The birds (Aves) of the middle Save River valley, Mozambique

Durban Natural Science Museum

- Inhambane;
- Sofala

This report reviews all the bird species that have been recorded in the middle Save River valley (between Massangena in the west and Covane in the east) in Mo9 ambique, including the results of a recent survey made in November 1998. A total o f 268 bird species has been recorded from the region, including 11 new species found in November 1998. Twenty five species were recorded from the area by early expeditions (mainly in 1950, 1963 and 1965) that have not been found in recent times. Thirteen o f these are waterbirds, suggesting that these early surveys were made during wetter periods than the subsequent efforts and/or that upstream water extraction has resulted in a reduction in waterbird diversity in recent times.

- Inglês

- Nenhuma restrição

- Biodiversidade das águas interiores e zonas húmidas

- Artigo com revisão pelos pares e teses universitárias

- Diversidade biológica e cultural

- Nenhuma / Não aplicável
