The Game Reserve of Gilé Management Plan 2003-2007 – Chapter 5: Management Strategies and Actions
- Zambézia
Several management strategies and actions have been identified to respond to the previous discussed issues. Primary aims of the GRG managers are the preservation of the biodiversity and the development of the GRG. These scopes need to be achieved with the active participation of local communities, for both their development and to minimize conflicts between humans and wildlife, and in strict collaboration among the various management performers.
- Inglês
- Nenhuma restrição
- Biodiversidade Florestal;
- Biodiversidade de montanha;
- Outra biodiversidade terrestre;
- Biodiversidade das águas interiores e zonas húmidas
- AC – Documentos de Gestão
- Áreas Protegidas
- Reserva Nacional do Gilé