SADC regional program for rhino conservation


- N/A

Dr Rob Brett has been appointed SADC rhino program coordinator and has taken up his position in Harare, Zimbabwe. Reviews of rhino conservation in SADC range states were undertaken from June to September 2000. A key part of these reviews was to identify and solicit potential projects for funding by the SADC Regional Program for Rhino Conservation. At a meeting of the SADC rhino program consortium meeting scheduled for 9–10 October 2000, potential projects for funding were to be reviewed and program budgets and activity plans drawn up for the next six-month period.

- Inglês

- Nenhuma restrição

- Biodiversidade Florestal

- Relatórios, Estudos, Avaliações de Biodiversidade, Linhas de Base

- Identificação, Monitoria, Indicadores e Avaliações

- Nenhuma / Não aplicável
