Understanding the Divergent Recoveries of Protected Areas in Post-Conflict Mozambique

- Cabo Delgado

Mozambique is uniquely situated for success as an ecotourism destination, due to its potential for charismatic wildlife, its spectacular coastline, and its location between established safari hotspots. Yet Mozambique’s conservation areas are largely underperforming. Animal populations have declined, and most parks receive fewer than 1000 tourists per year. Drawing from 35 interviews with diverse stakeholders in and around seven protected areas, this paper seeks to understand why the country’s parks have experienced divergent outcomes since the end of the civil war in 1992.

- Inglês

- Nenhuma restrição

- Geral

- Artigo com revisão pelos pares e teses universitárias

- Áreas Protegidas

- Parque Nacional de Gorongosa;
- Parque Nacional de Banhine;
- Parque Nacional de Zinave;
- Reserva Especial de Maputo;
- Reserva Especial de Marromeu;
- Outras Áreas de Conservação Nacionais
