Virtual Library

The BIOFUND Virtual Library is an online archive of information on Mozambique’s biodiversity, organized along the lines suggested by the Convention on Biodiversity’s Clearing House Mechanism. The Virtual Library will strive to make available all the documents, studies, reports, articles, educational and communications materials, maps and digital files that have been produced, to serve as a repository of our collective institutional memory as a conservation community. The usefulness of the Virtual Library will improve the more we share amongst ourselves. If you have any materials that are not currently part of the Virtual Library, please click on "Add Document" and become a contributor.





Year of Publication




Type of Biodiversity

Protected Areas

Title Author Year of Publication
Photographic checklist of the vascular plants of the Chimanimani Conservation Area XIDondeyne, S.; Wursten, B. & Bannerman, J.2009



No Restrictions

Forest Biodiversity;
Mountain Biodiversity

PA Management Document

Biological and Cultural Diversity;
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments;
Protected Areas

Chimanimani National Reserve

Photographic checklist of the vascular plants of the Chimanimani Conservation Area XI
Photographic checklist of the vascular plants of the Chimanimani Conservation Area XDondeyne, S.; Wursten, B. & Bannerman, J.2009



No Restrictions

Forest Biodiversity;
Mountain Biodiversity

PA Management Document

Biological and Cultural Diversity;
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments;
Protected Areas

Chimanimani National Reserve

Photographic checklist of the vascular plants of the Chimanimani Conservation Area X
Photographic checklist of the vascular plants of the Chimanimani Conservation Area IXDondeyne, S.; Wursten, B. & Bannerman, J.2009



No Restrictions

Forest Biodiversity;
Mountain Biodiversity

PA Management Document

Biological and Cultural Diversity;
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments;
Protected Areas

Chimanimani National Reserve

Photographic checklist of the vascular plants of the Chimanimani Conservation Area IX
Photographic checklist of the vascular plants of the Chimanimani Conservation Area VIIIDondeyne, S.; Wursten, B. & Bannerman, J.2009



No Restrictions

Forest Biodiversity;
Mountain Biodiversity

PA Management Document

Biological and Cultural Diversity;
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments;
Protected Areas

Chimanimani National Reserve

Photographic checklist of the vascular plants of the Chimanimani Conservation Area VIII
Photographic checklist of the vascular plants of the Chimanimani Conservation Area VIIDondeyne, S.; Wursten, B. & Bannerman, J.2009



No Restrictions

Forest Biodiversity;
Mountain Biodiversity

PA Management Document

Biological and Cultural Diversity;
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments;
Protected Areas

Chimanimani National Reserve

Photographic checklist of the vascular plants of the Chimanimani Conservation Area VII
Report on the Collaring and Sampling of Targeted Species in GorongosaPereira, C. Et al.2005


Collaring and sampling of several species was carried out with two main objectives in all species except bush pig and warthog: (i) to follow up the herds (ii) to collect blood and tissues samples for several studies. The bush pig and warthogs were immobilized for the purpose of obtaining samples for African Swine Fever and genetic studies.


No Restrictions

Forest Biodiversity;
Mountain Biodiversity;
Other Terrestrial Biodiversity

Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations

Protected Areas;
Threats to Biodiversity

Gorongosa National Park

Report on the Collaring and Sampling of Targeted Species in Gorongosa
Financial analysis of the natural forest management sector of MozambiqueTechel, G. Et al.2016

Todas as Províncias


This study clearly indicates that whilst current forestry practices in natural production forests in Mozambique can be highly profitable, they are completely unsustainable in the long-run. The resource is being depleted with the prized, high value species being over-harvested. The analysis carried out as part of this study, however, shows that whilst there is no ‘quick fix’ solution, it is possible to reverse the current downward spiral. The recommendations presented are a combi-nation of measures referring to policy, legislation, market development and particularly to im-proved silviculture and forest operations. The current licensing system needs changing to en-courage investment in more efficient harvesting and added value processing.


No Restrictions

Forest Biodiversity

Project Document, Project Reports and Evaluations

Economics, Trade and Incentive Measures


Financial analysis of the natural forest management sector of Mozambique
INGC: Coastal planning and Adaptation to Mitigate Climate Change ImpactsTheron, A. Et al.2012

Todas as Províncias


Mozambique is recognized as one of the countries in Africa that is most vulnerable to climate change. Hazards such as droughts and floods, variable rainfall and tropical cyclones already significantly affect the country.


No Restrictions


Official Government Document

Climate Change and Biodiversity;
Threats to Biodiversity


INGC: Coastal planning and Adaptation to Mitigate Climate Change Impacts
Descrição do primeiro estágio larval de Macrophthalmus depressus (Rüppell, 1830) (Brachyura: Macrophthalmidae)Serbino,S/D


A família Macrophthalmidae está representada por aproximadamente 41 espécies de caranguejos, conhecidos como “sentinel crabs”. Essas espécies habitam estuários e ambientes semiterrestres do Indo-Pacífico. Espécies de Macrophthalmidae estão organizadas taxonomicamente em 3 gêneros: Hemiplax, Macrophthalmus, e Euplax. Das aproximadamente 22 espécies conhecidas em Macrophthalmus 12 tiveram seus caracteres larvais descritos.


No Restrictions

Marine Biodiversity;
Coastal Biodiversity

Peer-reviewed article

Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments


Descrição do primeiro estágio larval de Macrophthalmus depressus (Rüppell, 1830) (Brachyura: Macrophthalmidae)
Análise comparativa do primeiro estágio larval de Uca (Brachyura: Ocypodidae)Serbino, N.S/D


A família Ocypodidae está representada por aproximadamente 125 espécies de caranguejos, organizados taxonomicamente entre os gêneros Ocypode, Uca e Ucides. Estas espécies estão distribuídas pelas regiões tropicais e subtropicais, em manguezais nas zonas de entre-marés, em galerias escavadas no lodo (Uca e Ucides) e em praias arenosas, construindo tocas no supralitoral, desde a marca mais alta da linha d’água até de encosta das dunas (Ocypode). O estudo de caracteres larvais proporciona informações adicionais para diagnosticar inúmeras entidades biológicas. Neste estudo, foi realizada a análise comparativa do primeiro estágio larval das espécies de Uca já descritas.


No Restrictions

Marine Biodiversity;
Coastal Biodiversity

Peer-reviewed article

Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments


Análise comparativa do primeiro estágio larval de Uca (Brachyura: Ocypodidae)
The African and Madagascan freshwater crabs in the Museum of Natural History, Vienna (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura: Potamoidea)Cumerlidge, N.1997


Naturhistorisches Museum Wien

The entire collection of African and Madagascan freshwater crabs in the Museum of Natural History, Vienna has been re-evaluated. A great deal of incorrectly determined and unidentified material has now been identified, and the nomenclature of correctly identified specimens has been updated to conform to modern usage. The collection has been shown to include 16 species of Potamonautes, 6 species of Sudanonautes, 2 species each of Platythelphusa, Hydrothelphusa, and Deckenia, and 1 species each of Potamonemus, Louisea, Liberonautes, Gecarcinautes and Potamon. Notable additions brought to light include the little known species Louisea edeaensis, Potamonemus sachsi, Platythelphusa conculata. Potamonautes pilosus, P. neumanni, P. triangulus.


No Restrictions

Marine Biodiversity;
Coastal Biodiversity

Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations

Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments


The African and Madagascan freshwater crabs in the Museum of Natural History, Vienna (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura: Potamoidea)
Evaluating the impacts of plantations and associated forestry operations in Africa—methods and indicatorsIngram, V. Et al.2016


International Forestry Review

This study explores how the impact of large scale plantations and their associated industrial operations can be evaluated. It takes a value chain approach, looking at impacts on suppliers, customers and stakeholders such as communities, local and national government and investors. Whilst there is renewed interest from investors, governments and enterprises in the potential of planted forestry operations in Africa, doubts have been expressed by communities, and environmental and socially orientated NGOs about their impacts. This paper seeks to provide a framework which can be used to examine the impacts of modern plantations in Africa, given that the context can be very different from plantations in temperate regions.


No Restrictions

Forest Biodiversity

Peer-reviewed article

Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments;
Threats to Biodiversity


Evaluating the impacts of plantations and associated forestry operations in Africa—methods and indicators
African Sea Turtle NewsletterTiwari, M.2015


In 2013 I set out on foot to survey a 50-km long leatherback beach in Sierra Leone with my colleague Edward Aruna and other project members of RAP-SL (Reptile and Amphibian Program-Sierra Leone). We started our walk around 4 pm, slept briefly on the beach from midnight to 5 am and still had about 20 km to go in the mid-day sun, when we met an old lady who was very curious about my presence on the beach. On hearing what I was doing, her comment was, “This woman must have money at home and she is coming to suffer here?!” I could not explain to this old woman that I had cheerfully “come to suffer here,” and that there are many others who voluntarily spend their lives “suffering” on behalf of sea turtles in Africa.


No Restrictions

Marine Biodiversity;
Coastal Biodiversity


Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments


African Sea Turtle Newsletter
Construindo o futuro das Áreas de Conservação em Moçambique – Primeiros passos para a sustentabilidade financeiraWWF2016

Todas as Províncias

Brochura sobre projecto Financiamento Sustentável do Sistema de Áreas Protegidas de Moçambique,

Sem fundos adequados, as áreas protegidas de Moçambique não poderão garantir a preservação da biodiversidade ou do funcionamento saudável dos ecossistemas. A consequente degradação dos ecossistemas irá resultar em perdas inestimáveis de bens e serviços importantes para a subsistência das comunidades locais, bem como para os sectores económicos. O investimento no sistema de áreas protegidas oferece uma solução que proporcionará benefícios para o desenvolvimento actual e futuro do país.


No Restrictions


Project Document, Project Reports and Evaluations

Protected Areas

All Protected Areas of Mozambique

Construindo o futuro das Áreas de Conservação em Moçambique – Primeiros passos para a sustentabilidade financeira
A comparison of alternative methods for estimating population density of the fiddler crab Uca annulipes at Saco Mangrove, Inhaca Island (Mozambique)Macia, A.; Quincaderte, I. & Paula, J.2001

Maputo (cidade)

Visual counts of surface-active crabs both by binocular and burrow counting methods have been used in many studies to estimate population density. However, their reliability has not yet been assessed comparatively. Three methods for estimating the abundance of fiddler crabs Uca annulipes in a mangrove forest (Inhaca Island, Mozambique) were compared from three different sub-areas: two sub-areas inundated only during spring tides and one sub-area inundated in both spring and neap tides. Burrow, binocular and direct (excavation) counting methods were performed by plotting ten 0.25 m2 quadrats in each sub-area over the four moon phases.


No Restrictions

Marine Biodiversity;
Coastal Biodiversity

Peer-reviewed article

Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments

Ponta do Ouro Partial Marine Reserve;
Inhaca Biological Reserve

A comparison of alternative methods for estimating population density of the fiddler crab Uca annulipes at Saco Mangrove, Inhaca Island (Mozambique)
Magic & Mixed Feelings in Turtle ParadiseSilva, I.S/D


The words island paradise conjure a certain image in the mind, likely a place where one would go to experience what Dr. Wallace J. Nichols calls Blue Mind—“A mildly meditative state characterized by calm, peace, unity, and a sense of general happiness and satisfaction with life in the moment.” And for readers of SWOT Report, this paradise likely has sea turtles, too, and palpable “turtle power.” Earth rests balanced on the back of a turtle, after all, according to many indigenous cultures for which turtles are part of their spiritual family, laden with traditional significance and magic as well as practical value. Turtles have always been currency: meat, shells, eggs, decorations, even aphrodisiacs.


No Restrictions

Marine Biodiversity;
Coastal Biodiversity

General Information

Communication and Public Awareness


Magic & Mixed Feelings in Turtle Paradise
Erosão Costeira em VilankulosMenete, H. & Zunguze, A.2011


Este estudo pretende ser uma contribuição na identificação de áreas vulneráveis à erosão. No quadro metodológico figura o uso da Equação Universal de Perda de Solo (USLE) para avaliar o peso relativo dos factores que atuam no processo de erosão na zona costeira do distrito de Vilankulo, a partir de dados obtidos no campo. A influência dos fatores práticas de maneio da terra, cobertura vegetal, R- erosividade da chuva e S- declive do terreno foi determinada através do cálculo do coeficiente de determinação – R2 usando dados referentes a dez lugares de ocorrência de erosão. O Sistema de Informação Geográfica (SIG) foi usado para classificar e mapear as áreas de erosão.


No Restrictions

Coastal Biodiversity

Peer-reviewed article

Threats to Biodiversity


Erosão Costeira em Vilankulos
Litter fall and decomposition of mangrove species Avicennia marina and Rhizophora mucronata in Maputo Bay, MozambiqueFernando, M. & Bandeira, S.2009

Maputo (cidade)

Litter fall and decomposition of mangrove leaves were compared for different seasons, species (Avicennia marina and Rhizophora mucronata) and sites in southern Mozambique. Mangrove leaf litter fall and decomposition was estimated using small mesh collecting-baskets and litter bags respectively in 2006 and 2007 at two sites of Maputo Bay: an urban dwarf mangrove at Costa do Sol (Maputo City) and a rural well-developed mangrove at Saco (Inhaca Island). A. marina at Saco produced more litter (dry season 10.6 g m-2 and wet season 14.2 g m-2) than R. mucronata (dry season 4.6 g m-2 and wet season 14.1 g m-2), and leaves contributed more to total litter fall in the dry season compared with the wet season (September/October) for both species.

Western Indian Ocean


No Restrictions

Marine Biodiversity;
Coastal Biodiversity

Peer-reviewed article

Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments

Ponta do Ouro Partial Marine Reserve;
Inhaca Biological Reserve

Litter fall and decomposition of mangrove species Avicennia marina and Rhizophora mucronata in Maputo Bay, Mozambique
Values of Protected Landscapes and SeascapesDudley, N. & Stolton, S.2012


International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources and GIZ

From the window of our house in the Dyfi Valley, Wales, I can look out at Tarren Hendre, one of the southernmost mountains of Snowdonia National Park. Visitors from outside Europe are often surprised to hear we have a view of a national park; the hills are grazed by sheep and the slopes opposite dotted with conifer plantations, mainly Sitka spruce that originates in Alaska. A road runs along the estuary towards the old port of Aberdyfi, also in the national park. Elsewhere there are other villages, working slate quarries, reservoirs and even a (now defunct) nuclear power station within the borders.


No Restrictions


Project Document, Project Reports and Evaluations

Protected Areas


Values of Protected Landscapes and Seascapes
Consultancy Services for the Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment (SESA) under REDD+ financed by National Environment Fund (FUNAB) for UT-REDD+Scott Wilson Mozambique Lda2015

Todas as Províncias

This ESMF is designed to guide mitigation and monitoring programs developed and implemented for REDD+ projects that may be implemented as part of the GOM‘s national strategy for REDD+. To accomplish this, the ESMF includes a Framework of Execution Regulations (FER), which identifies the national policies, laws, regulations and safeguards that provide the legal framework for implementing the ESMF. Through its implementation, this ESMF will help ensure consistency in the mitigation measures employed for the different strategy options, ensure they comply with state laws and regulations as well as achieve international best practices standards.


No Restrictions

Forest Biodiversity

Project Document, Project Reports and Evaluations

Climate Change and Biodiversity;
Sustainable Use of Biodiversity


Consultancy Services for the Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment (SESA) under REDD+ financed by National Environment Fund (FUNAB) for UT-REDD+
P&S outputs, coastal vulnerability modelA/D2014



No Restrictions

Marine Biodiversity;
Coastal Biodiversity

PA Management Document

Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments

Primeiras e Segundas Islands Environmental Protection Area

P&S outputs, coastal vulnerability model
Changes to Environment Regulation 45/2004ACIS2008



No Restrictions


Environmental Impact Assessment, Environmental Management Plans, Biodiversity Counterbalance Plans, and the like

Impact Assessment


Changes to Environment Regulation 45/2004
Questionario AIA resumido – Exemplo ZanzibarA/D2017



No Restrictions


Environmental Impact Assessment, Environmental Management Plans, Biodiversity Counterbalance Plans, and the like

Impact Assessment


Questionario AIA resumido – Exemplo Zanzibar
Review in Environmental Impact AssessmentSouthern African Institute for Environmental AssessmentS/D


This review form provides a structure that helps the reviewer to assess the EIA’s various components in a scientific way. However, the reviewer must try at the same time to maintain a perspective of the “bigger picture” so that SAIEA can advise the client on whether the EIA report makes sense as a whole and if the process was conducive for planning.


No Restrictions


General Information

Impact Assessment


Review in Environmental Impact Assessment
Termos de Referência: Estudo sobre potencial de produção sustentável de carvão nas províncias de Maputo e GazaGrenLightS/D



No Restrictions

Forest Biodiversity


Economics, Trade and Incentive Measures


Termos de Referência: Estudo sobre potencial de produção sustentável de carvão nas províncias de Maputo e Gaza
Análise da Vulnerabilidade do Ecossistema de Mopane na Zona Sul de MoçambiqueBandeira, R.; Mate, R. & Cumbane, M.2011


Este estudo enquadra-se no âmbito da necessidade do cumprimento aos requisitos da Convenção na secção de Avaliação da Vulnerabilidade e Adaptação e assim como a preparação da segunda comunicação nacional. O foco do presente foi a análise da vulnerabilidade do ecossistema de Mopane na Zona sul de Moçambique onde se analisou as mudanças na extensão do ecossistema de Mopane durante o período de 1985 a 2010, a variabilidade climática especificamente temperaturas médias anuais e precipitação anual durante o referido período bem como as tendências das mudanças ocorridas no ecossistema de Mopane e sua relação com a variabilidade climática observada no sentido de avaliar a vulnerabilidade e identificar as opções de adaptação.


No Restrictions

Forest Biodiversity

Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations

Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments


Análise da Vulnerabilidade do Ecossistema de Mopane na Zona Sul de Moçambique
Estudo da cadeia de valor de carvão vegetal no sul de MoçambiqueChavana, R.2014

Maputo (cidade);

A produção actual de carvão é um dos factores que causam o desmatamento, e em Moçambique não existe ainda a cultura de plantio de árvores para fins energéticos. Por falta de políticas regulamentadas a cadeia de suprimento do carvão vegetal torna-se ineficiente e de risco necessitando urgentemente de intervenções que possam garantir a sustentabilidade da cadeia de valor de carvão vegetal. Perante este cenário, o presente estudo teve como objectivo analisar os aspectos institucionais e socio-económicos ligados a produção, comercialização e consumo de carvão vegetal, e identificar as barreiras e oportunidade para o melhoramento da cadeia de valor do carvão.


No Restrictions

Forest Biodiversity

Project Document, Project Reports and Evaluations

Economics, Trade and Incentive Measures;
Sustainable Use of Biodiversity


Estudo da cadeia de valor de carvão vegetal no sul de Moçambique
Charcoal production in the Mopane woodlands of Mozambique: what are the trade-offs with other ecosystem services?Woolen, E.2017


African woodlands form a major part of the tropical grassy biome and support the livelihoods of millions of rural and urban people. Charcoal production in particular is a major economic activity, but its impact on other ecosystem services is little studied. To address this, our study collected biophysical and social datasets, which were combined in ecological production functions, to assess ecosystem service provision and its change under different charcoal production scenarios in Gaza Province, southern Mozambique


No Restrictions

Forest Biodiversity

Peer-reviewed article

Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments


Charcoal production in the Mopane woodlands of Mozambique: what are the trade-offs with other ecosystem services?
Making charcoal production in Sub Sahara Africa sustainableBTG Biomass Technology Group BV2010


Between the countries in Africa there are many similarities in the way the charcoal sector is structured. This report analyses how charcoal production in Africa can be made sustainable, by assessing bottlenecks and possible solutions.


No Restrictions

Forest Biodiversity

Project Document, Project Reports and Evaluations

Sustainable Use of Biodiversity


Making charcoal production in Sub Sahara Africa sustainable
Utilização de energia para fins domésticos e industriais nas cidades de Maputo e MatolaEgas, A. Et al.2012

Maputo (cidade);

Ministério da Energia

O Ministério da Energia está no processo de elaboração da Estratégia Nacional de Energia de Biomassa sendo para tal necessário uma vasta informação, incluindo dados sobre o uso de energia tanto no sector doméstico como industrial. Este estudo enquadra-se no âmbito da produção de informação base para o desenvolvimento da estratégia supracitada e pretende especificamente caracterizar a utilização doméstica e industrial de energia nas cidades de Maputo e Matola. Os dados foram obtidos em Dezembro de 2011 a partir de um inquérito a 501 agregados familiares distribuídos em 19 bairros representativos de todos os distritos urbanos da cidade de Maputo e 7 bairros dos três postos administrativos da cidade da Matola.


No Restrictions

Forest Biodiversity

Project Document, Project Reports and Evaluations

Sustainable Use of Biodiversity


Utilização de energia para fins domésticos e industriais nas cidades de Maputo e Matola
Análise de consumo da madeira para fins de energia doméstica em três postos administrativos municipais da cidade de Chimoiode Deus, S.2014



O presente estudo foi realizado na cidade de Chimoio, província de Manica, com propósito de avaliar o consumo de combustível a base madeira para fins energia doméstica. Para se conseguir alcançar os objectivos foi feito um inquérito dirigido aos agregados familiares, onde foram usadas entrevistas semiestruturadas, nesta fase foram entrevistados 50 agregados familiares, em 11 bairros da zona urbana (cimento) e suburbana desta cidade.


No Restrictions

Forest Biodiversity

Peer-reviewed article

Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments;
Sustainable Use of Biodiversity


Análise de consumo da madeira para fins de energia doméstica em três postos administrativos municipais da cidade de Chimoio
Exploring the Socio-Economic Role of Charcoal and the Potential for Sustainable Production in the Chicale Regulado, MozambiqueHerd, A.2007


University of Edinburgh

Wood fuels play a significant role in the energy requirements of many developing countries. This is especially the case in Sub-Saharan Africa, where dependence is increasing due to growing urban populations, and limited accessibility to alternative fuels. In this region, charcoal is the predominant fuel accounting for over half of the energy requirements (WEC, 2004). However, there are significant social and environmental impacts associated with the consumption of charcoal including: forest degradation, loss of biodiversity and environmental services, as well as health issues. There is growing concern that current levels of resource use will jeopardise the livelihoods of communities dependent upon forests.


No Restrictions

Forest Biodiversity

Peer-reviewed article

Economics, Trade and Incentive Measures;
Sustainable Use of Biodiversity;
Community Use of Biodiversity

Gorongosa National Park

Exploring the Socio-Economic Role of Charcoal and the Potential for Sustainable Production in the Chicale Regulado, Mozambique
Charcoal production and use in Mozambique, Malawi, Tanzania, and Zambia: historical overview, present situation and outlookFalção, M.S/D


The objective of this overview paper is to highlight the major trends, charcoal production technologies, charcoal markets and lessons from success and failures regarding the management systems, technologies and, community enterprises in selected countries in SADC. The limited budget and literature on charcoal and the purpose of the study (production of a overview paper) mean that this study is very much a descriptive one.


No Restrictions

Forest Biodiversity

Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations

Sustainable Use of Biodiversity


Charcoal production and use in Mozambique, Malawi, Tanzania, and Zambia: historical overview, present situation and outlook
Mozambique Biomass Energy StrategyMinistry of Energy2012


The proposed biomass energy strategy is designed to reverse this process by developing the multiple and complementary solutions to ensure a sustainable biomass supply well into the near future. This will allow Mozambicans to continue using biomass for as long as they like, or switch to using other forms of energy if and when they like. Not acting now is a real and realistic scenario, which necessarily means that problems with the supply of biomass will start, sooner or later – and indeed has started in some areas already.


No Restrictions

Forest Biodiversity

Official Government Document

Legal and Political (Laws, Regulations, Action Plans, Strategies, etc.)


Mozambique Biomass Energy Strategy
Indústria Carvoeira Ecológica de MoçambiqueICEM2016



No Restrictions

Forest Biodiversity


Economics, Trade and Incentive Measures


Indústria Carvoeira Ecológica de Moçambique
Charcoal production as a means to a valuable end: Scope and limitations of charcoal income to alleviate acute multidimensional poverty among the rural population of Mabalane district, southern MozambiqueA/DS/D

Cabo Delgado

This study used primary data at the household level from an important charcoal supplying region in southern Mozambique to evaluate if income from charcoal contributes to the alleviation of AMP.The Alkire-Foster method was used to aggregate AMPin nine composite indicators (sanitation, water, under-five mortality and access to equitable health care, education, food security, access to services, assets ownership and housing). Generalised linear models are used to assess the marginal effect of charcoal income on AMP.


No Restrictions

Forest Biodiversity

Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations

Sustainable Use of Biodiversity


Charcoal production as a means to a valuable end: Scope and limitations of charcoal income to alleviate acute multidimensional poverty among the rural population of Mabalane district, southern Mozambique
Mozambique Urban Biomass Energy Analysis 2012Atanassov,B. Et al.2012

Maputo (cidade);


No Restrictions

Forest Biodiversity

Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations

Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments;
Sustainable Use of Biodiversity


Mozambique Urban Biomass Energy Analysis 2012
Exploração da Biomassa Lenhosa: Como Assegurar Produção Sustentável de Carvão VegetalFalção, M.2016



No Restrictions

Forest Biodiversity


Sustainable Use of Biodiversity


Exploração da Biomassa Lenhosa: Como Assegurar Produção Sustentável de Carvão Vegetal
Estimating the potential for charcoal productionA/DS/D



No Restrictions

Forest Biodiversity

Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations

Sustainable Use of Biodiversity


Estimating the potential for charcoal production
Caracterização de uso do carvão vegetal e de outras fontes de energia na cidade da BeiraTuzine, M.2005




No Restrictions

Forest Biodiversity

Peer-reviewed article

Sustainable Use of Biodiversity


Caracterização de uso do carvão vegetal e de outras fontes de energia na cidade da Beira
1 18 19 20 21 22 63 Total Documents: 2488