Status and distribution of large herbivores in the Marromeu Complex of the Zambezi Delta, Mozambique


- Sofala

The Marromeu Complex (11,270 km²) covers the southern half of the Zambezi Delta and the adjacent Cheringoma escarpment, and includes the Marromeu Buffalo Reserve (Reserva Especial de Marromeu) and two forest reserves (Reserva Floresta de Nhampacué and R.F. de Inhamitanga), four hunting concessions (Coutada Oficial no. 10, 11, 12, and 14), large commercial agricultural lands (notably the Sena Estates, the largest sugar plantation in Mozambique), and community lands. In November 2003, the Government of Mozambique ratified the Ramsar Convention and designated the Marromeu Complex as the country’s first and only Wetland of International Importance because of its vast size and immense value for biodiversity, ecosystem services.

- Inglês

- Nenhuma restrição

- Biodiversidade Florestal;
- Outra biodiversidade terrestre;
- Biodiversidade das águas interiores e zonas húmidas

- Relatórios, Estudos, Avaliações de Biodiversidade, Linhas de Base

- Identificação, Monitoria, Indicadores e Avaliações;
- Áreas Protegidas;
- Ameaças à Biodiversidade

- Reserva Especial de Marromeu
