Species composition, comparative size and abundance of the genus Littoraria (Gastropoda: Littorinidae) from different mangrove strata along the East African coast


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Variation in the abundance, distribution and size of four species of mangrove littorinid gastropods (genus Littoraria) was investigated using a nested sampling design at different spatial scales along the East African coast, from Tanzania to South Africa. Littorinid abundance and diversity decreased abruptly south of Inhaca Island at the southern end of the study area. All species presented a large-scale spatial variation in abundance, with L. subvittata showing the greatest abundance while L. intermedia was rare.

- Inglês

- Nenhuma restrição

- Biodiversidade Costeira

- Artigo com revisão pelos pares e teses universitárias

- Identificação, Monitoria, Indicadores e Avaliações

- Nenhuma / Não aplicável
