The BIOFUND Virtual Library is an online archive of information on Mozambique’s biodiversity, organized along the lines suggested by the Convention on Biodiversity’s Clearing House Mechanism. The Virtual Library will strive to make available all the documents, studies, reports, articles, educational and communications materials, maps and digital files that have been produced, to serve as a repository of our collective institutional memory as a conservation community. The usefulness of the Virtual Library will improve the more we share amongst ourselves. If you have any materials that are not currently part of the Virtual Library, please click on "Add Document" and become a contributor.
Year of Publication
UK Biodiversity Indicators in Your Pocket 2011
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
The UK Biodiversity Indicators are dependent on a wide variety of data, provided by Government, research bodies and the voluntary sector. The presentation and assessment of the indicators has been cleared by the data providers, and the production and editing of the indicators has been overseen by independent Defra statisticians
No Restrictions
Project Document, Project Reports and Evaluations
Biological and Cultural Diversity; Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments
UK Biodiversity Indicators in Your Pocket 2011
Biodiversity Indicators
POSTnote 312
The UK is committed to a demanding European target to halt biodiversity loss and a less stringent global target to reduce the rate of biodiversity loss by 2010. Biodiversity indicators measure progress towards these targets. This POSTnote explains the different suites of indicators that will be used and looks at issues surrounding them.
No Restrictions
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments
Biodiversity Indicators
Adequacy of Biodiversity Observation Systems to support the CBD 2020 Targets
This report constitutes the first attempt to assess the adequacy of global observation systems for the monitoring of biodiversity, specifically in relation to the information needs of the twenty ‘Aichi targets’ defined by the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) for the period 2011–2020. The report was prepared, at the request of the CBD, by the Group on Earth Observations Biodiversity Observation Network (GEO BON) in collaboration with a range of biodiversity-related organisations, and is based on inputs from over 120 specialists.
No Restrictions
Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations
Biological and Cultural Diversity
Adequacy of Biodiversity Observation Systems to support the CBD 2020 Targets
Plano Estratégico de Desenvolvimento do Turismo em Cabo Delgado 2008-2013
Helen Suich, Jonah Busch and Nathalie Barbancho, MundiServiços-USEC-Ruschmann Consultores
Cabo Delgado
Governo da Província de Cabo Delgado
As condições climáticas, os importantes recursos naturais e sócio‐culturais, a especialização agrícola e insuficiente grau de industrialização e sua estratégica situação geográfica, fazem de Cabo Delgado uma Província com vocação turística, com condições favoráveis para captar fluxos de procura quantitativa e qualitativamente importante no desenvolvimento turístico em particular e sócio‐económico em geral. Esta vocação consolida‐se ano a ano, com os investimentos privados na construção de novos empreendimentos turísticos, principalmente meios de hospedagem e meios de alimentação.
No Restrictions
Official Government Document
Economics, Trade and Incentive Measures
Plano Estratégico de Desenvolvimento do Turismo em Cabo Delgado 2008-2013
Existing International Tuna Management Organisations: Background Information For Arrangements For South Pacific Albacore Fisheries Management
Cabo Delgado
FFA Report
With no existing international vehicle to restrict the operation of driftnet fleets in the South Pacific, the Pacific Island nations and territories agreed to a Convention that banned both the use of long driftnets and any operations that may be construed to support this method of fishing throughout the South Pacific. This Convention was signed in Wellington, New Zealand in 1989. In addition, Parties to the Convention agreed to cooperate to implement appropriate arrangements for the longterm management of South Pacific albacore fisheries.
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity
Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments
Existing International Tuna Management Organisations: Background Information For Arrangements For South Pacific Albacore Fisheries Management
Economic Impacts of Transfrontier Conservation Areas: Baseline of Tourism in the KAVANGO–ZAMBEZI TFCA
Suich, H.; Busch, J. & Barbancho, N.
Conservation International South Africa
In recognition of the importance of tourism to the economic development objectives of TFCA implementation, this study was undertaken to determine the current size of the tourism industry within the KAZA TFCA, focussing on accommodation providers and tour operators
No Restrictions
Project Document, Project Reports and Evaluations
Economics, Trade and Incentive Measures; Protected Areas
International Protected Areas
Economic Impacts of Transfrontier Conservation Areas: Baseline of Tourism in the KAVANGO–ZAMBEZI TFCA
Tourism Development Framework for the Maputo Special Reserve and Futi Extension TFCA components – Draft
V&L Landscape Architects
Peace Parks Foundation
The focus of this study is on the Mozambican component of the TFCA and its direct synergies to neighboring components. This study also mainly concentrates on tourism issues, and not necessarily management or other issues.
No Restrictions
Forest Biodiversity; Other Terrestrial Biodiversity; Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity
Project Document, Project Reports and Evaluations
Economics, Trade and Incentive Measures; Protected Areas
Maputo Special Reserve
Tourism Development Framework for the Maputo Special Reserve and Futi Extension TFCA components – Draft
Implementation of Eurosite Planning Methodology for Natural Protected Areas Management to a Mexican Study Case
Sánchez, M. & Juncà, M.
Cabo Delgado
Boletín de la A.G.E
The strategic management approach for natural protected areas (NPA) has been evolving
over time mainly in the last decades in which management has acquired a more integral
and inclusive character. NPA management is a process whereby management planning is
the principal strategy in which ideally the main actions are defined; it also facilitates the
systematization of guidelines and procedures for the accomplishment of conservation and
development objectives
No Restrictions
Project Document, Project Reports and Evaluations
Protected Areas
Implementation of Eurosite Planning Methodology for Natural Protected Areas Management to a Mexican Study Case
The EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020
European Union
In May 2011, the European Union adopted a new strategy to halt biodiversity loss in the EU, restore ecosystems where possible, and step up efforts to avert global biodiversity loss. The strategy is in line with the commitments made by EU leaders in March 2010 and the international commitments adopted by 193 countries, including the EU and all its Member States, in the conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity in Nagoya, Japan, in 2010.
No Restrictions
Project Document, Project Reports and Evaluations
Biological and Cultural Diversity; Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments
The EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020
The economic Impact of Manta Rays on the Mozambican tourism industry
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity
Images and Photos
Economics, Trade and Incentive Measures
Others National Conservation Areas
The economic Impact of Manta Rays on the Mozambican tourism industry
Bases de Ordenamento Regional Florestal de Dão-Lafões
O caderno dedicado à análise biofísica do território é o primeiro de três cadernos que constituem a base de informação de apoio ao exercício de planeamento subjacente à elaboração deste PROF. Como tal, possui informação que permite caracterizar a situação territorial de referência e sobre a qual terá de ser feito o diagnóstico e o delineamento de estratégias, medidas e acções para se atingir o modelo territorial desejado para os espaços florestais da região. Esta informação diz respeito a variáveis fundamentais para o ordenamento do território em geral, e do ordenamento florestal em particular.
No Restrictions
Forest Biodiversity
Official Government Document
Sustainable Use of Biodiversity
Bases de Ordenamento Regional Florestal de Dão-Lafões
Bases de Ordenamento Regional Florestal da Beira Interior Norte
caderno dedicado à análise biofísica do território é o primeiro de três cadernos que constituem a base de informação de apoio ao exercício de planeamento subjacente à elaboração deste PROF. Como tal, possui informação que permite caracterizar a situação territorial de referência e sobre a qual terá de ser feito o diagnóstico e o delineamento de estratégias, medidas e acções para se atingir o modelo territorial desejado para os espaços florestais da região. Esta informação diz respeito a variáveis fundamentais para o ordenamento do território em geral, e do ordenamento florestal em particular.
No Restrictions
Forest Biodiversity
Official Government Document
Sustainable Use of Biodiversity
Bases de Ordenamento Regional Florestal da Beira Interior Norte
Plano de ordenamento da orla costeira entre Vilamoura e Vila Real de S. António – Planta de condicionantes Folha 2/3
No Restrictions
Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity
Maps and non-georeferenced data (as jpg, pdf, .zip, data etc.)
Sustainable Use of Biodiversity
Plano de ordenamento da orla costeira entre Vilamoura e Vila Real de S. António – Planta de condicionantes Folha 2/3
The MOZBIO PROGRAM: Paving the way for Landscape Conservation and Rural Development in Mozambique
Building on the lessons learned from TFCA Program, the Government of Mozambique has launched the ambitions long-term MozBio program. The first phase, MozBio I, was launched in March 2015 and is implemented with support from a US$ 40 millions grant funded by World Bank and a US$ 6 million GEF grabts.
No Restrictions
Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations
Biological and Cultural Diversity; Communication and Public Awareness; Protected Areas; Sustainable Use of Biodiversity; Community Use of Biodiversity
All Protected Areas of Mozambique
The MOZBIO PROGRAM: Paving the way for Landscape Conservation and Rural Development in Mozambique
EIA Seismic & Drilling – Anadarko Area 1 Shallow Water
Cabo Delgado
The drilling of an exploratory well or series of wells has the potential to adversely affect the physical, chemical, biological, and socioeconomic resources of an area. One of the primary impact producing factors associated with exploratory drilling operations is the on-site discharge of 1) used drilling muds employed to facilitate the drilling process; and 2) formation cuttings, which are bits of rock and sediment generated from the formation being drilled. The following impact analysis identifies the potential impacts associated with muds and cuttings discharges
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity
Impact Assessment
EIA Seismic & Drilling – Anadarko Area 1 Shallow Water
Guiidance Nottes for The Samplliing and Anallysis of Produced Water and Other Hydrocarbon Diischarges
Energy Development Unit Offshore Environment and Decommissioning (EDU-OED)
The OPPC Regulations prohibit the discharge of oil into the sea unless it is in accordance with the schedule conditions of a permit issued to cover the discharge. In support of OPPC, the Energy Development Unit - Offshore Environment and Decommissioning (EDU-OED) branch has provided clear technical guidance on suitable methods for the sampling and analysis of produced water (and other samples containing hydrocarbons) in order to enable industry to comply fully with the regulations.
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity
Project Document, Project Reports and Evaluations
Impact Assessment
Guiidance Nottes for The Samplliing and Anallysis of Produced Water and Other Hydrocarbon Diischarges
The Cost of Policy Inaction (COPI) methodology and Valuation Database
Braat, L. Et al.
The COPI analysis covers a chain of scenario-driven changes. The first step is to develop projections with the OECD-scenario and IMAGE-GLOBIO-model of changes in land use, biodiversity and ecosystem services over the period to 2050. At the same time, a database of values of ecosystem services is developed that can be applied to the land use changes. Development of a spreadsheet model allows the combination of the ecosystem service values and the land use changes, and the quality factors based on a measure of biodiversity of the land use types. To deal with data gaps this also includes methodological solutions for benefits transfer, up-scaling and gap-filling.
No Restrictions
Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations
Ecosystem Restoration; Sustainable Use of Biodiversity
The Cost of Policy Inaction (COPI) methodology and Valuation Database
Banhine Watershed Assessment
McNamara, M. & Larsen, E.
African Wildlife Foundation & United States Forest Service International Programs
The watershed analysis process assembles, organizes, interprets, and presents information needed to guide future resource management decisions. A watershed or catchment is an area of land that drains to a common point. The size of the area included in a watershed is arbitrary, however, in the United States a consistent set of commonly used terms that describe relative sizes of geographic areas has been used. For this analysis, the Banhine watershed will include both the Chefu and Changane Rivers and their tributaries, with a downstream boundary where the Changane River intersects the park boundary.
No Restrictions
Forest Biodiversity; Other Terrestrial Biodiversity; Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity
Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations
Protected Areas; Sustainable Use of Biodiversity
Banhine National Park
Banhine Watershed Assessment
Plant communities, wetlands and landscapes of the Parque Nacional de Banhine, Moçambique
Stalmans, M. & Wishart, M.
Koedoe 48
The Parque Nacional de Banhine (Banhine National Park) was proclaimed during 1972. It covers 600 000 ha in Moçambique to the east of the Limpopo River. Until recently, this park, originally and popularly known as the ‘Serengeti of Moçambique’, was characterised by neglect and illegal hunting that caused the demise of most of its large wildlife. New initiatives aimed at rehabilitating the park have been launched within the scope of the Greater Limpopo Transfrontier Park. A
No Restrictions
Other Terrestrial Biodiversity; Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity
Peer-reviewed article
Protected Areas; Sustainable Use of Biodiversity
Banhine National Park
Plant communities, wetlands and landscapes of the Parque Nacional de Banhine, Moçambique
Causes and Consequences of Displacement Decision-making in Banhine National Park, Mozambique
Dear, C. & McCoola, S.
Conservation and Society 8(2): 103-111
Around the world, decision-making is looming regarding the displacement of people resident in and reliant on the natural capital in protected areas. While policies such as the World Bank’s safeguard policy on involuntary resettlement guides decisions about the potential displacement of people in protected areas, there are often political and other obstacles to implementation. In the case of displacement decision-making in Banhine National Park (BNP), Mozambique, district-level government offi cials promoted the displacement of BNP-area residents and their resettlement into villages outside the park in a manner that was inconsistent with the World Bank safeguard policy.
No Restrictions
Forest Biodiversity; Other Terrestrial Biodiversity; Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity
Peer-reviewed article
Protected Areas; Community Use of Biodiversity
Banhine National Park
Causes and Consequences of Displacement Decision-making in Banhine National Park, Mozambique
First herpetological appraisal of the Parque Nacional de Banhine, Gaza Province, southern Mozambique
Pietersen, Pietersen, D. & Haacke, W.
Annals of the Ditsong National Museum of Natural History 3: 153–163
The herpetofauna of Mozambique remains poorly documented despite recent surveys. We present here the first report on the herpetofauna occurring in Parque Nacional de Banhine in Gaza Province.Four chelonian, 13 snake, one amphisbaenid, 16 lizard and 15 frog species were recorded in the park, while an additional six snake, five lizard and two frog taxa have been recorded in close proximity and probably also occur in the park. Numerous range extensions are recorded, and these are discussed in the light of our present knowledge of the distribution of herpetofauna in Mozambique.
No Restrictions
Forest Biodiversity; Other Terrestrial Biodiversity; Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity
Peer-reviewed article
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments; Protected Areas
Banhine National Park
First herpetological appraisal of the Parque Nacional de Banhine, Gaza Province, southern Mozambique
Plano de Maneio do Parque Nacional de Banhine
O Parque Nacional de Banhine (PNB), abrange 5.600 km2 e está localizado na Província de Gaza. O PNB foi historicamente rico em animais de grande porte, incluindo elefantes e outros ungulados, como gnus, zebras e antílopes. No entanto, desde o início dos anos '60 a captura de espécies para jardins zoológicos internacionais, a caça comercial e mais recentemente a caça de subsistência e pouco eficiente capacidade de gestão levou em grande parte a um esgotamento do número de animais e sua distribuição.
No Restrictions
Forest Biodiversity; Other Terrestrial Biodiversity; Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity
PA Management Document
Protected Areas
Banhine National Park
Plano de Maneio do Parque Nacional de Banhine
On-Going Bird Checklist for Banhine National Park
African Wildlife Foundation
No Restrictions
Forest Biodiversity; Other Terrestrial Biodiversity; Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity
Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments; Protected Areas
Banhine National Park
On-Going Bird Checklist for Banhine National Park
Banhine National Park
No Restrictions
Forest Biodiversity; Other Terrestrial Biodiversity; Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity
Images and Photos
Protected Areas
Banhine National Park
Banhine National Park
Banhine National Park – list of species identified
No Restrictions
Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments; Protected Areas
Banhine National Park
Banhine National Park – list of species identified
Banhine National Park Community Action Plan
Munthali, S. et al.
Cabo Delgado
This report provides specific recommendations on how communities should benefit from Banhine National Park, and provides an action plan that should guide the Park’s management authority in integrating local communities in the Park’s management to specifically ensure communities will sustainably harvest the natural resources most in demand (such as poles, firewood, herbs, fruits, palm wine and fish); improve food security through integration of agro-forestry and dry-land conservation agriculture around Banhine; offset community pressure on the Park’s resources by setting quotas and defining resource harvesting protocols and stimulating economic opportunities in which the communities can participate.
No Restrictions
Forest Biodiversity; Other Terrestrial Biodiversity; Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity
Official Government Document
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments; Protected Areas; Community Use of Biodiversity
Banhine National Park
Banhine National Park Community Action Plan
Parque Nacional de Banhine – Wildlife survey
Stalmans, M.
A wildlife survey was undertaken during October-November 2007 of the Parque Nacional de Banhine as a follow-up from the survey undertaken during 2004. Balancing the requirements for objectivity, repeatability and affordability, a partial survey (sample count) was applied with a helicopter using the same survey blocks used in 2004. A Global Positioning System with pre-determined survey blocks and flight lines was used to accurately cover important habitats and landscapes. The position of wildlife that was observed was captured and integrated into the Geographic Information System for Banhine, thereby allowing adjustments that take into account the relative proportion of the different landscapes that were covered.
No Restrictions
Forest Biodiversity; Other Terrestrial Biodiversity; Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity
Official Government Document
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments; Protected Areas
Banhine National Park
Parque Nacional de Banhine – Wildlife survey
Parque Nacional de Banhine, Moçambique: Wildlife survey
Stalmans, M. & Peel, M.
A wildlife survey was undertaken during October-November 2009 of the Parque Nacional de Banhine as a follow-up from the survey undertaken during 2004 and 2007. The same experienced team that undertook the 2004 and 2007 surveys was also responsible for the 2009 survey.
No Restrictions
Forest Biodiversity; Other Terrestrial Biodiversity; Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity
Official Government Document
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments; Protected Areas
Banhine National Park
Parque Nacional de Banhine, Moçambique: Wildlife survey
Parque Nacional de Banhine: Wildlife census
Stalmans, M.
African Wildlife Foundation
The Parque Nacional de Banhine represents a very important wetland system with high conservation value. It has potential for tourism development that can significantly contribute to the local economy and well-being of the inhabitants.
No Restrictions
Forest Biodiversity; Other Terrestrial Biodiversity; Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity
Official Government Document
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments; Protected Areas
Banhine National Park
Parque Nacional de Banhine: Wildlife census
Parque Nacional do Banhine
No Restrictions
General; Forest Biodiversity; Other Terrestrial Biodiversity
Images and Photos
Protected Areas
Banhine National Park
Parque Nacional do Banhine
COWRIE 2.0 Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) Phase 2: EMF-sensitive fish response to EM emissions from sub-sea electricity cables of the type used by the offshore renewable energy industry
Gill, A. et al.
The Environmental Technical Working Group (ETWG) of COWRIE commissioned the priority research project COWRIE 2.0 EMF with the objective to determine if electromagnetic sensitive fish respond to controlled electromagnetic fields (EMF) with the characteristics and magnitude of EMF associated with offshore wind farm power cables.
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity
Impact Assessment
COWRIE 2.0 Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) Phase 2: EMF-sensitive fish response to EM emissions from sub-sea electricity cables of the type used by the offshore renewable energy industry
Equitable Testing and Evaluation of Marine Energy Extraction Devices in terms of Performance, Cost and Environmental Impact: Best practice for tank testing of small marine energy devices
McCombes, T. et al.
This report builds on Deliverable 3.3 which identified limitations of current practices adopted for tank testing of small prototype devices. The recommendations contained herein constitute minimum set of best practices for device testing and benchmarking. The protocol contains explicit Design of Experiment and Uncertainty Analysis techniques. Particular emphasis has been placed on repeatability, quantification of uncertainty, estimation of accuracy and elimination of laboratory specific effects.
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity
Impact Assessment
Equitable Testing and Evaluation of Marine Energy Extraction Devices in terms of Performance, Cost and Environmental Impact: Best practice for tank testing of small marine energy devices
Equitable Testing and Evaluation of Marine Energy Extraction Devices in terms of Performance, Cost and Environmental Impact: Best Practice report for conceptual appraisal of wave and tidal energy devices
Clarke, J. et al.
This report builds on deliverable D3.1 which identifies current practices being adopted by wave and tidal device developers in undertaking concept device performance appraisal. As well as identifying the technical practices being adopted it also set out to establish the objectives for developers to engage with such an appraisal exercise early in a technology’s development phase and the identification of inconsistencies and scope for error introduction with the different approaches being adopted.
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity
Impact Assessment
Equitable Testing and Evaluation of Marine Energy Extraction Devices in terms of Performance, Cost and Environmental Impact: Best Practice report for conceptual appraisal of wave and tidal energy devices
Equitable Testing and Evaluation of Marine Energy Extraction Devices in terms of Performance, Cost and Environmental Impact: Data Analysis & Presentation To Quantify Uncertainty
Kofoed, J. et al.
The Sea Trial Manual (D4.1) describes the type of operations required to advance an ocean energy conversion device (wave and tide) from an intermediate scaled sub-systems proving machine (circa 1:4) to a full size solo prototype pre-production unit and on towards a pre-commercial device ready for economic evaluation in a small array deployment. This progression covers development Stages 3 to 4 in the 5 Stage development programme on which the EquiMar technical protocols are based.
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity
Impact Assessment
Equitable Testing and Evaluation of Marine Energy Extraction Devices in terms of Performance, Cost and Environmental Impact: Data Analysis & Presentation To Quantify Uncertainty
Equitable Testing and Evaluation of Marine Energy Extraction Devices in terms of Performance, Cost and Environmental Impact: Test Sites Catalogue
O’Connor, M, & Holmes, B.
This report aims to give an overview of the various wave energy and tidal energy test sites that exist today as well as those that are proposed for the near future. The various independent full scale wave and tidal sites are described together with nursery and scale sites. A description is also given of test sites which device developers have created in order to test their own devices. All the sites are described in terms of scale of devices tested, resource and met-ocean conditions, infrastructure and services available, licensing and permitting issues as well as the rationale behind the selection of the location of each site.
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity
Impact Assessment
Equitable Testing and Evaluation of Marine Energy Extraction Devices in terms of Performance, Cost and Environmental Impact: Test Sites Catalogue
Equitable Testing and Evaluation of Marine Energy Extraction Devices in terms of Performance, Cost and Environmental Impact: Guidance protocols on choosing of electrical connection configurations
Ricci, P. et al.
This report provides comprehensive and general guidelines for the definition, design and selection of electrical connection configuration of marine energy converters. Functional requirements for electrical connection are firstly outlined based on the different device designs and configurations and the main effects influencing connection configuration are subsequently described. Furthermore, general guidance on power quality requirements is given through a brief description of the principal criteria specified by most of the national grid codes and regulations.
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity
Impact Assessment
Equitable Testing and Evaluation of Marine Energy Extraction Devices in terms of Performance, Cost and Environmental Impact: Guidance protocols on choosing of electrical connection configurations
Equitable Testing and Evaluation of Marine Energy Extraction Devices in terms of Performance, Cost and Environmental Impact: Global analysis of pre-normative research activities for marine energy
Ricci, P. et al.
The present report addresses the current state of marine energy technology by compiling, comparing and analysing existing guidelines, recommendations, protocols and other technical specifications for assessment, modelling, design and analysis of marine energy technologies.
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity
Impact Assessment
Equitable Testing and Evaluation of Marine Energy Extraction Devices in terms of Performance, Cost and Environmental Impact: Global analysis of pre-normative research activities for marine energy
Equitable Testing and Evaluation of Marine Energy Extraction Devices in terms of Performance, Cost and Environmental Impact: Protocols & guidance for device specification and quantification of performance
Myers, L. et al.
Arrays of wave and tidal energy devices will require a precise set of performance metrics with which can be used for absolute and comparative purposes. Many of the device specifications have been addressed previously within the device classification template report as part of this work. This document deals with more general definitions that quantify the performance of an array as a whole.
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity
Impact Assessment
Equitable Testing and Evaluation of Marine Energy Extraction Devices in terms of Performance, Cost and Environmental Impact: Protocols & guidance for device specification and quantification of performance
Equitable Testing and Evaluation of Marine Energy Extraction Devices in terms of Performance, Cost and Environmental Impact: Site matching and interaction effects
Myers, L. et al.
This report offers guidance for the matching of wave and tidal energy devices to marine energy sites and also for interaction between devices that make up an array. At the stage of writing this document arrays are in their infancy with most development focussing upon individual commercially viable devices tested in real sea conditions. There is however sufficient understanding and research to begin to offer generic guidance for the arrangement of devices within arrays. This information is collated herein to offer guidance for all aspects of the marine energy industry.
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity
Impact Assessment
Equitable Testing and Evaluation of Marine Energy Extraction Devices in terms of Performance, Cost and Environmental Impact: Site matching and interaction effects
Equitable Testing and Evaluation of Marine Energy Extraction Devices in terms of Performance, Cost and Environmental Impact: Best practice for tank testing of small marine energy devices
McCombes, T. et al.
At present no common practices are adopted to assess the performance and operational characteristics of conceptual and small prototype wave and tidal energy devices when tested within controlled laboratory environments. Information acquired from this early stage assessment may be used to secure development funding or promote a specific wave or tidal energy device. Since no standards exist, the data produced may be misinterpreted or inaccurately presented, which in turn may lead to failure to live up to performance expectations, as devices scale up in size.
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity
Impact Assessment
Equitable Testing and Evaluation of Marine Energy Extraction Devices in terms of Performance, Cost and Environmental Impact: Best practice for tank testing of small marine energy devices