Parks, People and Professionals: Putting `Participation’ into Protected Area Management


- N/A

Since the first establishment of protected areas of outstanding natural beauty or species and habitat uniqueness during the last century, there has been a remarkable expansion in numbers and area conserved. There are now close to 8500 major protected areas in 169 countries, covering some 5% of the world's land area. Many developing countries have more than 10% of their land area set aside for conservation purposes, and others are seeking to transform as much of their land as possible to strictly protected areas.

- Inglês

- Nenhuma restrição

- Geral

- Documentos de Projeto, Relatórios de Projetos e Avaliações

- Diversidade biológica e cultural;
- Áreas Protegidas;
- Uso Comunitário da Biodiversidade

- Áreas de Conservação Internacionais
