Virtual Library

The BIOFUND Virtual Library is an online archive of information on Mozambique’s biodiversity, organized along the lines suggested by the Convention on Biodiversity’s Clearing House Mechanism. The Virtual Library will strive to make available all the documents, studies, reports, articles, educational and communications materials, maps and digital files that have been produced, to serve as a repository of our collective institutional memory as a conservation community. The usefulness of the Virtual Library will improve the more we share amongst ourselves. If you have any materials that are not currently part of the Virtual Library, please click on "Add Document" and become a contributor.





Year of Publication




Type of Biodiversity

Protected Areas

Title Author Year of Publication
Beatrice Wind Farm Demonstrator ProjectTalisman Energy (UK) Limited2007


During June 2007, we have been preparing the second turbine for load-out from Nigg and installation on site in the Beatrice Field in July. With both turbines scheduled to be operational in autumn 2007, the Beatrice Wind Farm Demonstrator will begin to provide in-depth data. However, we have already learned a lot since the project commenced in 2003; we have pioneered the use of large turbines and jackets offshore; we have shown that large turbines can be pre-assembled onshore, transported to the site as a complete unit, and installed in a single operation; and we have set new standards in the environmental management of large scale developments in sensitive marine environments.


No Restrictions

Marine Biodiversity

Impact Assessment


Beatrice Wind Farm Demonstrator Project
The 1995 United Nations Fish Stocks AgreementUNFSA1995


The 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (the “Convention”) sets out the overarching legal regime for the conservation and management of marine living resources within areas under national jurisdiction and on the high seas. It also contains specific provisions relating to straddling fish stocks and highly migratory fish stocks. In light of ongoing problems regarding the conservation and management of these stocks, Agenda 21 of the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) called for the convening of an intergovernmental conference under United Nations auspices to promote effective implementation of these provisions.


No Restrictions

Marine Biodiversity

Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations

Threats to Biodiversity


The 1995 United Nations Fish Stocks Agreement
Roadmap for a National Biodiversity Offset System in MozambiqueWorld Bank Group2016


Mozambique is well positioned to take advantage of new opportunities for biodiversity protection and new revenue streams for conservation that No Net Loss and biodiversity offsetting can provide, while also minimizing environmental damage resulting from rapid economic development. This report seeks to map out a path for the establishment of a national-level aggregate biodiversity offset system in Mozambique


No Restrictions


Environmental Impact Assessment, Environmental Management Plans, Biodiversity Counterbalance Plans, and the like;
Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations

Legal and Political (Laws, Regulations, Action Plans, Strategies, etc.);
Economics, Trade and Incentive Measures;
Threats to Biodiversity

All Protected Areas of Mozambique

Roadmap for a National Biodiversity Offset System in Mozambique
Development of a digital infrared video camera system for recording and remote capturingHuckschlag, D.2008


A digital infrared video camera system was developed for recording and remote capturing. The components are described in detail. Based on 2 years of experience within a wild boar (Sus scrofa) project, the system gave proof of its practicability, reliability and efficiency


No Restrictions

Other Terrestrial Biodiversity

Peer-reviewed article

Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments


Development of a digital infrared video camera system for recording and remote capturing
South West Indian Ocean Fisheries Commission: Status Of ResourcesFAO2011



The Fourth Session of Scientific Committee of the Southwest Indian Ocean Fisheries Commission (SWIOFC) was held in Mahe, Seychelles, 30 November - 2 December 2010 making use of the generous offer of the Government of Seychelles to host the meeting. The Session was attended by delegates from Comoros, France, Kenya, Madagascar, Maldives, Mauritius, Mozambique, Seychelles, Somalia, South Africa and the United Republic of Tanzania. Representatives of FIRMS/FISHCODE, the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC), the EAF–Nansen project, the South West Indian Ocean Fisheries Project (SWIOFP) and the United Kingdom also attended the session as observers


No Restrictions

Marine Biodiversity

Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations

Biological and Cultural Diversity

Quirimbas National Park;
Bazaruto Archipelago National Park;
Ponta do Ouro Partial Marine Reserve;
Cabo de São Sebastião Total Protection Zone;
Inhaca Biological Reserve;
Primeiras e Segundas Islands Environmental Protection Area

South West Indian Ocean Fisheries Commission: Status Of Resources
Fishery and Biological Aspects of Yellowfin Tuna Thunnus albacares along Andhra Coast, IndiaRohit, P. & Rammohan, K.2009



Asian Fisheries Society

A potentially rich fishing ground for yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares discovered off northern Andhra Pradesh along the east coast of India at depths of 200m and more is being gainfully exploited by the local fishers since 2002. Hooks and lines as well as trolls operated mostly from non-mechanized crafts (catamaran) are the major exploitation methods used. The mechanized sector ventured into oceanic tuna fishing during 2006 with the conversion of a few existing mechanized trawlers into long liners and for large scale commercial exploitation of yellowfin tuna in this region. The average annual (2004-2006) landing of tuna by the catamaran at Visakhapatnam was 1,515t.


No Restrictions

Marine Biodiversity

Peer-reviewed article

Biological and Cultural Diversity


Fishery and Biological Aspects of Yellowfin Tuna Thunnus albacares along Andhra Coast, India
Estimation of the Catch-At-Age Matrix of Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus Albacares) Fisheries in the Western Indian OceanNishida, T.1998


7th Expert Consultation on Indian Ocean Tunas

This is a preliminary paper. There are many different types of gears in many different countries in the western Indian Ocean. As it was sometimes difficult to contact persons-in-charge of the fisheries statistics, not all the description of this paper (such as gear categories, classification and etc ) could be checked by them.


No Restrictions

Marine Biodiversity

Peer-reviewed article

Sustainable Use of Biodiversity;
Threats to Biodiversity


Estimation of the Catch-At-Age Matrix of Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus Albacares) Fisheries in the Western Indian Ocean
Tuna for Tomorrow: Information on an Important Indian Ocean Fishery ResourceGillet, R.Sd


SmartFish Working Papers

The Indian Ocean is one of several important tuna fishing areas of the world. Compared to the Atlantic and eastern/western Pacific, a high proportion of catches in the Indian Ocean comes from areas beyond national jurisdiction. In addition, tuna catches in this region are split about equally between industrial and non-industrial fisheries. The various types of Indian Ocean tuna fishing is set in a diversity of cultures and economic situations.


No Restrictions

Marine Biodiversity

Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations

Economics, Trade and Incentive Measures;
Sustainable Use of Biodiversity


Tuna for Tomorrow: Information on an Important Indian Ocean Fishery Resource
The FAOglobalcaptureproductiondatabase: A six-decadeefforttocatchthetrendGaribaldi, L.2011



With data series extending for 60 years, including catch data for almost 1850 species items, and reflecting geo-political, historical and natural events, the FAO capture database provides a service to the community interested in fishery information. Over 600 articles from refereed journals cited the database in the last 15 years. Species included grew significantly in the last decade and an analysis of annual reporting showed more timely data submissions, although the number of non-reporting countries remained stable throughout the years. An evaluation of data quality found over half developing countries reporting inadequately but also one-fourth of reports by developed countries were not satisfactory.


No Restrictions

Marine Biodiversity

Peer-reviewed article

Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments


The FAOglobalcaptureproductiondatabase: A six-decadeefforttocatchthetrend
Contribution of Fish Trade to Development, Livelihoods and Food Security in West Africa: Key Issues for Future Policy DebateNeiland, A.2006


Fish is the most valuable agricultural commodity traded internationally with annual sales of nearly US$80 billion and increasing each year (FAO FishStat, 2006). For Developing Countries in regions such as West Africa, fish exports to markets in Developed Countries, especially in Europe, are a major source of foreign exchange revenue, and help to underpin the domestic fisheries in terms of earnings and employment. However, despite the range of benefits for development which are generated by the fish trade, including contributing to economic growth, there are also concerns about the possible negative impacts which might be involved.


No Restrictions

Marine Biodiversity

Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations

Economics, Trade and Incentive Measures


Contribution of Fish Trade to Development, Livelihoods and Food Security in West Africa: Key Issues for Future Policy Debate
The State of World Fisheries and AquacultureFAO2014



Global fish production has grown steadily in the last five decades (Figure 1), with food fish supply increasing at an average annual rate of 3.2 percent, outpacing world population growth at 1.6 percent. World per capita apparent fish consumption increased from an average of 9.9 kg in the 1960s to 19.2 kg in 2012 (preliminary estimate). This impressive development has been driven by a combination of population growth, rising incomes and urbanization, and facilitated by the strong expansion of fish production and more efficient distribution channels


No Restrictions

Marine Biodiversity

Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations

Biological and Cultural Diversity


The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture
Leopards in African Rainforests: Survey and Monitoring TechniquesHenschel, P. & Ray, J.2003




This technical handbook sums up the experience gained during a two-year study of leopards by Philipp Henschel in the Lopé Reserve in Gabon, Central Africa, in 2001/2002, supplemented by additional experience from carnivore studies conducted by Justina Ray in southwestern Central African Republic and eastern Congo (Zaire) .


No Restrictions

Forest Biodiversity

Peer-reviewed article

Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments


Leopards in African Rainforests: Survey and Monitoring Techniques
Draft Policy for the Allocation of Fishing Rights in the Tuna Pole and Line Fishery: 2013Minister of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries2013


The purpose of this policy is to set out the considerations that will apply to the allocation of tuna pole and line fishing rights. Many of these considerations are not new. They have been applied by the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism: Branch Marine and Coastal Management when allocating rights in the past for the tuna pole fishery. This policy documents these considerations, but includes a few changes and additions.


No Restrictions

Marine Biodiversity

Official Government Document

Biological and Cultural Diversity


Draft Policy for the Allocation of Fishing Rights in the Tuna Pole and Line Fishery: 2013
Coordinating Working Party on Fishery Statistics – AGENCY REPORTFAO2001



No significant modifications to the FAO fishery statistical programme took place since 1999. Despite a 2 year outposting to Africa of the Senior Officer in charge of statistical development, and turnover of staff which has involved replacement of all fishery statisticians (Capture fisheries, Fisheries commodities, Aquaculture) and some statistical assistants, the delivery of the FAO/FIDI statistical programme has continued. All time series comprising the inquiry have been updated (catch, aquaculture, fleet, fishers, production, trade, regional data).


No Restrictions

Marine Biodiversity

Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations

Biological and Cultural Diversity


Coordinating Working Party on Fishery Statistics – AGENCY REPORT
Biology, Fishery, Conservation and Management of Indian Ocean Tuna FisheriesPillai, N. & Satheeshkumar, P.2012


The focus of the study is to explore the recent trend of the world tuna fishery with special reference to the Indian Ocean tuna fisheries and its conservation and sustainable management. In the Indian Ocean, tuna catches have increased rapidly from about 179959 t in 1980 to about 832246 t in 1995. They have continued to increase up to 2005; the catch that year was 1201465 t, forming about 26% of the world catch. Since 2006 onwards there has been a decline in the volume of catches and in 2008 the catch was only 913625 t. The Principal species caught in the Indian Ocean are skipjack and yellowfin.


No Restrictions

Marine Biodiversity

Peer-reviewed article

Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments


Biology, Fishery, Conservation and Management of Indian Ocean Tuna Fisheries
The Indian Ocean: Resource and Governance ChallengesLaipson, E. & Pandya, A.2009


Fish are a renewable natural resource that millions of people around the world depend on for food and livelihoods. In the last half century, the production of fish and fish products in the Indian Ocean (IO) region has increased tremendously as a result of improvements in fish capture technology and rising demand caused by a growing global population. Other dynamic trends that relate to this industry include the IO’s growing prominence in the world energy trade, piracy attacks that have led to challenges in maritime security, and environmental stresses brought on by marine and land-based waste and pollution.


No Restrictions

Marine Biodiversity

Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations

Biological and Cultural Diversity;
Economics, Trade and Incentive Measures


The Indian Ocean: Resource and Governance Challenges
Anuário Estatístico 2012- MoçambiqueInstituto Nacional de Estatística2013


O Anuário Estatístico 2012 é parte da série de publicações que o Instituto Nacional de Estatística leva aos utilizadores e ao público em geral, como um veículo para a disseminação dos principais dados económicos, sociais e demográficos de Moçambique, relativos ao ano de 2012 e anteriores.


No Restrictions


Official Government Document

Biological and Cultural Diversity


Anuário Estatístico 2012- Moçambique
A Promising Tool for Natural Resources Management in AfricaAFDB2015


This publication is part of the work undertaken by the African Development Bank in the context of its new strategy for 2013–2022 driven by its twin objectives of “inclusive and increasingly green growth”. The Bank mobilizes climate finance—including from the Climate Investments Funds—for its regional member countries. It also provides technical assistance for them to engage on a low carbon and climate resilient development pathway.


No Restrictions


Project Document, Project Reports and Evaluations

Climate Change and Biodiversity


A Promising Tool for Natural Resources Management in Africa
Mozambique National Report to the Scientific Committee of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission, 2012Sousa, B.2012



IOTC‐2012‐SC15‐NR 19

Purse seine and long line are the two main fishing techniques used in Mozambique in the tuna fishery. Those activities are undertaken by distant water fishing fleets, which operate in the EEZ as from 12 nautical miles off shore from January to December. Purse seine fishing occurs mainly between the parallels 10º 32’ and 20º south. The purse seine fleet is composed of vessels from France, Spain and Seychelles. Long line fishing occurs between 20º and 26º 52’ south, with particular intensity below parallel 25º south. For the purse seine fleet, the peak period of fishing activities occurs between March and June.


No Restrictions

Marine Biodiversity

Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations

Biological and Cultural Diversity


Mozambique National Report to the Scientific Committee of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission, 2012
Biodiversity in Sub-Saharan Africa and its Islands Conservation, Management and Sustainable UseIUCN1990

Cabo Delgado;
Maputo (cidade);


The purpose of this document is to draw attention to the serious consequences of the loss of biological diversity in subSaharan Africa, including offshore islands in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. The scope of the document is limited to the Afrotropical biogeographic region (see Fig 1.1). It is very important that the purposes, character and limitations of the document are clearly understood at the outset and borne in mind during reading. These features are as follows


No Restrictions


Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations

Biological and Cultural Diversity

All Protected Areas of Mozambique

Biodiversity in Sub-Saharan Africa and its Islands Conservation, Management and Sustainable Use
The promotion of pole-and-line tuna fishing in the Pacific Islands: Emerging issues and lessons learnedGillett, R.2011


International Seafood Sustainability Foundation

This study examines the various issues associated with promoting pole-and-line fishing and attempts to derive lessons from experience that may guide future development efforts. The study aims to determine what has been achieved in the promotion of poleand- line fishing, where areas of opportunity lie, and how appropriate the current development models are.


No Restrictions

Marine Biodiversity

Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations

Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments


The promotion of pole-and-line tuna fishing in the Pacific Islands: Emerging issues and lessons learned
Skipjack Tuna Fishery in the Australian fishing zoneAFMA2008


This assessment covers fishing methods in the Skipjack Tuna Fishery (STF) by purse seine and minor line. The STF was declared an approved Wildlife Trade Operation (WTO) under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) on 30 November 2005 for a period of 3 years (to 30 November 2008). A copy of the letter to AFMA, including conditions and recommendations can be found at:

Skipjack tuna are widely distributed throughout tropical waters of the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean. The Australian fishing zone (AFZ) is at the extreme southern end of their range. Skipjack distribution in the AFZ on the east coast is from far north Queensland to Tasmania, excluding the Great Barrier Reef, off southern Australia from Kangaroo Island in the Great Australian Bight, and up the west coast to Broome.


No Restrictions

Marine Biodiversity

Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations

Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments


Skipjack Tuna Fishery in the Australian fishing zone
The Tuna Resource Management in the Indian Ocean: the Challenges for the Indian Ocean Tuna CommissionPanjarat, S.2008



No Restrictions

Marine Biodiversity


Biological and Cultural Diversity


The Tuna Resource Management in the Indian Ocean: the Challenges for the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission
Applying an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management in the High SeasIUCNSd


The overall objective of the “seamounts project” is to develop ecosystem approaches to fi sheries management for biologically-globally signifi cant and commercially-important areas beyond national jurisdiction, the high seas. By focusing on seamounts in the southern Indian Ocean, it aims to serve as an innovative demonstration for improving the conservation and management of unique biodiversity and ecological resources in the high seas.


No Restrictions

Marine Biodiversity

Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations

Legal and Political (Laws, Regulations, Action Plans, Strategies, etc.)


Applying an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management in the High Seas
Um Sistema Agregado de Contrabalanços de Biodiversidade: Um Roteiro para MoçambiqueWorld Bank Group2016

Cabo Delgado;
Maputo (cidade);

Moçambique está bem posicionado para tirar proveito das novas oportunidades para a protecção de Biodiversidade e novas fontes de receita para conservação que podiam ser providencia-dos pelos conceitos de Nenhuma Perda Líquida e Contrabalanços de Biodiversidade , que ao mesmo tempo podiam minimizar os danos ambientais resultantes do rápido desenvolvimento económico. Este relatório pretende traçar um caminho para a criação de um sistema agregado de contrabalanços de biodiversidade a nível nacional em Moçambique.


No Restrictions


Environmental Impact Assessment, Environmental Management Plans, Biodiversity Counterbalance Plans, and the like;
Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations

Legal and Political (Laws, Regulations, Action Plans, Strategies, etc.);
Economics, Trade and Incentive Measures;
Impact Assessment;
Threats to Biodiversity

All Protected Areas of Mozambique

Um Sistema Agregado de Contrabalanços de Biodiversidade: Um Roteiro para Moçambique
Rainbow Warrior Indian Ocean Expedition 2012Tolvanen, S. & Bours, H.2012


Greenpeace International

The Indian Ocean is the second most important tuna fishing ground in the world, with approximately 24% of the world’s tuna catch. This multibillion-dollar fishery is exploited by fleets from distant water fishing powers such as France, Spain, China, Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea. Some coastal states – Indonesia, India, Iran, and Sri Lanka – also have large fleets in the region that catch a significant amount of tuna and highly migratory species including sharks. The catches of the small-scale fleets, which account for an estimated 50% of catches in the region, are poorly documented, and as a result cause data gaps and other difficulties in assessing fish populations.


No Restrictions

Marine Biodiversity

Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations

Biological and Cultural Diversity


Rainbow Warrior Indian Ocean Expedition 2012
Perceptions of climate risk in Mozambique: Implications for the success of adaptation strategiesSchröter, D. & Patt, A.2008

Cabo Delgado;
Maputo (cidade);

Elsevier Ltd

Policies to promote adaptation climate risks often rely on the willing cooperation of the intended beneficiaries. If these beneficiaries disagree with policy makers and program managers about the need for adaptation, or the effectiveness of the measures they are being asked to undertake, then implementation of the policies will fail. A case study of a resettlement program in Mozambique shows this to be the case. Farmers and policy makers disagreed about the seriousness of climate risks, and the potential negative consequences of proposed adaptive measures. A project to provide more information about climate change to farmers did not change their beliefs.


No Restrictions


Peer-reviewed article

Climate Change and Biodiversity


Perceptions of climate risk in Mozambique: Implications for the success of adaptation strategies
Regional Fishery Bodies in The Indian, Indo-Pacific OceanAPFICSd



No Restrictions

Marine Biodiversity

Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations

Biological and Cultural Diversity


Regional Fishery Bodies in The Indian, Indo-Pacific Ocean
Estudo das Condições Ecológicas e Socioeconómicas da Reserva Nacional de PomeneMacandza, V. Et al.2015


Administração Nacional das Áreas de Conservação

A Reserva Nacional de Pomene (RNP), desde a sua criação nunca teve um plano de maneio. O objectivo deste estudo é documentar as condições ecológicas, condições socioeconómicas e a situação actual da gestão das finanças públicas na RNP. A informação produzida servirá de referência para a elaboração do plano de maneio que oriente a implementação de acções para a conservação da biodiversidade e desenvolvimento do turismo, no âmbito da revitalização e identificação de estratégias para o financiamento sustentável do sistema das áreas de conservação de Moçambique


No Restrictions

Forest Biodiversity;
Other Terrestrial Biodiversity

Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations

Protected Areas

Pomene National Reserve

Estudo das Condições Ecológicas e Socioeconómicas da Reserva Nacional de Pomene
Regional Tuna Tagging Project-Indian Ocean: A Report on the Activities of the 4th Tuna Tagging Cruise in Tanzanian Waters.Mugo, R.2005


The Regional Tuna Tagging Project (RTTP) is a 5 year, 14 M€ project funded by the European Development Fund (EDF). It is a scientific project of the Indian Ocean Commission (IOC), implemented by the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC). The general objective of the project is to reinforce the regional management capacity, leading to sustainable exploitation of tuna resources in the Indian Ocean. Specifically, the project aims to reinforce the scientific knowledge of tropical tuna stocks and the rate of exploitation in the Indian Ocean by obtaining crucial parameters for stock assessment


No Restrictions

Marine Biodiversity

Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations

Biological and Cultural Diversity


Regional Tuna Tagging Project-Indian Ocean: A Report on the Activities of the 4th Tuna Tagging Cruise in Tanzanian Waters.
A review of Indonesia’s Indian Ocean tuna fisheriesProctor, C. Et al.2001


ACIAR Project FIS/2001/079

The Indonesia-Australia Meeting on Indian Ocean fisheries, held in Bali in 2000, identified priority areas for future research co-operation and collaboration between Australia and Indonesia in the field of tuna and shark fisheries. A strategic plan was formulated with a vision that by 2008 Indonesia will have statistically robust data collection, synthesis and reporting systems


No Restrictions

Marine Biodiversity

Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations

Biological and Cultural Diversity


A review of Indonesia’s Indian Ocean tuna fisheries
An examination of the International trade in Bluefin Tuna with an emphasis on the Japanese marketGaski, A.1993


TRAFFIC Internacional

This study of the internacional tuna Thunnus ssp. trade statistic has been undertaken with the aim os evaluation the usefulness of such data to gain a picture of the trade and, in turn, to bring benefits for management of the species.


No Restrictions

Marine Biodiversity

Project Document, Project Reports and Evaluations

Threats to Biodiversity


An examination of the International trade in Bluefin Tuna with an emphasis on the Japanese market
Estratégia Nacional de Adaptação e Mitigação de Mudanças ClimáticasMINISTÉRIO PARA A COORDENAÇÃO DA ACÇÃO AMBIENTAL (MICOA)2012


Governo de Moçambique apresenta através deste documento a sua Estratégia Nacional de Adaptação e Mitigação das Mudanças Climáticas (ENAMMC) para o período 2013-2025, que inclui linhas estratégicas e prioritárias a adoptar e implementar nesse período e o plano de acção para 2013-2014. As Mudanças Climáticas (MC), definidas como alterações no clima (nos padrões de temperatura e precipitação) directa ou indirectamente atribuídas às actividades humanas (que alteram a composição global da atmosfera e aumentam o efeito de estufa) e que são adicionais à variabilidade natural do clima observada ao longo de períodos de tempo comparáveis.


No Restrictions


Official Government Document

Legal and Political (Laws, Regulations, Action Plans, Strategies, etc.);
Climate Change and Biodiversity

All Protected Areas of Mozambique

Estratégia Nacional de Adaptação e Mitigação de Mudanças Climáticas
National Strategy and Action Plan of Biological Diversity of Mozambique (2015-2035)MINISTÉRIO DA TERRA, AMBIENTE E DESENVOLVIMENTO RURAL (MITADER)2015

Cabo Delgado;
Maputo (cidade);

Biodiversity is a vital pillar for the development of Mozambique and for the support of the majority of the Mozambican population. It is therefore important that the development based on a sustainable basis in, which the intrinsic value of biodiversity is recognized, valued and preserved through the generations. Thus, it is relevant to define strategic management and conservation measures of national biodiversity.


No Restrictions


Official Government Document

Biological and Cultural Diversity

All Protected Areas of Mozambique

National Strategy and Action Plan of Biological Diversity of Mozambique (2015-2035)
Interactions between small cetaceans and the purse-seine fishery in western Portuguese waters2007Wise, L. Et al.



Marine mammal interactions with Portuguese purse-seine fisheries operating in four different ports (Figueira da Foz, Sesimbra, Setúbal, Sines) were studied (July-October 2003). Observers accompanied commercial fishing vessels and monitored 48 fishing trips. An interview survey of skippers was also carried out (n = 36). Three species of marine mammals were observed in 31 sightings during the commercials trips but only the species Delphinus delphis and the category Delphinidae were observed to interact with fishing activities. Small cetaceans were observed to sink, gather or disperse school fishes and damage gear.


No Restrictions

Marine Biodiversity

Peer-reviewed article

Biological and Cultural Diversity


Interactions between small cetaceans and the purse-seine fishery in western Portuguese waters
Resilience of Coastal Systems and Their Human Partners in the Western Indian OceanSamoilys, M., Et al.2015


IUCN ESARO, WIOMSA, CORDIO and UNEP Nairobi Convention

This report explains the ecology and social profile of coastal systems in Kenya, Mozambique and Tanzania in order to contribute to the development of effective strategies to enhance the resilience of marine and coastal systems in the Western Indian Ocean. Special consideration is given to the effects and consequences of climate change and economic development.


No Restrictions

Coastal Biodiversity

Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations

Climate Change and Biodiversity


Resilience of Coastal Systems and Their Human Partners in the Western Indian Ocean
Plano de Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Douro – Relatório FinalMinistério do Ambiente e do Ordenamento Territorial2001


Em 1998 foi iniciada a elaboração dos Planos de Bacia Hidrográfica de todos os rios portugueses do continente, promovidos pelo Instituto da Água (INAG), no que respeita aos rios Minho, Douro, Tejo e Guadiana, e pelas Direcções Regionais do Ambiente, em relação aos restantes. A elaboração dos Planos de Bacia Hidrográfica (PBH) e do Plano Nacional da Água (PNA) está enquadrada pelos princípios orientadores da política ambiental portuguesa consignada no Plano Nacional da Política do Ambiente (PNPA), aprovado em Março de 1995, em cumprimento do disposto na Lei de Bases do Ambiente publicada em 1987.


No Restrictions

Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity

Official Government Document

Sustainable Use of Biodiversity


Plano de Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Douro – Relatório Final
Cost/benefit assessment of marine and coastal resources in the western Indian Ocean: Mozambique and South AfricaTurpie, J & Wilson, G.2011

Cabo Delgado

The Agulhas Somali Current Large Marine Ecosystem (ASCLME, Figure 1) comprises two systems situated in the western Indian Ocean region along the east coast of Africa, the Agulhas Current and Somali Current systems (NOAA 2008, Heileman et al. 2009). The Somali Current LME extends from the horn of Africa to the Comoros Islands and the northern tip of Madagascar and includes Somalia, Kenya and Tanzania on mainland Africa (ASCLME Project 2009). The Agulhas Current LME encompasses the continental shelves and coastal waters of Mozambique, eastern South Africa, Madagascar as well as the archipelagos of the Seychelles, the Comoros, and Mauritius (ASCLME Project 2009, Heileman et al. 2009). T


No Restrictions

Marine Biodiversity

Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations

Economics, Trade and Incentive Measures

Quirimbas National Park;
Bazaruto Archipelago National Park;
Ponta do Ouro Partial Marine Reserve;
Cabo de São Sebastião Total Protection Zone;
Inhaca Biological Reserve;
Primeiras e Segundas Islands Environmental Protection Area

Cost/benefit assessment of marine and coastal resources in the western Indian Ocean: Mozambique and South Africa
PBH do Rio Guadiana Volume I – Síntese da Análise e Diagnóstico da Situação ActualHidroprojecto2000


A região ocupada em Portugal pela bacia hidrográfica do rio Guadiana é, em termos nacionais, a região que apresenta um PIB mais baixo e maior índice de desertificação social, envelhecimento acentuado da população, onde a agricultura extensiva tem grande peso, a par dum sector de serviços disseminado no pequeno comércio e duma indústria de reduzida expressão.


No Restrictions

Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity

Official Government Document

Sustainable Use of Biodiversity


PBH do Rio Guadiana Volume I – Síntese da Análise e Diagnóstico da Situação Actual
Plano de Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Guadiana – Segunda fase – Definição de objectivosHidroprojecto2000



No Restrictions

Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity

Maps and non-georeferenced data (as jpg, pdf, .zip, data etc.)

Sustainable Use of Biodiversity


Plano de Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Guadiana – Segunda fase – Definição de objectivos
1 50 51 52 53 54 63 Total Documents: 2488