The contribution to local enterprise development of infrastructure for commodity extraction projects: Tanzania’s central corridor and Mozambique’s Zambezi Valley

MMCP Discussion Paper No. 9, March 2011 Making the Most of Commodities Programme (MMCP)

- N/A

This report investigates in what way the provision and management of infrastructure (or shortcomings therein) has constrained or enabled mining investment and local firm linkages to this mining activity (with a primary focus on the recent experience on Tanzania's Central Development Corridor and the Zambezi Valley in Mozambique). The usefulness of the development corridor approach to enhance the scope for linked small enterprise development and more diversified economic development is explored in the context of increased minerals investment.

- Inglês

- Não aplicável

- Biodiversidade das águas interiores e zonas húmidas

- Documentos de Projeto, Relatórios de Projetos e Avaliações

- Ameaças à Biodiversidade

- Nenhuma / Não aplicável
