Virtual Library

The BIOFUND Virtual Library is an online archive of information on Mozambique’s biodiversity, organized along the lines suggested by the Convention on Biodiversity’s Clearing House Mechanism. The Virtual Library will strive to make available all the documents, studies, reports, articles, educational and communications materials, maps and digital files that have been produced, to serve as a repository of our collective institutional memory as a conservation community. The usefulness of the Virtual Library will improve the more we share amongst ourselves. If you have any materials that are not currently part of the Virtual Library, please click on "Add Document" and become a contributor.





Year of Publication




Type of Biodiversity

Protected Areas

Title Author Year of Publication
ANNUAL REPORT 2015-Niassa Carnivore ProjectNiassa Carnivore Project2015


Niassa National Reserve (NNR) is located in northern Mozambique on the border with Tanzania. It is both one of the largest protected areas (42 000 km2; 16000 ml2) and most undeveloped places in Africa. The protected area supports the largest concentrations of wildlife remaining in Mozambique including at least a third of the national lion population (1000-1200 individuals out of a National population estimated at 2700 lions) and more than 350 African wild dogs. Free-ranging African lions (Panthera leo) have declined over the last century to fewer than 24,000 today (Riggio et al., 2012; Bauer et al., 2015). While lions are still listed as vulnerable across their whole African range, in the majority of their range, particularly in Eastern...


No Restrictions

Other Terrestrial Biodiversity

Project Document, Project Reports and Evaluations

Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments

Niassa National Reserve

ANNUAL REPORT 2015-Niassa Carnivore Project


TAWIRI Biennual Conference Proceeding

Occurrence of fire is inevitable in the Selous Game Reserve which is among the UNESCO world Heritage sites. Apart from prescribed burning, un-prescribed burning was observed to occur in this reserve which was anticipated to deteriorate the wildlife species including insects. This study aimed at determining the impacts of fire on insects of the Selous. Pitfall traps were used in the collection of insects samples in the three designed study sites namely; burnt grassland, un-burnt grassland and burnt woodland. The findings showed that, fire had significant (what level of significance) impacts on diversity and not on abundance of insects. High diversity was observed in un-burnt grassland than in the burnt grassland. However it was eminent...


No Restrictions

Other Terrestrial Biodiversity

Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations

Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments

All Protected Areas of Mozambique



Proc Int Conf Dis Zoo Wild Anim

The African lion (Panthera leo) is an iconic species of the African continent, classified as vulnerable by the IUCN. Infectious diseases are one main threat for the survival of this species. However, the impact of parasitic infections has been overlooked and poorly documented. In order to characterise the para-sitological fauna of these animals, a study was carried out in the Niassa National Reserve (NNR), Northern Mozambique, where a large population of lions lives. In partnership with the Niassa Lion Project and the administration of the Niassa Reserve, 44 lion faecal samples were collected in an area of 600 km² (Concession L5-South), and later processed and analysed at the Laboratory of Parasit-ology and Parasitic Diseases, Faculty of...


No Restrictions

Other Terrestrial Biodiversity

Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations

Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments

Niassa National Reserve

Carbon Storage in Secondary Mangroves along the West Coastline of Maputo City, MozambiqueTarquinio Mateus Magalhães2018

Maputo (cidade)

Mangroves are often excluded when estimating carbon (C) from global and tropical forests. Therefore, C estimates of global and tropical forests are likely to be underestimated. On the other hand, allometric biomass models and C stocks estimates are lacking for juvenile mangrove trees (seedling and sapling), yet required for increasing of young successional mangrove forests as result of disturbances. In this study, allometric biomass models were fitted and ecosystem C stock estimated for a juvenile secondary mangrove forest, using a non-destructive biomass sampling. Besides the advantage of enforcing additivity and being least biased, the models fitted simultaneously using nonlinear seemingly unrelated regression (NSUR) with parameter restri


No Restrictions

Forest Biodiversity;
Coastal Biodiversity

Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations

Impact Assessment;
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments


Carbon Storage in Secondary Mangroves along the West Coastline of Maputo City, Mozambique
Socio-economic impacts of private forest investment on local livelihoods in Niassa, MozambiqueMaja Bleyer2014


University of Helsinki Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry Department of Forest Sciences

The low population density and consequent high land availability in Niassa, Mozambique have attracted foreign private forest investments. Since 2005 forest companies have acquired the right to establish forest plantations in the area, which naturally affects the livelihoods in communities located close by. This study aimed to analyse the impact of forest plantations on the livelihood and wealth of local communities. The main objectives were the evaluation of impacts on natural resources, livelihood strategies and differences in the experienced impacts between different wealth groups. With these objectives, household interviews, focus group meetings and key informant interviews were held in five different villages in the province of...


No Restrictions

Forest Biodiversity

Peer-reviewed article

Economics, Trade and Incentive Measures

Niassa National Reserve

Socio-economic impacts of private forest investment on local livelihoods in Niassa, Mozambique
The Space Between A geospatial analysis of connectivity between lion populations in East AfricaMatthew Rogan & Stuart Pimm,2014


Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University

Lion (Panthera leo) populations and habitat range are in steep decline. Lions are increasingly isolated in protected areas and other pockets of habitat. Habitat fragmentation lowers effective population size and increases vulnerability to threats such as inbreeding depression and localized catastrophes. Conserving connecting habitat between lion populations is critical for mitigating effects from fragmentation. With approximately half of all remaining lions and a rich network of protected areas, the East African Community presents vital opportunities to preserve connectivity. I collected 69,068 lion presence locations from field researchers and overlaid these locations with a suite of environmental variables. Due to strong biases in the ...


No Restrictions

Other Terrestrial Biodiversity

Peer-reviewed article

Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments

Niassa National Reserve

The Space Between A geospatial analysis of connectivity between lion populations in East Africa
Poaching Rhino Horn in South Africa and Mozambique: Community and Expert Views From the TrenchesKenly Greer Fenio2014


U.S. Department of State

This report illustrates attitudes garnered from nine focus groups in several poaching communities in and around South African and Mozambican game parks, and approximately 15 in-depth interviews with experts working in the parks. Although the communities exhibited differences, there also exist a common set of conditions in them: economically marginalized populations, anger toward the status quo, huge financial incentives from poaching, widespread corruption, and porous borders, all of which highlight the complex interaction of economic and political factors in perpetuating illicit wildlife trafficking. Until conservation and anti-poaching and trafficking efforts are ramped up, demand is reduced in Asian countries such as Viet Nam, and com...


No Restrictions

Other Terrestrial Biodiversity

Project Document, Project Reports and Evaluations

Communication and Public Awareness;
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments

Limpopo National Park;
Maputo Special Reserve

Poaching Rhino Horn in South Africa and Mozambique: Community and Expert Views From the Trenches
Contribution to the knowledge of the Carpenter Moths (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) of the Maputo Special Reserve in South Mozambique with description of two new speciesROMAN V. YAKOVLEV, GYULA M. LÁSZLÓ & ALVARO A. VETINA2020



Ecologica Montenegrina

Present paper contains the first comprehensive summary of the Cossidae of the Maputo Special Reserve (South Mozambique), including ten species. Two species are described as new to science: Afrikanetz smithi Yakovlev & László sp. n. and Brachylia maputo Yakovlev & László sp. n. Three species are reported from Mozambique for the first time. With 14 colour and 2 black and white figures.


No Restrictions

Forest Biodiversity

Peer-reviewed article

Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments

Maputo Special Reserve

Contribution to the knowledge of the Carpenter Moths (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) of the Maputo Special Reserve in South Mozambique with description of two new species
The size of savannah Africa: a lion’s (Panthera leo) viewJason Riggio • Andrew Jacobson • Luke Dollar • Hans Bauer • Matthew Becker • Amy Dickman • Paul Funston • Rosemary Groom • Philipp Henschel • Hans de Iongh • Laly Lichtenfeld • Stuart Pimm2013



DOI 10.1007/s10531-012-0381-4

Biodivers Conserv

We define African savannahs as being those areas that receive between 300 and 1,500 mm of rain annually. This broad definition encompasses a variety of habitats. Thus defined, savannahs comprise 13.5 million km2 and encompass most of the present range of the African lion (Panthera leo). Dense human populations and extensive conversion of land to human use preclude use by lions. Using high-resolution satellite imagery and human population density data we define lion areas, places that likely have resident lion populations. In 1960, 11.9 million km2 of these savannahs had fewer than 25 people per km2. The comparable area shrank to 9.7 million km2 by 2000. Areas of savannah Africa with few people have shrunk considerably in the last 50 year...


No Restrictions

Forest Biodiversity

Peer-reviewed article

Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments

All Protected Areas of Mozambique

The size of savannah Africa: a lion’s (Panthera leo) view
Estudo da Prevalência da Tuberculose Bovina, Brucelose, Teileriose e Febre Aftosa na População de Búfalos da Reserva Nacional do Niassa.Rui Branco2010



Sociedade para a Gestão e Desenvolvimento da Reserva do Niassa

Sociedade para a Gestão e Desenvolvimento da Reserva do Niassa

O búfalo constitui uma espécie extremamente valiosa do rico património faunístico da Reserva Nacional do Niassa, quer pela importância que tem no equilíbrio ecológico e ambiental quer pela contribuição que proporciona para o desenvolvimento de actividades viáveis de turismo dado tratar-se de uma espécie com elevado valor comercial, particularmente se estiver livre de doenças e dada a sua contribuição para a indústria de caça desportiva. O conhecimento da ecologia e saúde dos búfalos, em termos de dinâmica da população e estado das doenças é essencial para assegurar o desenvolvimento e manutenção de populações viáveis, possibilitando assim quer o aumento das oportunidades relativas a actividades de turismo, quer o estabelecimento de uma...


No Restrictions

Other Terrestrial Biodiversity

Project Document, Project Reports and Evaluations

Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments

Niassa National Reserve

Estudo da Prevalência da Tuberculose Bovina, Brucelose, Teileriose e Febre Aftosa na População de Búfalos da Reserva Nacional do Niassa.
A comparative study on bushmeat consumption patterns in ten tribes in TanzaniaSilvia Laura Ceppi1,2 and Martin Reinhardt Nielsen32014



Tropical Conservation Science

Bushmeat hunting is an important driver of wildlife depletion in Tanzania, but national-wide estimates of its consumption are lacking. We compare bushmeat consumption frequencies and determinants in ten tribes in different ecoregions in Tanzania, four of these within biodiversity hotspots of global conservation importance. Bushmeat consumption is examined in terms of ethnicity, selected indicators of wealth, and distance to and protection level of nearest protected area. Forty six percent of the respondents (n=300) belonging to nine of the ten tribes reported consuming bushmeat during the past 12 months, and 14% admitted that at least one household member hunted illegally. Significant differences in bushmeat consumption frequencies and...


No Restrictions

Forest Biodiversity

Peer-reviewed article

Community Use of Biodiversity

All Protected Areas of Mozambique

A comparative study on bushmeat consumption patterns in ten tribes in Tanzania
Attracting investment for Africa’s protected areas by creating enabling environments for collaborative management partnershipsP. Lindsey, M. Baghai, G. Bigurube, S. Cunliffe, A. Dickman, K. Fitzgerald, M. Flyman, P. Gandiwa, B. Kumchedwa, A. Madope, M. Morjan, A. Parker, K. Steiner, P. Tumenta, K. Uiseb, A. Robson2021



Biological Conservation

Africa’s Protected Area (PA) estate includes some of the world’s most iconic wildlife and wildlands and preserves ecosystem services upon which people depend. However, Africa’s PAs are facing a growing array of threats resulting in significant degradation, factors compounded by chronic funding shortages. In this opinion piece, drawing from the available literature and collective experience of the author group, we look at the potential for collaborative management partnerships (CMPs) between state wildlife agencies and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) to attract investment and technical capacity to improve PA performance. The three main CMP models—financial and technical support, co-management, and delegated management—yield median...


No Restrictions

Forest Biodiversity;
Mountain Biodiversity;
Other Terrestrial Biodiversity;
Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity;
Marine Biodiversity;
Coastal Biodiversity

Peer-reviewed article

Protected Areas

All Protected Areas of Mozambique

Attracting investment for Africa’s protected areas by creating enabling environments for collaborative management partnerships



A pesquisa tem como tema o Mapeamento da localização de espécie Relevantes para o Turismo de Contemplação na Reserva Especial de Maputo e para a materialização do tema definiu-se objectivo geral que é elaborar um guião de identificação e localização das principais espécies presente na REM, os objectivos específicos são identificar as principais espécies e relevantes, mapear lugares e elaborar guião.


No Restrictions

Forest Biodiversity;
Other Terrestrial Biodiversity

Peer-reviewed article

Tourism and Biodiversity

Maputo Special Reserve

Projecting Mozambique’s Demographic FuturesJulia Zinkina & Andrey Korotayev2014



Journal of Futures Studies

The “medium” population projection series by the UN Population Division forecasts nearcatastrophic population increase for a whole number of Tropical African countries, especially East African ones. However, the projections for Mozambique, appearing somewhat less ominous than those for the neighboring Zambia, Tanzania, and Malawi, do not account for the recent fertility dynamics in Mozambique. Indeed, the projection implies a rather rapid fertility decline, while in reality it has been not just stalled, but even growing during the latest decade. We present our own population projection for Mozambique based on the UN version, but taking into account the recent fertility dynamics. We also model two more demographic scenarios, the “inertial...


No Restrictions


Peer-reviewed article

Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments


Projecting Mozambique’s Demographic Futures
Variation of Nutritional and Anti-Nutritional Contents in Finger Millet (Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn) GenotypesSolomon Igosangwa Shibairo, Oliver Nyongesa, Richard Onwonga and Jane Ambuko2014


IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science

Variation in nutritional and anti-nutritional contents among six finger millet genotypes was determined. Improved finger millet genotypes Gulu-E and FMV-1 from Kenya Agricultural Research Institute, KNE-479 and KNE 1034 from International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) and local landraces Ateso and Nyaikuro, were compared. There was no significant (p>0.05) difference in calcium (Ca), iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn) contents among the genotypes. Genotypes Ateso and Gulu-E had the highest crude fat contents while KNE-479 had the lowest. Genotypes KNE-479 and Nyaikuro had the highest crude protein content. Lowest crude protein contents were observed in genotypes Gulu-E and Ateso. Genotype Ateso followed by FMV-1 and Nyai...


No Restrictions

Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity

Peer-reviewed article

Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments


Variation of Nutritional and Anti-Nutritional Contents in Finger Millet (Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn) Genotypes
The Development of a National Fire Danger Rating System for South AfricaCarla Willis, Brian van Wilgen, Kevin Tolhurst, Colin Everson, Peter D’Abreton, Lionel Pero and Gavin Fleming,2001



CSIR Environmentek

CSIR Environmentek

During 1998, South Africa passed the new National Veld and Forest Fire Act (Act 101 of 1998), hereafter referred to as ‘the Act’. The Act provides for the prevention of veld, forest and mountain fires through the deployment of a National Fire Danger Rating System (NFDRS). Such a system does not exist at a national level at this stage, although localised fire danger rating systems are used in some regions. The Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (DWAF) therefore contracted the CSIR to develop a NFDRS for South Africa. The NFDRS was developed by a team of experts, in consultation with the Veld and Forest Fire Committee of the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry and several key stakeholders.


No Restrictions


Project Document, Project Reports and Evaluations

Legal and Political (Laws, Regulations, Action Plans, Strategies, etc.)

All Protected Areas of Mozambique

The Development of a National Fire Danger Rating System for South Africa
Private Supply of Protected Land in Southern Africa: A Review of Markets, Approaches, Barriers and IssuesWolf Krug2001



World Bank / OECD International Workshop on Market Creation for Biodiversity Products and Services Paris

World Bank / OECD International Workshop on Market Creation for Biodiversity Products and Services Paris

This paper represents a first attempt to assess the role of the private sector in supplying protected land or ‘land under wildlife’ in southern Africa. Although limited information exists on private conservation initiatives, it is possible to conclude that the private sector plays an indispensable role in the provision of biodiversity in the region. A minimum of 14 million hectares of private land is under some form of wildlife protection or sustainable wildlife management. This equals almost half the size of the United Kingdom, or half the size of all state protected areas in the region. Private reserves, conservancies and game ranches protect critical habitat in various ecosystems and play an important role in the protection of highly...


No Restrictions


Peer-reviewed article

Protected Areas

All Protected Areas of Mozambique

Private Supply of Protected Land in Southern Africa: A Review of Markets, Approaches, Barriers and Issues
NIASSA BOTANICAL EXPEDITION JUNE 2003Jonathan Timberlake, Janice Golding and Philip Clarke2004



Biodiversity Foundation for Africa

Biodiversity Foundation for Africa

At the request of the Sociedade para a Gestão e Desenvolvimento da Reserva do Niassa and Fauna and Flora International, a botanical survey of the Niassa Reserve in northern Mozambique was carried out in June 2003. The objectives included compiling a preliminary plant species list, collecting herbarium specimens, providing an initial characterisation of the vegetation types found there, identifying species and areas of particular importance for conservation, and providing recommendations to management on plant conservation priorities. The survey team consisted of five botanists. Existing information on the vegetation and plants of the area is very limited. This was reviewed. Ground and aerial surveys were conducted over a 21 day period...


No Restrictions


Project Document, Project Reports and Evaluations

Biological and Cultural Diversity

All Protected Areas of Mozambique;
Niassa National Reserve

Status of range and forage research in MozambiqueInicio G Maposse, James P Muir and AlbertinaA Alage2003



DOI: 10.2989/10220110309485800

Aftican Joumal of Range & Fonge Science

Domestic ruminant production n Mozambique's limited by a long dry seasonal nd lack of a well-defined breading season to match forage supply. To date, research on pasture and forages has concentrated mainly on range vegetation mapping' forage adaptation and production from small plots. Little research has been conducted on animal production parse, despite numerous projects focusing on animal health. A key to sustainable use of forage resources require, among other aspects determination f pasture productivity and long-term Carrying capacity using animal output and land conservation parameters, maximum use of local resources Including local seed production, improved use of crop reel dues and the integrated use of native flora and...


No Restrictions

Forest Biodiversity

Peer-reviewed article

Sustainable Use of Biodiversity

All Protected Areas of Mozambique

Status of range and forage research in Mozambique
Distribution and Movements of Elephants and other Wildlife in the Selous-Niassa Wildlife Corridor, TanzaniaHeribert Hofer, Thomas B Hildebrandt, Frank Göritz, Marion L East, Donald G Mpanduji, Rudi Hahn, Ludwig Siege, Rolf D Baldus2004




Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH

This study assessed the status and importance of the Selous Niassa Wildlife Corridor (SNWC) in southern Tanzania as a conservation area and biological corridor for wildlife, principally the African elephant (Loxodonta africana) and other key wildlife species. To this end we investigated the distribution and movements of elephants and other wildlife species, their population structure and population size. With a view to identify key conservation and development issues, we also assessed the relationship between people and wildlife, in particular potential sources of conflict, local knowledge about and attitudes towards wildlife. The data were derived from a novel combination of local knowledge of wildlife, own field observations, and...


No Restrictions

Forest Biodiversity;
Other Terrestrial Biodiversity

Project Document, Project Reports and Evaluations

Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments

All Protected Areas of Mozambique

Distribution and Movements of Elephants and other Wildlife in the Selous-Niassa Wildlife Corridor, Tanzania



Sociedade para a Gestão e Desenvolvimento da Reserva do Niassa Moçambique

Sociedade para a Gestão e Desenvolvimento da Reserva do Niassa Moçambique

Reptiles and amphibians (the herpetofauna) form an important, but often neglected, component of vertebrate diversity. As part of the formal biodiversity survey of the Niassa Game Reserve (NGR), the Sociedade para e Gestão e Dsenvolvimento da Reserva do Niassa (SRN) requested an assessment of the herpetofauna.


No Restrictions

Other Terrestrial Biodiversity

Project Document, Project Reports and Evaluations

Biological and Cultural Diversity

All Protected Areas of Mozambique;
Niassa National Reserve

Ecological observations from a portion of the Lugenda valley, Niassa Reserve: resource utilization and densities of key animal species PlateC. M. Begg, K. S. Begg, G.W. Begg & O. I. Muemedi2005



Sociedade para a Gestão e Desnvolvimento da Reserva do Niassa Moçambique

Sociedade para a Gestão e Desenvolvimento da Reserva do Niassa Moçambique

The Niassa Reserve Biodiversity Workshop (Maputo 2004) highlighted a number of concerns regarding the extent of resource utilization, particularly fishing pressure along the Lugenda River. In addition more detailed information was requested on fish catches and the densities of crocodile, hippo, impala and African skimmer. This report hopes to contribute to a better understanding of the dynamic between people and the environment in Niassa Reserve, particularly the reliance of people on the Lugenda River. Our study area is situated in the southeastern section of the Niassa Reserve core area and incorporates 25 km of the Lugenda River bounded by the Mbamba River in the west and the Msangezi river in the east, extending approximately 10 km ...


No Restrictions


Project Document, Project Reports and Evaluations

Biological and Cultural Diversity

Niassa National Reserve

Ecological observations from a portion of the Lugenda valley, Niassa Reserve: resource utilization and densities of key animal species Plate
Survey of carnivores in the Niassa Reserve, northern MozambiqueColleen M. Begg & Keith S. Begg2004



Sociedade para a Gestão e Desenvolvimento da Reserva do Niassa Moçambique

Sociedade para a Gestão e Desenvolvimento da Reserva do Niassa Moçambique

Carnivores are considered ecological indicators of the viability of other members of their communities and the number and diversity of carnivores defines a healthy ecosystem. In addition, the large carnivores (lion, leopard and hyaena) are central to eco-tourism and provide crucial revenue through trophy hunting in four of the five buffer areas surrounding the core area of the reserve. A carnivore survey was conducted in Niassa Reserve (May – December 2003), using a variety of standard techniques including spotlight counts, track plates, live trapping and a call-up survey for lions and hyaenas. In total 26 carnivore species including domestic cat and dog were identified. The level of illegal killing of carnivores needs to be assessed and...


No Restrictions


Project Document, Project Reports and Evaluations

Biological and Cultural Diversity

All Protected Areas of Mozambique

Survey of carnivores in the Niassa Reserve, northern Mozambique
A Catchment Based Approach to the Conservation of the RiversMarcus Wishart, Madyo Couto and Dinis Juizo2004



Sociedade para a Gestão e Desenvolvimento da Reserva do Niassa Moçambique

Sociedade para a Gestão e Desenvolvimento da Reserva do Niassa Moçambique

The rivers and wetlands of the Niassa Reserve have been identified as a key landscape feature in the Niassa Reserve with significance influence and importance for biodiversity. The diversity of aquatic habitats and associated riparian vegetation support a diverse array of species. Given this importance the objective of this report is to integrate existing information and provide an overview of the rivers within the reserve. This information is used to identify the conservation value of individual catchment units. The aim is to provide a management tool to guide the process of prioritisation for conservation areas and the designation of human resource utilization and development areas. Through review of the biophysical characteristics of...


No Restrictions

Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity

Project Document, Project Reports and Evaluations

Biological and Cultural Diversity

Niassa National Reserve

A Catchment Based Approach to the Conservation of the Rivers
Trophy Monitoring in Niassa National Reserve, Mozambique: Lion, Leopard, Buffalo, Hippo and CrocodileColleen & Keith Begg2007



Sociedade para a Gestão e Desenvolvimento da Reserva do Niassa Moçambique & Savannas Foreve

Sociedade para a Gestão e Desenvolvimento da Reserva do Niassa Moçambique & Savannas Foreve

SRN (the management authority of the NNR) aims to secure, manage and develop the biodiversity of the Niassa National Reserve (NNR) and provide a quality eco-tourism and sport hunting experience to generate a local economy to finance NNR management activities (SRN Management Plan, 2006). Six sport hunting concession are currently operational within the NNR protected area boundary situated as a buffer area around a core area. The aim is to maximise trophy quality and economic returns while maintaining the viability and growth of wildlife populations through ecologically sustainable hunting practises. Monitoring of trophy quality and hunt effort provides an indirect, relatively inexpensive means of determining whether current quota size and...


No Restrictions

Other Terrestrial Biodiversity

Project Document, Project Reports and Evaluations

Biological and Cultural Diversity

Niassa National Reserve

Trophy Monitoring in Niassa National Reserve, Mozambique: Lion, Leopard, Buffalo, Hippo and Crocodile
What the Kidunda Dam will Destroy: Ecological and Socio-economic Value of Gonabis, Selous Game Reserve, TanzaniaDevesh Rustagi2005



GTZ Wildlife Programme in Tanzania Wildlife Division

GTZ Wildlife Programme in Tanzania Wildlife Division

As many as 43 mammal species or 13 % of all mammal species found in Tanzania are considered as threatened by the IUCN. This number has increased from 33 (10 %) in 1996 to 43 (13 %) in 2000, in a mere span of four years. Of these, five species are considered as critically endangered, 11 as endangered and 27 as vulnerable. The main cause behind this situation is ascribed to conflict between people, wildlife and respective protected areas and failure of the institutions to reflect the actual value of these resources. In the past few years, the Government of Tanzania has taken positive steps to ameliorate the interests of conservationists and local communities by introducing the concept of WMAs, a new category of protected area where people...


No Restrictions

Other Terrestrial Biodiversity

Project Document, Project Reports and Evaluations

Biological and Cultural Diversity

All Protected Areas of Mozambique

What the Kidunda Dam will Destroy: Ecological and Socio-economic Value of Gonabis, Selous Game Reserve, Tanzania
Review of the Cyana rejecta (Walker, 1854) species-group, with descriptions of three new species from mainland Africa and a new subspecies from Madagascar (Lepidoptera, Erebidae, Arctiinae, Lithosiini)ANTON V. VOLYNKIN & GYULA M. LÁSZLÓ2020




The present paper provides an overview of the Cyana rejecta (Walker, 1854) species-group. Three new species (C. yao sp. n., C. occidentalis sp. n. and C. cornutissima sp. n.) and a new subspecies (C. rejecta viettei ssp. n.) are described. Adults, male and female genitalia of all taxa of the species-group are illustrated.


No Restrictions

Forest Biodiversity

Peer-reviewed article

Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments

All Protected Areas of Mozambique

Review of the Cyana rejecta (Walker, 1854) species-group, with descriptions of three new species from mainland Africa and a new subspecies from Madagascar (Lepidoptera, Erebidae, Arctiinae, Lithosiini)
Biodiversity Values, Threats and Conservation Strategies of the Selous – Niassa Wildlife Corridor, TanzaniaUrs Bloesch, Mittelstr and Rudolf Hahn2007





The Selous-Niassa miombo woodlands of southern Tanzania and northern Mozambique are one of the largest and for the global biodiversity most significant, trans-boundary natural ecosystem in Africa, covering over 154,000 km2. The Selous-Niassa Wildlife Corridor serves as migratory route between the Selous and the Niassa Game Reserves hosting the world’s largest elephant, buffalo and sable populations. The Corridor will be protected with a network of WMAs (Wildlife Management Area) under the management of Authorised Associations excluding any agricultural activity. This aims to empower local communities in the natural resource management in view of improving their livelihoods and maintaining the integrity of the wildlife corridor and its...


No Restrictions

Other Terrestrial Biodiversity

Project Document, Project Reports and Evaluations

Climate Change and Biodiversity

Niassa National Reserve

Biodiversity Values, Threats and Conservation Strategies of the Selous – Niassa Wildlife Corridor, Tanzania
Mozambique Country Water Resources Assistance Strategy: Making Water Work for Sustainable Growth and Poverty ReductionObiageli K. Ezekwesili, Michael Baxter, Jaime M. Biderman, Len Abrams2007



The World Bank

The World Bank

Mozambique’s continuous efforts to sustain economic growth and reduce poverty face a number of constraints including its economic and political history, and its geography and climatic conditions. It is widely accepted that future economic growth of the country will continue to rely on its natural resources base and, specifically, on sustainable use of land and water resources. Mozambique has plentiful land and water resources that provide great potential for the production of a variety of crops, livestock development and industrial growth. However, high climate variability resulting in frequent recurrent droughts and floods, limited water resources availability in the most developed southern part of the country, high dependency on...


No Restrictions

Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity

Project Document, Project Reports and Evaluations

Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments

All Protected Areas of Mozambique

Mozambique Country Water Resources Assistance Strategy: Making Water Work for Sustainable Growth and Poverty Reduction
A Framework for Tourism Development in Northern MozambiqueJohn Robinson-Planning & Design2008

Cabo Delgado;


Nathan Associates Incorporated

Nathan Associates Incorporated

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is providing technical assistance and funding to develop the tourism potential of three Northern Mozambican Provinces: Cabo Delgado; Nampula; and Niassa. The goal is develop and position the three provinces as major international and sustainable tourism destinations based on the region’s unique historic, cultural and natural resources. Specifically, the project seeks to enhance competitiveness and sustain economic growth by creating an industry friendly policy environment and transforming tourism into a major sector...


No Restrictions


Project Document, Project Reports and Evaluations

Tourism and Biodiversity

Quirimbas National Park;
Lake Niassa Partial Marine Reserve;
Primeiras e Segundas Islands Environmental Protection Area

A Framework for Tourism Development in Northern Mozambique
Population Structure and Diversity in Finger Millet (Eleusine coracana) GermplasmMathews M. Dida & Nelson Wanyera & Melanie L. Harrison Dunn & Jeffrey L. Bennetzen & Katrien M. Devos2008



DOI 10.1007/s12042-008-9012-3

Tropical Plant Biol

A genotypic analysis of 79 finger millet accessions (E. coracana subsp. coracana) from 11 African and five Asian countries, plus 14 wild E. coracana subsp. africana lines collected in Uganda and Kenya was conducted with 45 SSR markers distributed across the finger millet genome. Phylogenetic and population structure analyses showed that the E. coracana germplasm formed three largely distinct subpopulations, representing subsp. africana, subsp. coracana originating from Africa and subsp. coracana originating from Asia. A few lines showed admixture between the African and Asian cultivated germplasm pools and were the result of either targeted or accidental...


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Peer-reviewed article

Biological and Cultural Diversity

All Protected Areas of Mozambique

Population Structure and Diversity in Finger Millet (Eleusine coracana) Germplasm
Mission Report-Reactive Monitoring Mission Selous Game Reserve (United Republic of Tanzania) 23-30 November 2008Guy Debonnet & Ed Wilson2008



World Heritage Centre & IUCN

World Heritage Centre & IUCN

From 23 to 30 November 2008, a joint World Heritage Centre/IUCN monitoring mission visited the Selous Game Reserve (SGR) and World Heritage property in accordance Decision 32 COM 7B.4, adopted by the World Heritage Committee at its 32nd session (Quebec City, 2008). The mission was a follow up to the earlier mission undertaken in 2007, which, because of logistical constraints, had only been able to visit the part of the property north of the Rufiji river, which is open to photographic tourism. At its 31st session (Christchurch, 2007), the Committee therefore recommended that a further monitoring mission be organized to focus on the area south of the Rufiji river, which is open to regulated sports hunting. The current mission looked into...


No Restrictions

Other Terrestrial Biodiversity

Project Document, Project Reports and Evaluations

Sustainable Use of Biodiversity

All Protected Areas of Mozambique

Mission Report-Reactive Monitoring Mission Selous Game Reserve (United Republic of Tanzania) 23-30 November 2008
Wild edible mushrooms and their marketing potential in the Selous-Niassa Wildlife Corridor, TanzaniaUrs Bloesch & Frank Mbago2009



Sociedade para a Gestão e Desenvolvimento da Reserva do Niassa Moçambique

Sociedade para a Gestão e Desenvolvimento da Reserva do Niassa Moçambique

A first field study was carried from 21/1 to 31/1/08 including a) a preliminary assessment of wild mushrooms of the Selous-Niassa Wildlife Corridor which are edible or having medicinal uses, b) the description of the mushroom growing habitats, and c) a first investigation about the marketing of wild edible mushrooms (species, conditioning, existing local markets) in profit of the local communities. This second more in depth analysis is based on further fieldwork realised from 28/2 – 21/3/09. This field trip was carried out later in the rainy season what allowed to assess a wider range of edible mushrooms since the fructification and collection period of many mushrooms is highly seasonal. The second study completes the wild edible mushroom..


No Restrictions

Other Terrestrial Biodiversity

Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations

Biological and Cultural Diversity

Niassa National Reserve

Wild edible mushrooms and their marketing potential in the Selous-Niassa Wildlife Corridor, Tanzania
Rubies from the Niassa and Cabo Delgado regions of Northern MozambiqueVincent Pardieu, Jitlapit Thanachakaphad, Stephane Jacquat, Jean Baptiste Senoble and Lou Pierre Bryl2009

Cabo Delgado;


GIA Laboratory, Bangkok

GIA Laboratory, Bangkok

During the past few months, new rubies reported as “Mozambique” appeared in the market in Bangkok and Chanthaburi: After some enquiries in Thailand, Tanzania and Mozambique it seems that this new material is coming from an area near the famous Niassa National Park in Northern Mozambique. At the end of October 2008, Tanzanian broker Abdul M’sellem informed one of the authors (VP) that some new unknown material quite similar to the Winza stones but from another origin probably in the south of Tanzania started to be available in the Mpwapwa gem market, located near the Winza mining area in Tanzania. M’sellem reported that some Tanzanian gem dealers recently started to travel to Songea and Namtumbo to get these stones. After further enquiri...


No Restrictions


Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations

Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments

Quirimbas National Park;
Niassa National Reserve

Rubies from the Niassa and Cabo Delgado regions of Northern Mozambique
Poaceae phytolithsfromtheNiassaRift,MozambiqueJulio Mercader, Fernando Astudillo , Mary Barkworth , Tim Bennett , Chris Esselmont , Rahab Kinyanjui , Dyan Laskin Grossman, Steven Simpson , Dale Walde2010



DOI: 10.1016/j.jas.2010.03.001

Journal of Archaeological Science

The most common grass phytoliths from “Zambezian” miombos are described here for the first time. Their potential for long term preservation in sediments makes them a useful tool in the reconstruction of ancient plant communities and plant/human interactions. We processed 60 plant samples (26 identified genera and species), with an average of 300 phytoliths counted per sample to a total of 18,586. Forty- seven morpho types were described as per the International Code for Phytolith Nomenclature, with exceptions, including forty-five discreet shapes and two articulated forms, which can be used as comparative reference materials. We conducted three forms of statistical analyses: Discriminant Analysis, Cluster Analysis, and Principal Compon...


No Restrictions

Forest Biodiversity

Peer-reviewed article

Biological and Cultural Diversity

Niassa National Reserve

Poaceae phytolithsfromtheNiassaRift,Mozambique
MIOMBO ECOREGION VISION REPORTJonathan Timberlake & Emmanuel Chidumayo2011



Biodiversity Foundation for Africa

Biodiversity Foundation for Africa

The Miombo Ecoregion Vision Report was commissioned in 2001 by the Southern Africa Regional Programme Office of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF SARPO). It represented the culmination of an ecoregion reconnaissance process led by Bruce Byers (see Byers 2001a, 2001b), followed by an ecoregion-scale mapping process of taxa and areas of interest or importance for various ecological and bio-physical parameters. The report was then used as a basis for more detailed discussions during a series of national workshops held across the region in the early part of 2002. The main purpose of the reconnaissance and visioning process was to initially outline the bio-physical extent and properties of the so-called Miombo Ecoregion (in practice, a coll...


No Restrictions

Forest Biodiversity

Project Document, Project Reports and Evaluations

Biological and Cultural Diversity

All Protected Areas of Mozambique

Management costs for small protected areas and economies of scale in habitat conservationPaul R. Armsworth, Lisette Cantú-Salazar, Mark Parnell, Zoe G. Davies, Rob Stoneman2010




Biological Conservation

Protected area management must be resourced adequately to achieve its conservation objectives. The variability in management costs across candidate sites for protection therefore should inform conservation planning. For example, when considering whether to accept a donation of a property, a conservation organisation must determine whether an adequate endowment is available to fund future management activities. We examine variation in management costs across 78 small protected areas in the UK that are managed by a conservation NGO, the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust. Management costs exceed acquisition costs when funded on an endowment basis and are not correlated with acquisition costs or with proxy measures for conservation costs commonly...


No Restrictions


Peer-reviewed article

Sustainable Use of Biodiversity

All Protected Areas of Mozambique

Management costs for small protected areas and economies of scale in habitat conservation
Cycloderma frenatum Peters 1854 – Zambezi Flapshell Turtle, NkhasiDonald G. Broadley and Walter SachSSe2011

Cabo Delgado;



Conserva- tion Biology of Freshwater Turtles and Tortoises: A Compila- tion Project of the IUCN/SSC Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle Specialist Group. Chelonian Research Monographs

The Zambezi Flapshell Turtle, Cycloderma frenatum (Family Trionychidae), is a fairly large softshell (carapace length up to about 56 cm) from southeastern Africa. It is found in rivers and lakes from southern Tanzania south to the Save River in Mozambique, extending west to Lake Malawi (Nyasa), where it is common in the shallower areas at the southern end of the lake. These are fast swimming, completely aquatic turtles of about 37–50 cm shell length, which are mostly caught as bycatch in large nets by local fishermen. In areas with human settlements, the nests are excavated during the breeding season (December–March) and the 15–25 eggs per clutch are consumed...


No Restrictions

Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity

Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations

Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments

All Protected Areas of Mozambique

Cycloderma frenatum Peters 1854 – Zambezi Flapshell Turtle, Nkhasi
A landscape approach to elephant conservation in MozambiqueCornélio Pedro Ntumi, Rudi J. van Aarde & Sam M. Ferreira2012



University of Pretoria

University of Pretoria

People and elephants share landscapes throughout Mozambique. Here elephant conservation management focuses on protected areas but fails to address the conflict that exists between elephants and people. In this thesis I develop a landscape approach to conflict mitigation that is designed to accommodate the needs of people and of elephants in human-dominated landscapes. Mozambique faces a dilemma: politically it is required to reduce poverty while at the same time adhere to international agreements and requirements to protect biodiversity with relatively scarce financial resources. Reactive mitigation of human-elephant conflict (HEC) at the site-specific scale have proven to be costly and with low efficacy. A shift from reactive to proacti...


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Other Terrestrial Biodiversity

Peer-reviewed article

Impact Assessment

All Protected Areas of Mozambique

A landscape approach to elephant conservation in Mozambique
A critical revision of the churchill snoutfish, genus Petrocephalus Marcusen, 1854 (Actinopterygii: Teleostei: Mormyridae), from southern and eastern Africa, with the recognition of Petrocephalus tanensis, and the description of five new speciesBernd Kramera, Roger Bills, Paul Skelton and Michael Wink2012



Journal of Natural History

We morphologically and genetically studied the southern African electric fish Petrocephalus catostoma, or churchill, and its six nominal species, five of which by synonymization (three valid subspecies). We reinstate the synonymized species, and recognize Petrocephalus tanensis (Whitehead and Greenwood, 1959) from the Tana River in Kenya, also using electric organ discharges. The Okavango delta (Botswana) is inhabited by Petrocephalus okavangensis sp. nov. and Petrocephalus magnitrunci sp. nov., and the Namibian Cunene River by Petrocephalus magnoculis sp. nov. We recognize Petrocephalus petersi sp. nov. for the Lower Zambezi River (Mozambique), and Petrocephalus longicapitis sp. nov. for the Upper Zambezi River (Namibia). The Lufubu...


No Restrictions

Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity

Peer-reviewed article

Biological and Cultural Diversity

All Protected Areas of Mozambique

A critical revision of the churchill snoutfish, genus Petrocephalus Marcusen, 1854 (Actinopterygii: Teleostei: Mormyridae), from southern and eastern Africa, with the recognition of Petrocephalus tanensis, and the description of five new species
1 3 4 5 6 7 63 Total Documents: 2486