Soil organic carbon stocks in the Limpopo National Park, Mozambique: Amount, spatial distribution and uncertainty


- Gaza

Many areas in sub-Saharan African are data-poor and poorly accessible. The estimation of soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks in these areas will have to rely on the limited available secondary data coupled with restricted field sampling. We assessed the total SOC stock, its spatial variation and the causes of this variation in Limpopo National Park (LNP), a data-poor and poorly accessible area in southwesternMozambique. During a field survey, A-horizon thickness was measured and soil samples were taken for the determination of SOC concentrations. SOC concentrations were multiplied by soil bulk density and A-horizon thickness to estimate SOC stocks.

- Inglês

- Nenhuma restrição

- Biodiversidade Florestal;
- Biodiversidade de montanha;
- Outra biodiversidade terrestre

- Artigo com revisão pelos pares e teses universitárias

- Identificação, Monitoria, Indicadores e Avaliações;
- Áreas Protegidas

- Parque Nacional de Limpopo
