock, its spatial variation and the causes of this variation in Limpopo National Park (LNP), a data-poor and poorly accessible area in southwesternMozambique. During a field survey, A-horizon thickness was measured and soil samples were taken for the determination of SOC concentrations. SOC concentrations were multiplied by soil bulk density and A-horizon thickness to estimate SOC stocks.


No Restrictions

Forest Biodiversity;
Mountain Biodiversity;
Other Terrestrial Biodiversity

Peer-reviewed article

Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments;
Protected Areas

Limpopo National Park

Soil organic carbon stocks in the Limpopo National Park, Mozambique: Amount, spatial distribution and uncertainty
Preliminary report on the status of lions in the Mozambican component of the Greater Limpopo Lion Conservation UnitEveratt, K. & Andresen, L.2015



This project began with an initial investigation of lion status in Limpopo National Park during 2011-2012. We identified a small but critically important lion population existing under considerable human impact (Everatt et al., 2014). We have since expanded this project and are taking a landscape-scale approach to identify the conservation actions required to ensure the growth and persistence of the regional lion (meta-) population while simultaneously providing the necessary information to improve the conservation prospects for the lions of Limpopo.


No Restrictions

Other Terrestrial Biodiversity

Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations

Biological and Cultural Diversity;
Protected Areas;
Threats to Biodiversity

Limpopo National Park;
Transfrontier Conservation Areas

Preliminary report on the status of lions in the Mozambican component of the Greater Limpopo Lion Conservation Unit
Parque Nacional do Limpopo AERIAL WILDLIFE CENSUSWildlife Management Services2010


Boma Helicopters of Grahamstown were contacted by staff of the Parque Nacionale do Limpopo to do a helicopter and/or a fixed wing aircraft wildlife survey of the Park. Previously there has been no complete aerial census of Parque Nacionale do Limpopo (Limpopo National Park or PNL) in Mozambique. Three partial surveys were conducted prior to this survey, two in the south western region (Whyte 2004, Hofmeyr 2005) and a fixed wing survey of the Shingwedzi Basin using the Kruger National Park Cessna 206 (Whyte & Swanepoel 2006).


No Restrictions

Forest Biodiversity;
Mountain Biodiversity;
Other Terrestrial Biodiversity;
Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity

Project Document, Project Reports and Evaluations

Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments;
Protected Areas

Limpopo National Park

Parque Nacional do Limpopo AERIAL WILDLIFE CENSUS
Avaliação Ambiental Estratégica do Zoneamento (Plano de Gestão e Desenvolvimento) do Parque Nacional do Limpopo – Vol. IIIMICOA2005


O presente trabalho foi realizado com vista a maximizar a integração dos aspectos ambientais no Zoneamento que faz parte do Plano de Gestão e Desenvolvimento do Parque Nacional do Limpopo (PNL), produzido em Fevereiro de 2003, minimizando, assim, os potenciais impactos negativos das actividades que o plano irá imprimir e/ou dinamizar.


No Restrictions

Forest Biodiversity;
Mountain Biodiversity;
Other Terrestrial Biodiversity;
Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity

Official Government Document

Impact Assessment;
Protected Areas

Limpopo National Park

Avaliação Ambiental Estratégica do Zoneamento (Plano de Gestão e Desenvolvimento) do Parque Nacional do Limpopo – Vol. III
Avaliação Ambiental Estratégica do Zoneamento (Plano de Gestão e Desenvolvimento) do Parque Nacional do Limpopo – Vol. IIMICOA2005


O Zoneamento aquí apresentado, bem como as actividades e infra-estruturas a serem desenvolvidas e/ou erguidas por cada zona, fazem parte do Plano de Gestão e Desenvolvimento do Parque Nacional do Limpopo (PNL), produzido em Fevereiro de 2003.


No Restrictions

Forest Biodiversity;
Mountain Biodiversity;
Other Terrestrial Biodiversity;
Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity

Official Government Document

Impact Assessment;
Protected Areas

Limpopo National Park

Avaliação Ambiental Estratégica do Zoneamento (Plano de Gestão e Desenvolvimento) do Parque Nacional do Limpopo – Vol. II
Feasibility of Sea Cucumber and Seaweed Farming in the Bazaruto Archipelago – MozambiqueThierry, L.; Eeckhaut, I. & Allen, K.2014



The Endangered Wildlife Trust is a South African Non-Profit Organization focussing on applying conservation of threatened species and ecosystem in southern Africa. Founded in 1973, the EWT implements conservation research and action programmes, supports biodiversity and ecosystem functioning and advocates the sustainable use of natural resources. It is affiliated to the Government of Mozambique by way of a support Partnership.


No Restrictions

Marine Biodiversity;
Coastal Biodiversity

Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations

Biological and Cultural Diversity;
Protected Areas;
Threats to Biodiversity

Bazaruto Archipelago National Park

Feasibility of Sea Cucumber and Seaweed Farming in the Bazaruto Archipelago – Mozambique
Código de Conduta Directrizes Relativos ao Dugongo e à Tartaruga MarinhaWWFA/D



No Restrictions

Marine Biodiversity;
Coastal Biodiversity

General Information

Biological and Cultural Diversity;
Environmental Education;
Community Use of Biodiversity

Bazaruto Archipelago National Park

Código de Conduta Directrizes Relativos ao Dugongo e à Tartaruga Marinha
Participatory urban planning for climate change adaptation in coastal cities: lessons from a pilot experience in Maputo, MozambiqueBroto, V. Boyd, E. & Ensor, J2015

Maputo (cidade)


Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability

The report of the 2014 IPCC Working Group II (Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability) includes a chapter on urban areas highlighting that action for effective urban adaptation is both urgent and feasible [1]. Following calls to recognise the role of cities in climate change [2-4], the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action (ADP) (the group working on a legally binding agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) applicable to all Parties no later than 2015) requested the constitution of the Forum on Cities and Subnationals (henceforth the Forum) at the UNFCCC Warsaw COP in November 2013.


No Restrictions

Other Terrestrial Biodiversity;
Coastal Biodiversity

Peer-reviewed article

Sustainable Use of Biodiversity


Participatory urban planning for climate change adaptation in coastal cities: lessons from a pilot experience in Maputo, Mozambique
Rapid Assessment Report Dugong distribution and Fishing pressure in the Bazaruto ArchipelagoAllen, K.2013


The objectives of the Rapid Assessment were to generate a technical report presenting the spatial distribution of Dugongs and turtles within and outside the Parque Nacional do Archipélago do Bazaruto (PNAB), and document the distribution of fishing pressure in these locations. The spatial layers of gill net fishing pressure and Dugong distribution were integrated to present the location of potential threats posed to Dugongs. No population estimates, analyses or modelling of population numbers are put forward in this Assessment. Only numbers of recorded Dugongs are presented based on observations.


No Restrictions

Marine Biodiversity;
Coastal Biodiversity

Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations

Biological and Cultural Diversity;
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments;
Protected Areas

Bazaruto Archipelago National Park

Rapid Assessment Report Dugong distribution and Fishing pressure in the Bazaruto Archipelago
Integrated Management Plan for the Bazaruto National Park 2002-2005DNAC2002


The present Integrated Management Plan for the Bazaruto National Park is conceived in the context of ensuring a sustainable development of the region, and of implementing a management program for the next five years, based on ecological and socio-economic measures adjusted to the local environment conservation and preservation.


No Restrictions

Marine Biodiversity;
Coastal Biodiversity

PA Management Document

Biological and Cultural Diversity;
Protected Areas

Bazaruto Archipelago National Park

Integrated Management Plan for the Bazaruto National Park 2002-2005
Exploring natural resources in Mozambique, Will it Be a Blessing or a Curse?Bucuane, A. & Mulder, P.2007

Todas as Províncias


No Restrictions


Project Document, Project Reports and Evaluations

Biological and Cultural Diversity

All Protected Areas of Mozambique

Exploring natural resources in Mozambique, Will it Be a Blessing or a Curse?
Chimanimani Conservation Area Management PlanGhiughi, A.; Dondeyne, S. & Bannerman, H.2010


This document is intended for future decision makers of the Chimanimani Conservation Area (CCA); not only managers therefore, but also to potential donors and, more directly and above all, to populations affected by its implementation. The plan aims at providing a strategic framework to coordinate, on this basis, the cooperation between the two sides in pursuit of the double objective of conservation and sustainable development of the CCA.


No Restrictions

Forest Biodiversity;
Mountain Biodiversity;
Other Terrestrial Biodiversity

PA Management Document

Biological and Cultural Diversity;
Protected Areas

Chimanimani National Reserve

Chimanimani Conservation Area Management Plan
Chimanimani Conservation Area Management Plan – Vol IIGhiurghi, A.; Dondeyne, S. & Bannerman, J.2010



No Restrictions

Forest Biodiversity;
Mountain Biodiversity;
Other Terrestrial Biodiversity;
Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity

PA Management Document

Biological and Cultural Diversity;
Protected Areas

Chimanimani National Reserve

Chimanimani Conservation Area Management Plan – Vol II
Decreto n.º 39/2001 de 27 de Novembro: O Parque Nacional do Bazaruto passa a designar-se Parque Nacional do Arquipélago do BazarutoBoletim da República2001



No Restrictions

Marine Biodiversity;
Coastal Biodiversity

Official Government Document

Legal and Political (Laws, Regulations, Action Plans, Strategies, etc.);
Protected Areas

Bazaruto Archipelago National Park

Decreto n.º 39/2001 de 27 de Novembro: O Parque Nacional do Bazaruto passa a designar-se Parque Nacional do Arquipélago do Bazaruto
Investigação e monitoria de espécies e ecossistemas nas áreas de conservação marinhas em Moçambique: Parque Nacional do Arquipélago do Bazaruto 20162017Louro, C.; Pereira, M. & Litulo, C.



No presente relatório são apresentados os dados das monitorias realizadas no PNAB, relativamente ao ano 2016, no âmbito do MdE entre a ANAC e o CTV. Foram efectuadas as seguintes monitorias: Monitoria de actividades recreativas e desportivas; Monitoria de ervas marinhas e ostra perlífera; Monitoria dos recifes de coral; e Monitoria de tartarugas marinhas.


No Restrictions

Marine Biodiversity;
Coastal Biodiversity

Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations

Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments;
Protected Areas

Bazaruto Archipelago National Park

Investigação e monitoria de espécies e ecossistemas nas áreas de conservação marinhas em Moçambique: Parque Nacional do Arquipélago do Bazaruto 2016
Parque Nacional do Arquipélago de Bazaruto (PNAB). Plano de Maneio 2016 – 2025 de uma Área de Conservação Marinha, Província de Inhambane, MoçambiqueDíaz, P. Et al.2016



presente Revisão do Plano de Maneio do Parque Nacional do Arquipélago de Bazaruto (PNAB) foi orientado pelo Volume 1 (Guia Metodológica), uma compilação sintética dos procedimentos teórico-metodológicos por áreas temáticas (ou estudos de especialidade), acompanhado de uma exaustiva bibliografia especializada e actualizada, assim como um glossário de termos técnicos e definições de cada área de investigação para permitir uma melhor compreensão do texto. O Volume 2 corresponde ao presente documento, é mais sintético e operacional e contem os objectivos e as actividades estratégicas para atingir os resultados propostos.


No Restrictions

Marine Biodiversity;
Coastal Biodiversity

PA Management Document

Protected Areas

Bazaruto Archipelago National Park

Parque Nacional do Arquipélago de Bazaruto (PNAB). Plano de Maneio 2016 – 2025 de uma Área de Conservação Marinha, Província de Inhambane, Moçambique
Plano de Maneio Integrado para o Parque Nacional do Bazaruto 2002-2005 Vol. IIDNAC2001


O presente volume - 2, constitui a base do plano de maneio integrado do Arquipélago do Bazaruto. Este servirá de orientação para o desenvolvimento integrado e conservação da qualidade ecológica da região. Envolvendo certas limitações de tempo e recursos, o processo de planeamento foi abrangente e participativo


No Restrictions

Marine Biodiversity;
Coastal Biodiversity

PA Management Document

Biological and Cultural Diversity;
Protected Areas

Bazaruto Archipelago National Park

Plano de Maneio Integrado para o Parque Nacional do Bazaruto 2002-2005 Vol. II
Plano de Maneio Integrado do Arquipélago do Bazaruto 2002-2005 Vol. IDNAC2001


O Plano de Maneio Integrado do Arquipélago do Bazaruto, insere-se no contexto de assegurar o desenvolvimento sustentável do parque na base do uso equitativo dos recursos e promoção de actividades económicas de geração de receitas que contribuam para a melhoria do nível de rendimento das populações locais. Tem-se em vista também garantir a conservação do meio ambiente local através de medidas ecológicas que garantam a manutenção do valor de biodiversidade da região. Cumulativamente será assegurada uma maior coordenação dos programas que de alguma forma inserem-se no contexto geral do PNB.


No Restrictions

Marine Biodiversity;
Coastal Biodiversity

PA Management Document

Biological and Cultural Diversity;
Protected Areas

Bazaruto Archipelago National Park

Plano de Maneio Integrado do Arquipélago do Bazaruto 2002-2005 Vol. I
Photographic checklist of the vascular plants of the Chimanimani Conservation AreaDondeyne, S.; Wursten, B. & Bannerman, J.2009



No Restrictions

Forest Biodiversity;
Mountain Biodiversity

PA Management Document

Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments;
Protected Areas

Chimanimani National Reserve

Photographic checklist of the vascular plants of the Chimanimani Conservation Area
Chimanimani Management Plan APPENDIX 5 A – Summary of Interviews and Meetings Held for the Preparation of the Management Plan; B – Findings of Sector Working Groups at the Sussundenga MeetingGhiurghi, A.; Dondeyne, S. & Bannerman, J.2010


The boundaries of the various traditional authorities are well-known to the régulos and their people. (Perhaps there are difficulties in explaining them to third parties on occasions!) The boundaries of the Core Zone and the Zona Tampão of the ChNR are not well known by either local people or officials and the following are some of the points that came out of the interviews concerning boundaries. In some areas, Mussimua for example, people did not know that they were in the Zona Tampão.


No Restrictions


PA Management Document

Protected Areas;
Community Use of Biodiversity

Chimanimani National Reserve

Chimanimani Management Plan APPENDIX 5 A – Summary of Interviews and Meetings Held for the Preparation of the Management Plan; B – Findings of Sector Working Groups at the Sussundenga Meeting
Chimanimani Management Plan APPENDIX 5: List of Rare and Endangered Plants of Chimanimani Conservation AreaaGhiurghi, A.; Dondeyne, S. & Bannerman, J.2010



No Restrictions

Forest Biodiversity;
Mountain Biodiversity;
Other Terrestrial Biodiversity

PA Management Document

Biological and Cultural Diversity;
Protected Areas;
Threats to Biodiversity

Chimanimani National Reserve

Chimanimani Management Plan APPENDIX 5: List of Rare and Endangered Plants of Chimanimani Conservation Areaa
Chimanimani Management Plan APPENDIX 4: List of Trees and Shrubs Found in the Chimanimani Transfrontier Conservation Area and Environs : With Botanical and Common Names (In English, Portuguese Ndau, Manyika and Nyanja, Where Known)Ghiurghi, A.; Dondeyne, S. & Bannerman, J.2010


This is and ongoing exercise with MICAIA and the present data had been extracted from a Database to which more data in the form of names, uses, edible plants is being added to.


No Restrictions

Forest Biodiversity;
Mountain Biodiversity;
Other Terrestrial Biodiversity;
Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity

PA Management Document

Biological and Cultural Diversity;
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments;
Protected Areas

Chimanimani National Reserve

Chimanimani Management Plan APPENDIX 4: List of Trees and Shrubs Found in the Chimanimani Transfrontier Conservation Area and Environs : With Botanical and Common Names (In English, Portuguese Ndau, Manyika and Nyanja, Where Known)
Chimanimani Management Plan APPENDIX 3: Use of Natural Resources in the Buffer Zone and in the Villages within the Chimanimani ReserveGhiurghi, A.; Dondeyne, S. & Bannerman, J.2010


Agriculture and the use of natural resources is the main economic mainstay of the communities within in the Chimanimani Reserve in terms of subsistence, income generation, food security. The agricultural systems vary from extensive dry land cropping, to intensive irrigated crops. Quite a number of cash crops are grown in a varied faring system.


No Restrictions

Forest Biodiversity;
Mountain Biodiversity;
Other Terrestrial Biodiversity;
Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity

PA Management Document

Biological and Cultural Diversity;
Protected Areas;
Community Use of Biodiversity

Chimanimani National Reserve

Chimanimani Management Plan APPENDIX 3: Use of Natural Resources in the Buffer Zone and in the Villages within the Chimanimani Reserve
Chimanimani Management Plan APPENDIX 2: AGRO Ecological Regions and Climate Of ChimanimaniGhiurghi, A.; Dondeyne, S. & Bannerman, J.2010


The agro-ecological zoning is based on the COBA of the Búzi River Basin study carried out between 1970 and 19811. We have had access to the GTZ MAARP documents produced in the early 1990s. The introduction below is based on the GTZ MARRP Baseline study for the Sussundenga District.


No Restrictions

Forest Biodiversity;
Mountain Biodiversity;
Other Terrestrial Biodiversity;
Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity

PA Management Document

Biological and Cultural Diversity;
Protected Areas

Chimanimani National Reserve

Chimanimani Management Plan APPENDIX 2: AGRO Ecological Regions and Climate Of Chimanimani
Chimanimani Management plan APPENDIX 1: The Human Population: History, Culture, Land Use and Traditional StructuresGhiurghi, A.; Dondeyne, S. & Bannerman, J.2010


This document is intended for future decision makers of the Chimanimani Conservation Area (CCA); not only managers therefore, but also to potential donors and, more directly and above all, to populations affected by its implementation. The plan aims at providing a strategic framework to coordinate, on this basis, the cooperation between the two sides in pursuit of the double objective of conservation and sustainable development of the CCA.


No Restrictions

Forest Biodiversity;
Mountain Biodiversity;
Other Terrestrial Biodiversity;
Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity

PA Management Document

Biological and Cultural Diversity;
Protected Areas;
Traditional Knowledge, Innovations and Practices;
Community Use of Biodiversity

Chimanimani National Reserve

Chimanimani Management plan APPENDIX 1: The Human Population: History, Culture, Land Use and Traditional Structures
Photographic checklist of the vascular plants of the Chimanimani Conservation Area IIDondeyne, S.; Wursten, B. & Bannerman, J.2009



No Restrictions

Forest Biodiversity;
Mountain Biodiversity

PA Management Document

Biological and Cultural Diversity;
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments;
Protected Areas

Chimanimani National Reserve

Photographic checklist of the vascular plants of the Chimanimani Conservation Area II
Photographic checklist of the vascular plants of the Chimanimani Conservation Area IDondeyne, S.; Wursten, B. & Bannerman, J.2009



No Restrictions

Forest Biodiversity;
Mountain Biodiversity

PA Management Document

Biological and Cultural Diversity;
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments;
Protected Areas

Chimanimani National Reserve

Photographic checklist of the vascular plants of the Chimanimani Conservation Area I
Photographic checklist of the vascular plants of the Chimanimani Conservation Area IIIDondeyne, S.; Wursten, B. & Bannerman, J.2009



No Restrictions

Forest Biodiversity;
Mountain Biodiversity

PA Management Document

Biological and Cultural Diversity;
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments;
Protected Areas

Chimanimani National Reserve

Photographic checklist of the vascular plants of the Chimanimani Conservation Area III
Photographic checklist of the vascular plants of the Chimanimani Conservation Area IVDondeyne, S.; Wursten, B. & Bannerman, J.2009



No Restrictions

Forest Biodiversity;
Mountain Biodiversity

PA Management Document

Biological and Cultural Diversity;
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments;
Protected Areas

Chimanimani National Reserve

Photographic checklist of the vascular plants of the Chimanimani Conservation Area IV
Photographic checklist of the vascular plants of the Chimanimani Conservation Area VDondeyne, S.; Wursten, B. & Bannerman, J.2009



No Restrictions

Forest Biodiversity;
Mountain Biodiversity

PA Management Document

Biological and Cultural Diversity;
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments;
Protected Areas

Chimanimani National Reserve

Photographic checklist of the vascular plants of the Chimanimani Conservation Area V
Photographic checklist of the vascular plants of the Chimanimani Conservation Area VIDondeyne, S.; Wursten, B. & Bannerman, J.2009



No Restrictions

Forest Biodiversity;
Mountain Biodiversity

PA Management Document

Biological and Cultural Diversity;
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments;
Protected Areas

Chimanimani National Reserve

Photographic checklist of the vascular plants of the Chimanimani Conservation Area VI
Community Forestry Component Nhambita Community Project ReportHowell, D & Convery, I.1997


The overall purpose of this report was to develop, implement and analyse a specific methodology for the collection of information from a community situated in the buffer zone of Gorongosa National Park (GNP), in Sofala Province of central Mozambique. The information was requested by the Wildlife Management Component of the Gestão dos Resursos Florestais e Faunisticos (GERFFA) Project to assist in the formulation of a ‘model of good practice’ management and development policy for the buffer zone of the park. It was also to be used in the identification of potential small-scale development projects within Nhambita, the community in the buffer zone that was studied.


No Restrictions

Forest Biodiversity

Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations

Protected Areas;
Community Use of Biodiversity

Gorongosa National Park

Community Forestry Component Nhambita Community Project Report
Community Forestry Component Nhmatanda Community Project ReportHowell, D. Et al.1998


In order that this report can be used effectively and efficiently, the main finding of the study are presented briefly below. Detailed accounts of each issue and an in depth description of Nhamatanda District can be found within the main body of the report.


No Restrictions

Forest Biodiversity

Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations

Protected Areas;
Community Use of Biodiversity

Gorongosa National Park

Community Forestry Component Nhmatanda Community Project Report
Photographic checklist of the vascular plants of the Chimanimani Conservation Area XIIIDondeyne, S.; Wursten, B. & Bannerman, J.2009



No Restrictions

Forest Biodiversity;
Mountain Biodiversity

PA Management Document

Biological and Cultural Diversity;
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments;
Protected Areas

Chimanimani National Reserve

Photographic checklist of the vascular plants of the Chimanimani Conservation Area XIII
Photographic checklist of the vascular plants of the Chimanimani Conservation Area XIIDondeyne, S.; Wursten, B. & Bannerman, J.2009



No Restrictions

Forest Biodiversity;
Mountain Biodiversity

PA Management Document

Biological and Cultural Diversity;
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments;
Protected Areas

Chimanimani National Reserve

Photographic checklist of the vascular plants of the Chimanimani Conservation Area XII
1 17 18 19 20 21 63 Total Documents: 2488