Some Ophiuroidea from the Seychelles Islands and Inhaca, Mozambique (Echinodermata)

- Maputo

The collection comprises 27 species of ophiuroids from Mahé and Praslin, Seychelles and 16 species (some the same) from Inhaca, Delagoa Bay, Mozambique. Included are new records for Amphiura ambigua Koehler (found to be viviparous), Ophiactis picteti (de Loriol), Oph osphaera insignis Brock and Ophiopeza spinosa (Ljungman) from Mahé and Ophiura kinbergi (Ljungman) from Inhaca. Comments are also included on Ophiothrx (Keystonea) propinqua Lyman - transferred to the genus Macrophiothrix, some other anomalous specimens of Macrophiothrix, variations found in Ophiocoma pusilla (Brock) and the synonymy of Paracrocnida sacensis (Balinsky) with P. persica Mortensen.

- Inglês

- Não aplicável

- Biodiversidade Marinha

- Artigo com revisão pelos pares e teses universitárias

- Diversidade biológica e cultural

- Reserva Marinha Parcial da Ponta do Ouro;
- Reserva Biológica de Inhaca
