Perceptions of climate risk in Mozambique: Implications for the success of adaptation strategies

Elsevier Ltd

- Cabo Delgado;
- Gaza;
- Inhambane;
- Manica;
- Maputo (cidade);
- Maputo;
- Nampula;
- Niassa;
- Sofala;
- Tete;
- Zambézia

Policies to promote adaptation climate risks often rely on the willing cooperation of the intended beneficiaries. If these beneficiaries disagree with policy makers and program managers about the need for adaptation, or the effectiveness of the measures they are being asked to undertake, then implementation of the policies will fail. A case study of a resettlement program in Mozambique shows this to be the case. Farmers and policy makers disagreed about the seriousness of climate risks, and the potential negative consequences of proposed adaptive measures. A project to provide more information about climate change to farmers did not change their beliefs.

- Inglês

- Nenhuma restrição

- Geral

- Artigo com revisão pelos pares e teses universitárias

- Alterações Climáticas e Biodiversidade

- Nenhuma / Não aplicável
