The BIOFUND Virtual Library is an online archive of information on Mozambique’s biodiversity, organized along the lines suggested by the Convention on Biodiversity’s Clearing House Mechanism. The Virtual Library will strive to make available all the documents, studies, reports, articles, educational and communications materials, maps and digital files that have been produced, to serve as a repository of our collective institutional memory as a conservation community. The usefulness of the Virtual Library will improve the more we share amongst ourselves. If you have any materials that are not currently part of the Virtual Library, please click on "Add Document" and become a contributor.
Year of Publication
Temporal Nesting Variation of Sea Turtles Species at the Eastern Coast of Inhaca Island
Julien, V. Et al.
Ecological and Environmental Research
Understanding the temporal variation of sea turtles nests and the processes driving those variations is of extreme importance to improve the efficiency of the monitoring and management measures at the nesting beaches. In that perspective the present study aimed to describe the temporal nesting activity of two sea turtle species at Inhaca island based on the long-term database on sea turtle nidification (~27 years).
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity; Coastal Biodiversity
Peer-reviewed article
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments
Ponta do Ouro Partial Marine Reserve; Inhaca Biological Reserve
Temporal Nesting Variation of Sea Turtles Species at the Eastern Coast of Inhaca Island
Possible impacts of a marine protected area on the artisanal fisheries on Inhaca Island, Mozambique With a focus on fishing grounds and transportation
Book, F.
Inhaca is an Island located inside Ponta do Ouro Partial Marine Reserve and inhibitants on the Island are depending on artisanal fisheries as one of the dominating livelihoods. The main purpose with this study was to find out to what extent this new reserve could affect the artisanal fisheries on Inhaca by collecting basic information about their fishery such as fishing grounds and transportation facilities. This was made with the method of semi-structured interviews with 32 fishermen on Inhaca born and raised on the island. The fishing grounds were compiled into a map to see if they are located inside or outside the new restricted area. The result showed that the majority of the fishing grounds were situated within the new restricted zone.
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity; Coastal Biodiversity
Peer-reviewed article
Economics, Trade and Incentive Measures; Impact Assessment; Community Use of Biodiversity
Ponta do Ouro Partial Marine Reserve; Inhaca Biological Reserve
Possible impacts of a marine protected area on the artisanal fisheries on Inhaca Island, Mozambique With a focus on fishing grounds and transportation
Surveys of the Living Marine Resources of Mozambique
Johnsen, E. Et al.
Todas as Províncias
The baseline will enable Mozambique to monitor later changes in the resources and in the environment. This is especially important today as we are in a crucial period of global warming with likely heavy impact on the coastal areas over time. With the full backup from the FAO and other UN agencies such as UNEP and the IOC the new EAF-Nansen project is to assist coastal states in the SW Indian Ocean to accomplish this important task.
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity; Coastal Biodiversity
Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations
Economics, Trade and Incentive Measures; Sustainable Use of Biodiversity
Surveys of the Living Marine Resources of Mozambique
A natural history of the Bazaruto Archipelago, Mozambique
Everett, B.; van der Elst, R. & Schleyer, M.
South Africa Association for Marine Biological Research
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity; Coastal Biodiversity
Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations
Biological and Cultural Diversity
Bazaruto Archipelago National Park
A natural history of the Bazaruto Archipelago, Mozambique
Historical Perspectives and Recent Trends in the Coastal Mozambican Fishery
Historical data describing changing social-ecological interactions in marine systems can help guide small-scale fisheries management efforts. Fisheries landings data are often the primary source for historical reconstructions of fisheries; however, we argue that reliance on data of a single type and/or from a single scale can lead to potentially misleading conclusions. For example, a narrow focus on aggregate landings statistics can mask processes and trends occurring at local scales, as well as the complex social changes that result from and precipitate marine ecosystem change. Moreover, in the case of many smallscale fisheries, landings statistics are often incomplete and/or inaccurate.
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity; Coastal Biodiversity
Peer-reviewed article
Sustainable Use of Biodiversity; Community Use of Biodiversity
Historical Perspectives and Recent Trends in the Coastal Mozambican Fishery
African Sea Turtle Newsletter No. 7 – 2017
Tiwari, M. Et al.
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity; Coastal Biodiversity
Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments; Sustainable Use of Biodiversity; Traditional Knowledge, Innovations and Practices; Threats to Biodiversity
African Sea Turtle Newsletter No. 7 – 2017
Giant trevally spawning aggregation highlights importance of community fisheries management no-take zone
Marques da Silva, I. Hempson, T. & Hussey, N.
Cabo Delgado
Mar Biodiv
Location and timing of spawning aggregations for large teleost predators either remain elusive or constitute core-fishing sites in developing countries, limiting or confounding management actions for sustainable harvesting. In the Quirimbas Archipelago in northern Mozambique, limited artisanal fisheries catch data are available, and only emerging management plans are in place in scattered isolated locations. Artisanal fisheries, however, are the dominant fisheries sector in the region, employing a large proportion of the local population and contributing the main food source for consumption.
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity; Coastal Biodiversity
Peer-reviewed article
Tourism and Biodiversity; Community Use of Biodiversity
Quirimbas National Park
Giant trevally spawning aggregation highlights importance of community fisheries management no-take zone
Diving Tourism in Mozambique: An Opportunity at Risk?
Tibiriçá, Y. Et al.
Tourism in Marine Environments
Diving tourism has grown exponentially all around the world. In Mozambique, much terrestrial wildlife was devastated during the war, which left national parks with little to attract tourists. On the other hand, the Mozambican Indian Ocean is relatively unexplored and has a rich biodiversity, including a high abundance of ‘big animals’ such as whale sharks and manta rays that offer great opportunities for the diving industry. This paper examines divers’ perspectives and demographics in Tofo Beach, Inhambane. The paper discusses the urgent need for strategic planning and good management to maintain the attractiveness of the area and avoid loss of biodiversity.
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity; Coastal Biodiversity
Peer-reviewed article
Tourism and Biodiversity
Diving Tourism in Mozambique: An Opportunity at Risk?
Quirimbas Complex to Pemba Bay, (Northern Mozambique)
Bandeira, S. & Samussone, D.
Cabo Delgado
This assessment covers the extensive coastline of the northern end of Mozambique, from the border with Tanzania at Rovuma river to Pemba Bay (known as the third deepest bay in the world), all home to extensive biodiversity of both habitats and species dispersed in 28 major islands. Main habitats in this region are extensive coral reefs, mangrove forests, seagrass and seaweeds assemblages, rocky and sandy beaches. Invertebrate and fish fauna in very diverse and yet more studies are needed. Main species diversity in this area are: Numerous species of fish, mollusks crustaceans, coral reefs, three species of sea turtles, Chelonia mydas, Eretmochelys imbricata and Lepidochelys olivacea 3 species of Dolphins.
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity; Coastal Biodiversity
Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations
Biological and Cultural Diversity
Quirimbas National Park
Quirimbas Complex to Pemba Bay, (Northern Mozambique)
Modelling cyclonic eddies in the Delagoa Bight region
Cossa, O. Et al.
Continental Shelf Research
The objective of this study is to document and shed light on the circulation around the Delagoa Bight region in the southern Mozambique Channel using a realistic modelling approach. A simulation including mesoscale forcings at the boundaries of our regional configuration succeeds in reproducing the general circulation in the region as well as the existence of a semi-permanent cyclonic eddy, whose existence is attested by in situ measurements in the Bight. Characterised by a persistent local minimum in SSH located around 26°S–34°E, this cyclonic eddy termed herein the Delagoa Bight lee eddy occurs about 25% of the time with no clear seasonal preference.
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity; Coastal Biodiversity
Peer-reviewed article
Protected Areas
Inhaca Biological Reserve
Modelling cyclonic eddies in the Delagoa Bight region
Coral Reef Monitoring and Management in Mozambique
MICOA, in conjunction with a number of other institutions and donors, have recently initiated a project for the development of a National Coastal Zone Management Programme (NCZMP). This program encompasses the entire coastal zone and is multi-disciplinary in its approach. Further, it is envisaged that one of the components of this NCZMP will focus on the critical ecosystems that comprise the coastal environment such as coral reefs. Consequently, a management plan for coral reefs is being formulated concurrently with the National Coastal Zone Management Plan (NCZMP).
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity
Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations
Biological and Cultural Diversity; Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments
Quirimbas National Park; Bazaruto Archipelago National Park; Ponta do Ouro Partial Marine Reserve; Cabo de São Sebastião Total Protection Zone; Inhaca Biological Reserve; Primeiras e Segundas Islands Environmental Protection Area
Coral Reef Monitoring and Management in Mozambique
Recursos de Atum nas Águas de Moçambique
Simões, P.
Todas as Províncias
Instituto de Investigação Pesqueira
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity; Coastal Biodiversity
Official Government Document
Biological and Cultural Diversity
Recursos de Atum nas Águas de Moçambique
Conscious Sea Turtle Consultancy in Africa!
Cousins, N.
African Sea Turtle Newslette
The school that I attended in my formative years had the motto: “Non Sibi Sed Omnibus”; which translates as “not for oneself but for all”. It is something that did not seem to resonate too loudly in my youth, but having come across the motto again recently it perhaps became more ingrained than I had realised. It is a statement that is very much aligned with our company’s business philosophy. I use the terms ‘company’ and ‘business’ intentionally as that is the best description of what we are, unlike most other contributors and readers of this newsletter who will sit more firmly within conservation, academia or government. 5OES is primarily an environmental consultancy firm with offices in the UK and Middle East.
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity; Coastal Biodiversity
Peer-reviewed article
Biological and Cultural Diversity
Conscious Sea Turtle Consultancy in Africa!
JEAI-MOCAs: A multi-institutional initiative to build marine research capacity in Mozambique
Halo, I. Et al.
Maputo (cidade) sajs.2013/a0023
Mozambican ocean–atmosphere research programme
Understanding the dynamics of the coastal oceans is important for managing coastal ecosystems, and hence for protecting lives and planning sustainable development. Among other countries in the southwest Indian Ocean, Mozambique has a greater number of environmental problems to solve. These problems include the landing of tropical cyclones along the coast and associated heavy rain and flooding events which cause loss of life, infrastructural damage, coastal erosion, incident droughts, water pollution, overexploitation of marine and coastal resources, and weather and climate change and extremes. Many of these problems can be monitored, so that remedial action can be taken, by conducting sustainable institutional collective research.
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity; Coastal Biodiversity
Project Document, Project Reports and Evaluations
Communication and Public Awareness
JEAI-MOCAs: A multi-institutional initiative to build marine research capacity in Mozambique
Tides, tidal currents and their effects on the intertidal ecosystem of the southern bay, Inhaca Island, Mozambique
de Boer, W.; Rydbelg, L. & Saide, V.
Sediment characteristics and tidal currents were studied in the 1500 ha intertidal area south of Inhaca Island, Mozambique. The tide is semi-diurnal with a range at spring of about 3 m. The area connects directly to the ocean through the Ponta Torres Strait and (indirectly) through several narrow tidal channels ending up in Maputo Bay. Velocities of up to 0.75 m s?1 were measured in the Ponta Torres strait. After LowWater, Indian ocean water starts entering the tidal flats, while entrance from the Maputo Bay side is delayed by one to several hours.
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity; Coastal Biodiversity
Peer-reviewed article
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments
Inhaca Biological Reserve
Tides, tidal currents and their effects on the intertidal ecosystem of the southern bay, Inhaca Island, Mozambique
Diurnal and Tidal Variation of Temperature and Salinity in the Ponta Rasa Mangrove Swamp, Mozambique
Hoguane, A. Et al.
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science
Measurements of hydrographic conditions in the Ponta Rasa tidal mangrove swamp, Inhaca Island, Mozambique were made in August–October 1994 during the winter dry season. The Ponta Rasa swamp/creek is tidally choked on account of the narrow channel that connects it to Maputo Bay and at neap tides, a sill prevents bay water entering the creek system altogether. Temperature variation in the swamp (15–25 )C) was predominantly diurnal with an additional signal due to the tidal advection of bay waters. There is no river discharge into Ponta Rasa and during the observation period, there was no significant rainfall.
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity; Coastal Biodiversity
Peer-reviewed article
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments
Ponta do Ouro Partial Marine Reserve; Inhaca Biological Reserve
Diurnal and Tidal Variation of Temperature and Salinity in the Ponta Rasa Mangrove Swamp, Mozambique
Effects of yearling, juvenile and adult survival on reef manta ray (Manta alfredi) demography
Smallegange, I.; van der Ouderaa, I. & Tiribiçá, Y.
The trade in manta ray gill plates has considerably increased over the last two decades. The resulting increases in ray mortality, in addition to mortality caused by by-catch, has caused many ray populations to decrease in size. The aim of this study was to ascertain how yearling and juvenile growth and survival, and adult survival and reproduction affect reef manta ray (Manta alfredi) population change, to increase our understanding of manta ray demography and thereby improve conservation research and measures for these fish.
Not applicable
Marine Biodiversity
Peer-reviewed article
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments
Effects of yearling, juvenile and adult survival on reef manta ray (Manta alfredi) demography
Holocene dynamics of the saltefresh groundwater interface under a sand island, Inhaca, Mozambique
Været, L. Et al.
Quaternary International
The configuration of coastal groundwater systems in southeast Africa was strongly controlled by the Holocene sea-level changes, with an Early Holocene transgression w15 m (10,000e5000 cal BP), and two assumed high-stand events in the Middle and Late Holocene with levels higher than the present. The fluctuation of the saltefresh groundwater interface under Inhaca Island in Mozambique during the Holocene has been studied using an adapted version of the numerical code SUTRA (Saturated-Unsaturated Transport). In this study, small-scale variations such as tidal effects have not been considered.
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity; Coastal Biodiversity
Peer-reviewed article
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments
Inhaca Biological Reserve
Holocene dynamics of the saltefresh groundwater interface under a sand island, Inhaca, Mozambique
Comparing recent and abandoned shell middens to detect the impact of human exploitation on the intertidal ecosystem
Boer, W.; pereira, T & Guissamulo, A.
Aquatic Ecology
Abandoned and recent shell middens were compared from Inhaca island, Mozambique, to investigate the impact of human exploitation. The growing human population was expected to increase the exploitation pressure, decrease the mean shell size, and increase the species diversity.Moreover, exploitation-vulnerable species were expected to disappear from recent middens. 29252 shells were collected from 6 recent and 8 abandoned middens, comprising 78 species, the majority bivalves. Pinctada nigra was the most abundant. The mean shell size was significantly smaller in recent middens, and the conspicuous, surface-dwelling gastropod Terebralia palustris showed the largest size reduction. Size reduction was related with the life history of the species.
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity
Peer-reviewed article
Sustainable Use of Biodiversity; Threats to Biodiversity
Comparing recent and abandoned shell middens to detect the impact of human exploitation on the intertidal ecosystem
Problemas de Erosão Costeira na Cidade de Maputo, Moçambique
langa, J.; Veloso-Gomes, F. & Avilez-Valente, P.
Maputo (cidade)
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity; Coastal Biodiversity
Threats to Biodiversity
Problemas de Erosão Costeira na Cidade de Maputo, Moçambique
A New Large and Common Species Of Doris (Gastropoda, nudibranchia) from the Western Indian Ocean
Lima, P.; Tibiriçá, Y. & Simone, L.
Inhambane; Maputo
Journal of Conchology
A new species of cryptobranch dorid nudibranch is described from the Western Indian Ocean. Doris ananas sp. nov. has previously been recorded from South Africa to Tanzania. The studied specimens were from the sub-tropical waters of southern Mozambique, from 10 to 40m deep and are frequently associated with yellow sponges. The new species is characterized by having several conical simple small tubercles surrounding each large tubercle. The integument is yellow and the top of the tubercles are pigmented in brown or black. This species distinguishes from other described taxa on both external and internal characteristics explored herein, mainly in the reproductive system, with the presence of two bags with internal spines annexed to the vagina.
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity; Coastal Biodiversity
Peer-reviewed article
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments
A New Large and Common Species Of Doris (Gastropoda, nudibranchia) from the Western Indian Ocean
Population structure, density and food sources of Terebralia palustris (Potamididae: Gastropoda) in a low intertidal Avicennia marina mangrove stand (Inhaca Island, Mozambique)
Penha-Lopes, G. Et al.
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science
Population structure and distribution of Terebralia palustris were compared with the environmental parameters within microhabitats in a monospecific stand of Avicennia marina in southern Mozambique. Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analyses of T. palustris and potential food sources (leaves, pneumatophore epiphytes, and surface sediments) were examined to establish the feeding preferences of T. palustris. Stable isotope signatures of individuals of different size classes and from different microhabitats were compared with local food sources.
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity; Coastal Biodiversity
Peer-reviewed article
Biological and Cultural Diversity
Inhaca Biological Reserve
Population structure, density and food sources of Terebralia palustris (Potamididae: Gastropoda) in a low intertidal Avicennia marina mangrove stand (Inhaca Island, Mozambique)
Mesoscale features and micronekton in the Mozambique Channel: An acoustic approach
Béhagle, N. Et al.
Todas as Províncias
Deep-Sea Research II
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity; Coastal Biodiversity
Peer-reviewed article
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments
Mesoscale features and micronekton in the Mozambique Channel: An acoustic approach
Population Structure and Reproduction of Pseudione elongata africana (Bopyridae, Isopoda)
Penha-Lopes, G. Et al.
Maputo (cidade)
Western Indian Ocean J. Mar. Sci. Vol.
The population structure and reproductive fitness of Pseudione elongata africana parasitizing the shrimp Palaemon concinnus were studied in two mangroves in Mozambique. About 100 host specimens were sampled every 15 days for 12 months at Costa do Sol, a peri-urban mangrove near Maputo, and at Saco, a near pristine mangrove at Inhaca Island. Parasites were removed from the branchiostegites of the shrimp and measured. Ovigerous females were selected and the eggs and embryos removed from the brood pouch and counted after staging their level of development.
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity; Coastal Biodiversity
Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments
Population Structure and Reproduction of Pseudione elongata africana (Bopyridae, Isopoda)
Dynamics of the Zambezi River Plume
Nehama, F.
Manica; Sofala; Tete; Zambézia
Freshwater discharges from river runoff into the ocean have an important influence on the dynamics of many coastal regions. The plumes resulting from the encounter between fresh and saline waters have a variety of impacts, including changes in the availability of biological resources. Although there have been several general studies on the plume dynamics (and their relation to the rainfall), no quantitative analysis of the relationship between river plumes and its main controlling factor (i.e. the river discharge) has yet been reported.
No Restrictions
Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity
Peer-reviewed article
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments
Dynamics of the Zambezi River Plume
Monitoring, tagging and conservation of marine turtles in Mozambique: annual report 2014/15
Fernandes, R. Et al.
The eighth annual report on monitoring, tagging and conservation of marine turtles in Mozambique presents the monitoring results of the 2014/15 nesting season, ongoing and published studies, as well as priorities for future research and a list of relevant events. This new format reflects the growth and body of work being carried out on marine turtles in Mozambique. During the 2014/15 season, the monitoring effort covered 112 km of coastline (~4% of the country’s coastline), due to a substantial decrease in marine turtle monitoring sites when compared to previous seasons (Fernandes et al., 2014). This is a direct result of funding constraints.
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity; Coastal Biodiversity
Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments
Bazaruto Archipelago National Park; Ponta do Ouro Partial Marine Reserve; Inhaca Biological Reserve
Monitoring, tagging and conservation of marine turtles in Mozambique: annual report 2014/15
Análise da diversidade e estrutura genética de Fenneropenaeus indicus e Metapenaeus monoceros com base no mtDNA e uso do DNA barcoding na identificação das espécies de Peneídeos (Crustacea, Decapoda, Penaeidae) da costa de Moçambique
Os camarões peneídeos (Crustacea, Decapoda, Penaeidae) constituem um recurso pesqueiro de grande importância econômica mundial tanto para a indústria pesqueira quanto para a aquicultura. Em Moçambique, a indústria pesqueira constitui uma das bases da sua economia, onde a pesca do camarão chega a render cerca de 80 milhões de dólares anuais. Nos últimos anos, tem-se verificado uma redução na pesca do camarão, provavelmente devido à sobrexplotação e à presença de espécies exóticas.
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity; Coastal Biodiversity
Peer-reviewed article
Biological and Cultural Diversity
Análise da diversidade e estrutura genética de Fenneropenaeus indicus e Metapenaeus monoceros com base no mtDNA e uso do DNA barcoding na identificação das espécies de Peneídeos (Crustacea, Decapoda, Penaeidae) da costa de Moçambique
Relatório de Governação Ambiental 2016 – Governação e gestão de mangais em Moçambique
Macamo, C. & Sitoe, A.
Todas as Províncias
No Restrictions
Forest Biodiversity; Coastal Biodiversity
Reports, Studies, Biodiversity Baselines and Evaluations
Legal and Political (Laws, Regulations, Action Plans, Strategies, etc.)
Relatório de Governação Ambiental 2016 – Governação e gestão de mangais em Moçambique
Estudo da Pescaria e da Biologia da Lagosta de Profundidade Palinurus delagoae, Barnard, 1926 Capturada com Gaiolas na Costa de Moçambique
Biological and Cultural Diversity; Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments; Community Use of Biodiversity
Estudo da Pescaria e da Biologia da Lagosta de Profundidade Palinurus delagoae, Barnard, 1926 Capturada com Gaiolas na Costa de Moçambique
Contribuição para o estudo das espécies Penaeus monodon, Penaeus japonicus e Penaeus latisulcatus no Banco de Sofala
Samo, B.
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity
Peer-reviewed article
Biological and Cultural Diversity; Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments
Contribuição para o estudo das espécies Penaeus monodon, Penaeus japonicus e Penaeus latisulcatus no Banco de Sofala
Relação entre a Avifauna e Macrobentos no Estuário Espirito Santo
Bene, M.
No Restrictions
Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity
Peer-reviewed article
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments
Relação entre a Avifauna e Macrobentos no Estuário Espirito Santo
Estudo de comunidade Ictiológica e dieta dos peixes do Saco da Ilha de Inhaca
Jocene, D.
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity; Coastal Biodiversity
Peer-reviewed article
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments
Inhaca Biological Reserve
Estudo de comunidade Ictiológica e dieta dos peixes do Saco da Ilha de Inhaca
Estudo da Comunidade de Corais na Zona do Farol da Ilha do Ibo
Rodrigues, M.
Cabo Delgado
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity; Coastal Biodiversity
Peer-reviewed article
Biological and Cultural Diversity
Estudo da Comunidade de Corais na Zona do Farol da Ilha do Ibo
Estudo Comparativo das Comunidades Ictiológicas de dois Recifes de Coral da Ilha da Inhaca e sua Relação com a Estrutura do Habitat
pereira, M.
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity; Coastal Biodiversity
Peer-reviewed article
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments
Inhaca Biological Reserve
Estudo Comparativo das Comunidades Ictiológicas de dois Recifes de Coral da Ilha da Inhaca e sua Relação com a Estrutura do Habitat
Distribuição e Abundância da Tilapia Invasiva orechromis niloticus na Albufeira de Cahora Bassa
Buque, L.
No Restrictions
Inland Waters and Wetlands Biodiversity
Peer-reviewed article
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments
Distribuição e Abundância da Tilapia Invasiva orechromis niloticus na Albufeira de Cahora Bassa
Abundância e diversidade da Fauna de Camarão e Peixe na Floresta de Mangal da Ilha de Inhaca: Um Estudo de Comparativo entre o Saco e a Baía de Sangala
Inácio, A.
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity; Coastal Biodiversity
Peer-reviewed article
Biological and Cultural Diversity
Inhaca Biological Reserve
Abundância e diversidade da Fauna de Camarão e Peixe na Floresta de Mangal da Ilha de Inhaca: Um Estudo de Comparativo entre o Saco e a Baía de Sangala
Associação entre individuos e uso de áreas por golfinhos Sousa chinensis, no sul da Ilha da Inhaca
Fumo, E.
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity; Coastal Biodiversity
Peer-reviewed article
Sustainable Use of Biodiversity
Inhaca Biological Reserve
Associação entre individuos e uso de áreas por golfinhos Sousa chinensis, no sul da Ilha da Inhaca
Alguns Aspectos da Ecologia e Biologia da Holothuria scabra na Ilha da Inhaca
Gujral, L.
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity
Peer-reviewed article
Biological and Cultural Diversity; Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments
Inhaca Biological Reserve
Alguns Aspectos da Ecologia e Biologia da Holothuria scabra na Ilha da Inhaca
Crescimento e maturação da Tilápia de Moçambique (Orechromis mossambicus) no Reservatório de Massingir, Província de Gaza
Madau, V.
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity
Peer-reviewed article
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments
Crescimento e maturação da Tilápia de Moçambique (Orechromis mossambicus) no Reservatório de Massingir, Província de Gaza
Celebrating 20 Years of Marine Turtle Tagging and Monitoring in Southern Mozambique
Pereira, M. Et al.
African Sea Turtle Newslette
The Ponta do Ouro Partial Marine Reserve (POPMR), located in southern Mozambique, is part of the Lebombo Transfrontier Conservation Area (Fig.1) and is an important nesting area, from October to March, for loggerhead (Caretta caretta) and leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea) turtles (Louro et al. 2006; Costa et al. 2007; Videira et al. 2008). A monitoring and tagging program using titanium flipper tags was initiated in 1994. Initially restricted to a 30-km stretch of beach (from Ponta Malongane to Ponta Dobela), the programme was spearheaded by Mr. Pierre Lombard and his family (Fig. 2) with support from Dr. George Hughes, who then supervised the South African turtle monitoring programme.
No Restrictions
Marine Biodiversity; Coastal Biodiversity
Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments
Ponta do Ouro Partial Marine Reserve
Celebrating 20 Years of Marine Turtle Tagging and Monitoring in Southern Mozambique