The BIOFUND Virtual Library is an online archive of information on Mozambique’s biodiversity, organized along the lines suggested by the Convention on Biodiversity’s Clearing House Mechanism. The Virtual Library will strive to make available all the documents, studies, reports, articles, educational and communications materials, maps and digital files that have been produced, to serve as a repository of our collective institutional memory as a conservation community. The usefulness of the Virtual Library will improve the more we share amongst ourselves. If you have any materials that are not currently part of the Virtual Library, please click on "Add Document" and become a contributor.
Year of Publication
Plano Mestre de Turismo do Distrito de Sussundenga
Tal como foi recomendado na política e estratégia de desenvolvimento turístico de Moçambique e, em particular, no Plano Estratégico para o Desenvolvimento do Turismo em Moçambique (2004-2013), é essencial ter em consideração que conservação e turismo têm de interagir para a potenciação de sinergias, porque, por um lado, o turismo é o gerador de receitas, mas, por outro lado, são as áreas de conservação que determinam a atracção de turistas. Estes factores, entre outros, levaram o Governo de Moçambique a identificar as Áreas de Conservação Transfronteiriças (ACTF) como Áreas Prioritárias para o Desenvolvimento de Turismo.
No Restrictions
Official Government Document
Protected Areas; Tourism and Biodiversity
Chimanimani National Reserve; Transfrontier Conservation Areas
Plano Mestre de Turismo do Distrito de Sussundenga
Influência do número de aplicações de insecticidas no rendimento e qualidade de fibra de algodão (Gossypium spp.) em Morrumbala
Chiule, R.
Universidade Eduardo Mondlane
No Restrictions
Other Terrestrial Biodiversity
Peer-reviewed article
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments
Influência do número de aplicações de insecticidas no rendimento e qualidade de fibra de algodão (Gossypium spp.) em Morrumbala
Estratégia e Plano de Acção para a Conservação da Diversidade Biológica de Moçambique – 2003
O objectivo da Estratégia e Plano de Acção para Conservação da Biodiversidade é traçar directrizes e definir acções prioritárias a serem implementadas pelos diversos sectores da economia por forma a garantir o desenvolvimento sustentável.
No Restrictions
Official Government Document
Legal and Political (Laws, Regulations, Action Plans, Strategies, etc.)
All Protected Areas of Mozambique
Estratégia e Plano de Acção para a Conservação da Diversidade Biológica de Moçambique – 2003
Development of the Pungwe River Basin Joint Integrated Water Resources Management Strategy – Annex X, Sector Study on: Conservation Areas, Wildlife and Tourism
SWECO International AB Et al.
The Pungwe River Basin Joint Integrated Water Resources Management Strategy (IWRMS), the Pungwe Project in short, is a co-operative effort by the Governments of Zimbabwe and Mozambique to create a framework for the sustainable and equitable management, development and conservation of the water resources of the Pungwe River basin, with the objective of increasing the derived social and economic benefits for the people living in the basin. A key element in the development of this strategy by the Project lies in building capacity for its implementation and upgrading, to facilitate effective participatory management by both the authorities and stakeholders. The Pungwe River is in a shared watercourse between the two countries.
No Restrictions
Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity
Project Document, Project Reports and Evaluations
Economics, Trade and Incentive Measures; Protected Areas; Tourism and Biodiversity
Marromeu Special Reserve
Development of the Pungwe River Basin Joint Integrated Water Resources Management Strategy – Annex X, Sector Study on: Conservation Areas, Wildlife and Tourism
Rural livelihood in Morrumbala District, Mozambique
Artur, L.
Wageningen University
Rural development and poverty alleviation in Mozambique has been seen as a linear and uni-directional process. In this process, farmers receive support from the government and NGOs via projects aiming to alleviate poverty. Recently the WV has started a project aiming to reduce poverty by introducing red sweet pepper - a cash crop, in Morrumbala.
No Restrictions
Peer-reviewed article
Community Use of Biodiversity
Rural livelihood in Morrumbala District, Mozambique
Contribuição para a Avaliação dos Recursos Naturais do Distrito de Chinde
Jessen, M.
Instituto Superior Pedagôgico
No Distrito de Chinde, tal como em muitas outras áreas do país impõe-se uma pesquisa das condições naturais, porque apesar de existir algumas informações sobre o Distrito, elas apresentam-se muito localizadas e não sistematizadas, pois essas informações surgem em relatórios e brochuras de instituições que se interessaram pela exploração de determinados recursos naturais do Distrito.
No Restrictions
Peer-reviewed article
Biological and Cultural Diversity
Contribuição para a Avaliação dos Recursos Naturais do Distrito de Chinde
Market led Smallholder Development in the Zambezi Valley
Sofala; Tete; Zambézia
The Project will achieve its objective of increasing the incomes of smallholder farmers within the Project area through three technical components, with a fourth component dedicated to management, coordination and monitoring. The three technical components comprise: • The promotion and support of groups formed by small producers and other supply chain participants in such areas as marketing, savings and credit, and agribusiness development, as well as the strengthening of district level institutions which support them.
No Restrictions
Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity
Project Document, Project Reports and Evaluations
Economics, Trade and Incentive Measures
Market led Smallholder Development in the Zambezi Valley
Environmental Flows and Restoration of the Zambezi Delta, Mozambique
Beilfuss, R.
Sofala; Tete; Zambézia
International Crane Foundation
No Restrictions
Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity
Ecosystem Restoration
Environmental Flows and Restoration of the Zambezi Delta, Mozambique
The Ramsar Convention Secretariat was informed in 2008 of potential threats to Mozambique’s only Ramsar Site, the Marromeu Complex in the Zambezi Delta, from oil and gas prospecting activities. In 2009 the Government of Mozambique invited the Secretariat to activate the Ramsar Advisory Mission procedure in response. A team accordingly visited the site and undertook consultations there and at national, provincial and district level from 16-20 August 2009. This report summarises the Mission’s findings, and presents 24 recommendations for short- and long-term action, including suggestions for sources of further external support.
Vegetation, or communities of plants, form structural units – habitats – which, in many cases, determine what other organisms can live or feed in an area. Vegetation, through its species composition as well as structure, also provides an excellent integration of environmental factors in that it reflects the climatic, physiographic, edaphic and biotic features pertaining to the land where it grows (Timberlake et al. 1993). From this it can be seen that an understanding of the vegetation of an area – its composition, structure and distribution – is fundamental in assessing biodiversity.
No Restrictions
Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity
Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments
This EBSA assesses the Zambezi river delta mangrove and adjacent brackish habitats. This is the single largest mangrove stand in the entire eastern Africa covering some 100,000 ha. The diversity is high (8 mangrove species) and trees can reach some 30 m and attain extensive diameters. Zambezi delta mangroves attain high carbon stocks turning this as an ideal place for developing C credits initiative. Changing in water hydrology associated also with the dam upstream, issues of sedimentation and erosion as associated with observed mangrove dieback are some of the main challenging issues for these exuberant habitats in the Zambezi river delta.
No Restrictions
Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity
Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations
Biological and Cultural Diversity
Action on climate change to advance sustainable development in the Zambezi Basin
Chagutah, T.
Sofala; Tete; Zambézia
The Zambezi
Climate change is one of the most important and complex challenges facing the Zambezi River Basin, much as in the rest of the world. Projected changes in the earth's climate present more than just an environmental concern but also serious social and economic implications. While the riparian states of the Zambezi River Basin bear little responsibility for the build-up of carbon dioxide and other global warming gases in the earth's atmosphere, they stand to bear the brunt of the environmental, social and economic consequences of a warming climate. Southern Africa – in which the Zambezi Basin wholly lies – has been identified as one of the regions around the world most susceptible to the impacts of climate change.
No Restrictions
Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity
Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations
Climate Change and Biodiversity
Action on climate change to advance sustainable development in the Zambezi Basin
Contribuição para o conhecimento dos carvões da Bacia Carbonífera de Moatize, Província de Tete, República de Moçambique – Volume I: Texto
Vasoncelos, L.
Universidade do Porto
Sendo Moçambique um país produtor/exportador de carvões e pretendendo a UEM promover a ligação do Departamento de Geologia ao sector carbonífero do País, torna-se necessário criar e desenvolver dentro do Departamento de Geologia um grupo de trabalho que se dedique à investigação nesta área, sendo esta uma forma de colmatar a carência em técnicos moçambicanos.
No Restrictions
Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity
Peer-reviewed article
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments
Contribuição para o conhecimento dos carvões da Bacia Carbonífera de Moatize, Província de Tete, República de Moçambique – Volume I: Texto
Contribuição para o conhecimento dos carvões da Bacia Carbonífera de Moatize, Província de Tete, República de Moçambique – Volume II: Tabelas, Figuras, Estampas
Vasoncelos, L.
Sofala; Tete; Zambézia
Universidade do Porto
Sendo Moçambique um país produtor/exportador de carvões e pretendendo a UEM promover a ligação do Departamento de Geologia ao sector carbonífero do País, torna-se necessário criar e desenvolver dentro do Departamento de Geologia um grupo de trabalho que se dedique à investigação nesta área, sendo esta uma forma de colmatar a carência em técnicos moçambicanos.
No Restrictions
Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity
Peer-reviewed article
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments
Contribuição para o conhecimento dos carvões da Bacia Carbonífera de Moatize, Província de Tete, República de Moçambique – Volume II: Tabelas, Figuras, Estampas
Comparação dos Métodos de Aplicação de Insecticidas na Cultura do Algodão (Gossypium spp.) no Distrito de Morrumbala
Chitlhango, S.
Foi realizado um ensaio com o objectivo de comparar o efeito de 3 diferentes métodos de aplicação de insecticidas no rendimento da cultura do algodão no distrito de Morrumbala, província da Zambézia, nos campos dos agricultores do sector familiar nas áreas sob fomento da Empresa AGRIMO, na campanha agricola 1999/2000
No Restrictions
Other Terrestrial Biodiversity
Peer-reviewed article
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments
Comparação dos Métodos de Aplicação de Insecticidas na Cultura do Algodão (Gossypium spp.) no Distrito de Morrumbala
Efeito da consociação de Culturas em Faixas no Maneio da Lagarta Americana Helicoverpa spp. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) na cultura do Algodão (Gossypium spp.) no Distrito de Morrumbala
Chamuene, A.
A consociação de culturas em faixas pode influenciar a dinâmica populacional de insetos, aumentando ou diminuindo a densidade populacional de pragas e de inimigos. Desse modo, foi avaliado o efeito da consociação de culturas em faixas (Algodão com Mapira, Feijão bóer e Crotalaria) no maneiio da lagarta americana, na cultura do algodaõ.
No Restrictions
Other Terrestrial Biodiversity
Peer-reviewed article
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments
Efeito da consociação de Culturas em Faixas no Maneio da Lagarta Americana Helicoverpa spp. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) na cultura do Algodão (Gossypium spp.) no Distrito de Morrumbala
A contribuição do Gabinete do Plano de Desenvolvimento da região do Zambeze no desenvolvimento comunitário «Um estudo junto às comunidades residentes na sub-região do médio-Zambeze, nas vilas de Moatize e Cambulatsis» – Província de Tete
Macuve, M.
Universidade Eduardo Mondlane
No Restrictions
Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity
Peer-reviewed article
Community Use of Biodiversity
A contribuição do Gabinete do Plano de Desenvolvimento da região do Zambeze no desenvolvimento comunitário «Um estudo junto às comunidades residentes na sub-região do médio-Zambeze, nas vilas de Moatize e Cambulatsis» – Província de Tete
A General Description of the Valley of the Zambezi River, from its Delta to the River Aroangwa, with its History, Agriculture, Flora, Fauna, and Ethnography
Maugham, R.
Sofala; Tete; Zambézia
I HAVE endeavoured in the following pages to give some account of that portion of the Zambezi, and of the lands washed by its all too shallow waters, which have fallen, in the partition of Africa, beneath the sovereignty of the Portuguese Crown. It is, of course, but a part of Africa's fourth greatest waterway ; but, since the lower Zambezi is at present the doorway through which we reach the slowly awakening colonies of Nyasaland and North- Eastern Rhodesia—and even the far-away basin of the mighty Congo—it is with that portion of the river we are at present most concerned, and it will no doubt continue to claim our attention until slowly developing railway enterprise shall one day bring the remoter stretches of the great river.
No Restrictions
Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity
Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations
Biological and Cultural Diversity
A General Description of the Valley of the Zambezi River, from its Delta to the River Aroangwa, with its History, Agriculture, Flora, Fauna, and Ethnography
Latham, J.
Mozambique is situated in South East Africa. The official safari concessions covering 5000 square kilometers of some of the most diverse habitat and animal species found in Africa. These areas are of the few remaining in Africa where you can still do a Classical African Safari today. They are part of the Marromeu Complex and boarder the Mighty Zambeze River in the North. The concessions are situated in the central part of Coastal Mozambique. The spectrum of wildlife is quite remarkable, having 22 huntable game species from the tiny Livingstone Suni to the Elephant. Buffalo roam the open flood plains and swamps in herds of several hundred and Sable in huge herds often nearing 100.
No Restrictions
General Information
Sustainable Use of Biodiversity
Marromeu Special Reserve
Impacto da Barragem de Caora Bassa na agricultura familiar no Vale do Baixo Zambeze, 1975-1997
Cadete, X.
Sofala; Tete; Zambézia
Universidade Eduardo Mondlane
O proposito desta dissertação foi compreender o impacto de Cahora Bassa na agricultura familiar no Vale do Baixo Zambeze em consonância com a preservação e gestão sustentável dos recursos naturais de e/ou associados a bacia do Zambeze.
No Restrictions
Other Terrestrial Biodiversity; Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity
Peer-reviewed article
Impact Assessment
Impacto da Barragem de Caora Bassa na agricultura familiar no Vale do Baixo Zambeze, 1975-1997
A Paralização das Minas de Carvão de Moatize e o seu Impacto, 1982-2003
Pantie, F.
Universidade Eduardo Mondlane
O presente trabalho visa compreender, principalmente, os efeitos sobre os trabalhadores abrangidos pela racionalização da força de trabalho ocorrida na Carbomoc, na sequência da crise finceira que vinha enfrentando desde 1982.
No Restrictions
Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations
Threats to Biodiversity
A Paralização das Minas de Carvão de Moatize e o seu Impacto, 1982-2003
Integrated Water Resources Management Strategy and Implementation Plan for the Zambezi River Basin
SADC-WD/ Zambezi River Authority
Sofala; Tete; Zambézia
This Strategy presents the main Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) challenges for the Zambezi Basin and proposed possible strategies and actions to address these, both in terms of water management and institutional development.
No Restrictions
Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity
Project Document, Project Reports and Evaluations
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments
Integrated Water Resources Management Strategy and Implementation Plan for the Zambezi River Basin
Biodiversity of the Zambezi Basin
Timberlake, J.
Sofala; Tete; Zambézia
Biodiversity Foundation for Africa
In this paper an outline of the evolution of the Zambezi Basin is given, followed by an account of our knowledge on the vegetation types, plants, vertebrates and invertebrate species found there. Particular reference is given to those species of ecological or economic significance. Areas and species of particular interest from a conservation viewpoint are mentioned, and the conservation threats are outlined.
No Restrictions
Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity
Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations
Biological and Cultural Diversity
Biodiversity of the Zambezi Basin
The dugong (Dugong dugon) in Tanzania: A national assessment of status, distribution and threat.
Muir, C.; Sallema, A. & Abdallah, O.
Globally the dugong (Dugong dugon - Müller, 1776) is listed by IUCN as vulnerable. However, in the Western Indian Ocean they are almost certainly endangered as a result of decades of active hunting for meat and oil, as well as by incidental capture in gillnets, habitat degradation and dynamite fishing. Once commonplace along Tanzania’s 900 km coastline, by the beginning of the twenty first century the animal was so rarely seen that its status was no longer known.
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity
Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments
The dugong (Dugong dugon) in Tanzania: A national assessment of status, distribution and threat.
Social and Ecological Linkages in Marine Resource Use: A Case Study of the Primeiras e Segundas Archipelago in Mozambique
Fisher, J. Et al.
Implementing successful marine protected areas (MPAs) requires an understanding of local marine ecosystems, fisheries and human communities. A rapid assessment conducted in October 2006 was used to identify resource use patterns in the Primeiras and Segundas (P&S) archipelago in Mozambique, by examining data on local marine fisheries, demographic and economic context, as well as the current resource governance regime. Findings suggest that resources users employ low-selectivity fishing gear due to a combination of factors, including institutional weakness, resource dependence by coastal communities, and economic importance of target species, thus threatening the viability of local fisheries and ecological integrity of the area.
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity; Coastal Biodiversity
Project Document, Project Reports and Evaluations
Protected Areas; Sustainable Use of Biodiversity; Community Use of Biodiversity
Primeiras e Segundas Islands Environmental Protection Area
Social and Ecological Linkages in Marine Resource Use: A Case Study of the Primeiras e Segundas Archipelago in Mozambique
Análise Estendida De Custo-Benefício Para Adoção De Vazão Ecológica Em Moçambique: Compartilhando O Rio Zambeze
Tha, D. & Seager, D.
Sofala; Tete
planejamento e políticas públicas
O delta do rio Zambeze, em Moçambique, recebia recorrentes inundações anuais devido aos ciclos marcantes de chuva e estiagem de sua área de drenagem. Tal movimento caracterizou sua fauna e flora e também o estilo de vida de seus quase 0,5 milhão de habitantes. Desde 1974, entretanto, a hidrelétrica de Cahora Bassa erradicou tais cheias ao administrar o fluxo do rio para a maximização da produção de energia. Objetivando subsidiar a tomada de decisões do poder público – operador da hidrelétrica – quanto à descarga proposital (vazão ecológica), realizou-se uma análise estendida de custo-benefício (AECB) de seis propostas de adoção de vazão ecológica. A mensuração pecuniária dos benefícios para as atividades de subsistência (pesca e agricultura) das comunidades do delta e também para a pesca comercial foi comparada à perda na produção de energia elétrica.
No Restrictions
Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity
Peer-reviewed article
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments; Community Use of Biodiversity
Análise Estendida De Custo-Benefício Para Adoção De Vazão Ecológica Em Moçambique: Compartilhando O Rio Zambeze
The Zambezi Delta: A Wetland of International Importance
Beilfuss, R. & Bento, C.
The Government of Mozambique has declared the Marromeu Complex of the Zambezi Delta as the first Wetland of International Importance in Mozambique, under the Ramsar Convention. We congratulate the Government for its foresight and long-term commitment to the Zambezi Delta. The Ramsar Convention is the world’s foremost international agreement for the protection and sustainable use of wetlands, and assures the conservation of the Zambezi Delta for future generations. The 688,000 ha. Marromeu Complex includes the Marromeu Special Buffalo Reserve, four surrounding hunting concessions, the Sena sugar estates, and coastal mangroves on the southbank of the Zambezi Delta.
No Restrictions
Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity
Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations
Protected Areas; Tourism and Biodiversity
Marromeu Special Reserve
The Zambezi Delta: A Wetland of International Importance
Maps and non-georeferenced data (as jpg, pdf, .zip, data etc.)
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments
All Protected Areas of Mozambique
Checklist of Reptiles in Southern Africa
Reserva Especial do Bilene. Situação Biofísica e Socioeconómica Actual
Balidy, H. Et al.
O objectivo geral deste estudo é o de descrever o estado actual de conservação dos ecossistemas da tartaruga marinha na Praia do Bilene, com vista a contribuir para o estabelecimento de bases para a sua protecção.
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity; Coastal Biodiversity
Official Government Document
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments; Protected Areas
Others National Conservation Areas
Reserva Especial do Bilene. Situação Biofísica e Socioeconómica Actual
Understanding the Divergent Recoveries of Protected Areas in Post-Conflict Mozambique
Loft, A.
Cabo Delgado
Mozambique is uniquely situated for success as an ecotourism destination, due to its potential for charismatic wildlife, its spectacular coastline, and its location between established safari hotspots. Yet Mozambique’s conservation areas are largely underperforming. Animal populations have declined, and most parks receive fewer than 1000 tourists per year. Drawing from 35 interviews with diverse stakeholders in and around seven protected areas, this paper seeks to understand why the country’s parks have experienced divergent outcomes since the end of the civil war in 1992.
No Restrictions
Peer-reviewed article
Protected Areas
Gorongosa National Park; Banhine National Park; Zinave National Park; Maputo Special Reserve; Marromeu Special Reserve; Others National Conservation Areas
Understanding the Divergent Recoveries of Protected Areas in Post-Conflict Mozambique
Botanical Studies in the Chimanimani TFCA
Timberlake, J. Et al.
No Restrictions
Forest Biodiversity; Mountain Biodiversity; Other Terrestrial Biodiversity; Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments; Protected Areas
Chimanimani National Reserve
Botanical Studies in the Chimanimani TFCA
The Chimanimani Mountains: un Updated Checklist
Wursten, B.; Timberlake, J. & Darbyshire, I.
Extending over 530 km2 on both sides of the Mozambique‒Zimbabwe border, and primarily defined by its underlying geology, the Chimanimani massif is renowned for its montane vegetation and a high number of endemic taxa. A detailed vascular plant checklist from the area above 1200 m altitude was produced by Goodier and Phipps in 1961, but focussed mostly on the Zimbabwe side. Here we present a revision of that checklist with updated nomenclature and family circumscriptions, incorporating many recent additional records particularly from Mozambique. It is recognised that a fully comprehensive list for the montane area on both sides of the border would probably use a lower limit of 800 m and cover moist forests in more detail.
No Restrictions
Forest Biodiversity; Mountain Biodiversity; Other Terrestrial Biodiversity; Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity
Peer-reviewed article
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments; Protected Areas
Chimanimani National Reserve
The Chimanimani Mountains: un Updated Checklist
Chimanimani Mountains: Botany and Conservation
Timberlake, J. Et al.
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
This was to look at restricted-range and endemic species on the Mozambique side of the mountains in order to assess their distribution, the threats to them and their conservation status, and to provide appropriate conservation recommendations for the national authorities. Three field trips were carried out in different areas and in different seasons. This report describes and discusses the findings, and also provides some historical background to botany and plant collecting across the mountains.
No Restrictions
Forest Biodiversity; Mountain Biodiversity; Other Terrestrial Biodiversity; Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity
Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments
Chimanimani National Reserve
Chimanimani Mountains: Botany and Conservation
Biodiversity Knowledge From the Chimanimani Trans-Frontier Conservation Area (TFCA)
Timberlake, J.
The report outlines the main biodiversity information available and the sources. It is divided into sections on vegetation, plant species, various vertebrate groups and invertebrates. Our main knowledge is outlined, i.e. what we know and what we do not know, followed by some recommendations on the major gaps from the point of view of TFCA management that would need to be addressed or filled
No Restrictions
Forest Biodiversity; Mountain Biodiversity; Other Terrestrial Biodiversity; Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity
Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations
Protected Areas
Chimanimani National Reserve
Biodiversity Knowledge From the Chimanimani Trans-Frontier Conservation Area (TFCA)
The purpose of the review was to analyse in detail the available information on the broad situation of the marine ecosystems of Mozambique, and highlight the critical gaps in available data or research. The report will enable Fondation Ensemble and its partner the Oak Foundation, or any other interested stakeholder, to deepen their understanding of the broad marine ecosystem situation in Mozambique and help establish intervention priorities for practical field initiatives and/or on research within the areas of marine biodiversity conservation, and/or sustainable fishing.
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity; Coastal Biodiversity
Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments
Quirimbas National Park; Bazaruto Archipelago National Park; Ponta do Ouro Partial Marine Reserve; Cabo de São Sebastião Total Protection Zone; Inhaca Biological Reserve; Primeiras e Segundas Islands Environmental Protection Area
Mozambique Marine Ecosystems Review
Plano Estratégico da Administração Nacional das Áreas de Conservação 2015-2024
O Plano Estratégico da ANAC foi concebido para orientar os esforços nacionais e internacionais dedicados à Conservação da Biodiversidade e alcançados através da realização plena do potencial existente nas AC de Moçambique. O PE materializa os objectivos enunciados na Constituição da República de Moçambique e na Política de Conservação e sua Estratégia de Implementação, organizando-se em torno de quatro objectivos estratégicos, a saber: (i) Desenvolvimento Institucional; (ii) Conservação da Biodiversidade; (iii) Sustentabilidade Económica Financeira e; (iv) Desenvolvimento Comunitário. Para cada Objectivo Estratégico indicam-se os Resultados Esperados.
No Restrictions
Official Government Document
Protected Areas
All Protected Areas of Mozambique
Plano Estratégico da Administração Nacional das Áreas de Conservação 2015-2024
Avaliação Rápida e Participativa das Áreas de Conservação em Moçambique
Maputo (cidade)
O objectivo geral da implementação do RAPPAM em Moçambique é providenciar informação útil para que se possa melhorar a gestão das áreas protegidas a nível nacional e o estabelecimento de um sistema representativo e operacional de áreas protegidas.
No Restrictions
Project Document, Project Reports and Evaluations
Protected Areas
All Protected Areas of Mozambique
Avaliação Rápida e Participativa das Áreas de Conservação em Moçambique
Rapid and Participatory Assessment of the Conservation Areas in Mozambique
Maputo (cidade)
The overall objective of RAPPAM implementation in Mozambique is to provide useful information, in order to improve the administration of protected areas, at the national level and establish a representative and operational system of protected areas.
No Restrictions
Project Document, Project Reports and Evaluations
Protected Areas
All Protected Areas of Mozambique
Rapid and Participatory Assessment of the Conservation Areas in Mozambique
Golden opportunities for porters in the Chimanimani Mountains
Dondeyne, S.
No Restrictions
Forest Biodiversity; Mountain Biodiversity; Other Terrestrial Biodiversity; Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity
Economics, Trade and Incentive Measures
Chimanimani National Reserve
Golden opportunities for porters in the Chimanimani Mountains
Plant Conservation in Communities on the Chimanimani Footslopes, Mozambique
Timberlake, J. Et al.
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
Field studies were carried out in 2015 in four communities on the eastern footslopes and pediments of the Chimanimani Mountains in Sussundenga District in central Mozambique ‒ from north to south, Mahate, Mpunga, Zomba and Maronga. These communities lie inside the Buffer Zone of the Chimanimani Trans-Frontier Conservation Area (TFCA). The study objectives were to identify or justify areas for community conservation initiatives, identify plant species of particular concern and any threats to them, and to see if any species could support local economic enterprise on a sustainable basis.
No Restrictions
Forest Biodiversity; Mountain Biodiversity; Other Terrestrial Biodiversity
Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations
Protected Areas; Community Use of Biodiversity
Chimanimani National Reserve
Plant Conservation in Communities on the Chimanimani Footslopes, Mozambique