- Sofala;
- Tete;
- Zambézia

This EBSA assesses the Zambezi river delta mangrove and adjacent brackish habitats. This is the single largest mangrove stand in the entire eastern Africa covering some 100,000 ha. The diversity is high (8 mangrove species) and trees can reach some 30 m and attain extensive diameters. Zambezi delta mangroves attain high carbon stocks turning this as an ideal place for developing C credits initiative. Changing in water hydrology associated also with the dam upstream, issues of sedimentation and erosion as associated with observed mangrove dieback are some of the main challenging issues for these exuberant habitats in the Zambezi river delta.

- Inglês

- Nenhuma restrição

- Biodiversidade das águas interiores e zonas húmidas

- Relatórios, Estudos, Avaliações de Biodiversidade, Linhas de Base

- Diversidade biológica e cultural

- Nenhuma / Não aplicável
