A Biblioteca Virtual BIOFUND é um arquivo online de informação sobre a biodiversidade de Moçambique, organizado de acordo com as linhas sugeridas pelo Mecanismo de Câmara de Compensação da Convenção sobre a Biodiversidade. A Biblioteca Virtual esforçar-se-á por disponibilizar todos os documentos, estudos, relatórios, artigos, materiais educativos e de comunicação, mapas e ficheiros digitais produzidos, para servir de repositório da nossa memória institucional colectiva enquanto comunidade conservacionista. A utilidade da Biblioteca Virtual aumentará quanto mais compartilharmos entre nós. Se você possui algum material que não faz parte da Biblioteca Virtual, clique em "Adicionar documento" e torne-se um colaborador.
Ano de publicação
Eastern Afromontane Biodiversity Hotspot
BirdLife International
Everyone depends on Earth‘s ecosystems and their life-sustaining benefits, such as clean air, fresh water and healthy soils. Founded in 2000, the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) has become a global leader in enabling civil society to participate in and benefit from conserving some of the world‘s most critical ecosystems.
Nenhuma restrição
Biodiversidade de montanha
Relatórios, Estudos, Avaliações de Biodiversidade, Linhas de Base
Diversidade biológica e cultural
Nenhuma / Não aplicável
Eastern Afromontane Biodiversity Hotspot
Possible relationships between the South African captive-bred lion hunting industry and the hunting and conservation of lions elsewhere in Africa
Lindsey, P. Et al.
South African Journal of Wildlife Research
The trophy hunting of lions is contentious due to increasing evidence of impacts on wild populations, and ethical concerns surrounding the hunting of captive-bred lions in South Africa. The captive-bred lion hunting industry in South Africa has grown rapidly while the number of wild lions hunted in other African countries has declined. In 2009 and 2010, 833 and 682 lion trophies were exported from South Africa, respectively, more than double the combined export (2009, 471; 2010, 318) from other African countries. There has been an associated increase in the prevalence of the export of lion bones from South Africa: at least 645 bones/sets of bones were exported in 2010, 75.0% of which went to Asia.
Nenhuma restrição
Biodiversidade Florestal
Artigo com revisão pelos pares e teses universitárias
Economia, Comércio e Medidas de Incentivo; Turismo e Biodiversidade
Todas Áreas de Conservação de Moçambique
Possible relationships between the South African captive-bred lion hunting industry and the hunting and conservation of lions elsewhere in Africa
Biodiversity Studies in Key Species from the African Mopane and Miombo Woodlands
Moura, I. Et al.
Genetic Diversity
The Southern African Miombo-Mopane woodlands are globally considered as ecosystems with irreplaceable species endemism, being the most important type of vegetation in the region. Among the approximately 8500 plant species, legume trees play a crucial role in biodiversity dynamics, being also key socioeconomic and environmental players. From the ecological point of view, they contribute significantly to ecosystem’s stability as well as to water, carbon, and energy balance. Additionally, legume species represent an immensurable source of timber and nontimber products.
Nenhuma restrição
Biodiversidade Florestal
Documentos de Projeto, Relatórios de Projetos e Avaliações
Identificação, Monitoria, Indicadores e Avaliações
Nenhuma / Não aplicável
Biodiversity Studies in Key Species from the African Mopane and Miombo Woodlands
Current Status of Burchell´s Zebra in Africa
Rod East
Nenhuma restrição
Biodiversidade Florestal; Outra biodiversidade terrestre
Relatórios, Estudos, Avaliações de Biodiversidade, Linhas de Base
Diversidade biológica e cultural
Nenhuma / Não aplicável
Current Status of Burchell´s Zebra in Africa
Conserving large carnivores: dollars and fence
Parker, C. Et al.
Nenhuma restrição
Biodiversidade Florestal
Artigo com revisão pelos pares e teses universitárias
Restauração do Ecossistema; Uso Sustentável da Biodiversidade
Nenhuma / Não aplicável
Conserving large carnivores: dollars and fence
Policy Issues in Payment for Environmental Services
Anderson et al.
Ecosystem services broadly mean the benefits that people derive from ecosystems. The services are categorised as provisioning, supporting, regulating, or cultural. For a long time, these services have been considered as nature’s service and have systematically been undervalued. Because they are not traded in conventional markets, they are not captured by existing price signals that have led to over exploitation of the environmental goods with the negative effects on the supply of environmental services. The papers in this book cut across different aspects of Environmental Services (Watershed management, Carbon sequestration, and biodiversity management), policy and institutional issues related to PES.
Nenhuma restrição
Documentos de Projeto, Relatórios de Projetos e Avaliações
Legal e Política (Leis, regulamentos, planos de acção de estratégias, etc)
Nenhuma / Não aplicável
Policy Issues in Payment for Environmental Services
Trophy hunting and lion conservation: a question of governance?
Nelson, F.; Lindsey, P. & Balme, G.
Fauna & Flora International
Lion Panthera leo populations and distributions in Africa have contracted considerably in the past 30 years. Recent policy debates focus on restricting trophy hunting as a measure to address concerns about excessive offtakes of lions. We review the impact of trophy hunting in relation to lion conservation goals, using comparative case studies from Southern and East Africa, which together contain most of Africa’s remaining lion populations. The comparison demonstrates that the impact of trophy hunting on lion populations is variable and shaped by the way trophy hunting is managed and wildlife is governed in different range states.
Nenhuma restrição
Biodiversidade Florestal
Relatórios, Estudos, Avaliações de Biodiversidade, Linhas de Base
Legal e Política (Leis, regulamentos, planos de acção de estratégias, etc); Ameaças à Biodiversidade
Nenhuma / Não aplicável
Trophy hunting and lion conservation: a question of governance?
Implications of spatial genetic patterns for conserving African leopards
Ropiquet, A. Et al.
Molecular biology and genetics
The leopard (Panthera pardus) is heavily persecuted in areas where it predates livestock and threatens human well-being. Attempts to resolve human–leopard conflict typically involve translocating problem animals; however, these interventions are rarely informed by genetic studies and can unintentionally compromise the natural spatial genetic structure and diversity, and possibly the long-term persistence, of the species. No significant genetic discontinuities were definable within the southern African leopard population. Analysis of fine-scale genetic data derived from mitochondrial and nuclear DNA revealed that the primary natural process shaping the spatial genetic structure of the species is isolation-by-distance (IBD).
Nenhuma restrição
Biodiversidade Florestal
Artigo com revisão pelos pares e teses universitárias
Identificação, Monitoria, Indicadores e Avaliações
Nenhuma / Não aplicável
Implications of spatial genetic patterns for conserving African leopards
Continent-wide survey reveals massive decline in African savannah elephants
Chase, M. Et al.
African elephants (Loxodonta africana) are imperiled by poaching and habitat loss. Despite global attention to the plight of elephants, their population sizes and trends are uncertain or unknown over much of Africa. To conserve this iconic species, conservationists need timely, accurate data on elephant populations. Here, we report the results of the Great Elephant Census (GEC), the first continent-wide, standardized survey of African savannah elephants.
Nenhuma restrição
Biodiversidade Florestal
Artigo com revisão pelos pares e teses universitárias
Ameaças à Biodiversidade
Nenhuma / Não aplicável
Continent-wide survey reveals massive decline in African savannah elephants
NYALA Tragelaphus angasii
Furstenburg, D.
GEO WILD Consult (Pty) Ltd
The nyala antelope shows a marked sexual dimorphism in size with a large male and a much smaller female. As a result the male is known as a bull in common with the larger antelope species and the female a ewe in common with the smaller antelopes.
Nenhuma restrição
Biodiversidade Florestal
Relatórios, Estudos, Avaliações de Biodiversidade, Linhas de Base
Identificação, Monitoria, Indicadores e Avaliações
Nenhuma / Não aplicável
NYALA Tragelaphus angasii
The bushmeat trade in African savannas: impacts, drivers, and possible solutions
Lindsey, P. Et al.
The bushmeat trade, or the illegal acquisition and exchange of wild meat, has long been recognized as a severe problem in forest biomes, but receives little attention in savannas, perhaps due to a misconception that bushmeat hunting is a low-impact subsistence activity. Though data on impacts are scarce, indications are that bushmeat hunting is a widespread problem in savannas, with severe impacts on wildlife populations and wildlife-based land uses. The impacts of the bushmeat trade in savannas vary from edge-effects around protected areas, to disproportionate declines of some species, to severe wildlife declines in areas with inadequate anti-poaching.
Nenhuma restrição
Biodiversidade Florestal
Relatórios, Estudos, Avaliações de Biodiversidade, Linhas de Base
Ameaças à Biodiversidade
Todas Áreas de Conservação de Moçambique
The bushmeat trade in African savannas: impacts, drivers, and possible solutions
The Great Elephant Census | A Paul G. Allen Project Country‐by‐Country Findings
Todas as Províncias
The following is a listing of country‐by‐country findings from the Great Elephant Census (GEC). For each of the 18 countries flown to date there is a listed GEC elephant count – the number of live elephants counted during the Census – and a carcass ratio – the percentage of dead elephants observed during the count. Carcass ratios of more than 8 percent are considered to indicate poaching at a high enough level to cause a declining population. For more on how to interpret carcass ratios, see below.
Nenhuma restrição
Biodiversidade Florestal
Informações Gerais
Identificação, Monitoria, Indicadores e Avaliações
Todas Áreas de Conservação de Moçambique
The Great Elephant Census | A Paul G. Allen Project Country‐by‐Country Findings
Eastern Afromontane Ecosystem Profile Appendix 1. Species Outcomes in the Eastern Afromontane Hotspot
The list of priority species consists of all Globally Threatened species found in the hotspot: those that are listed as Critically Endangered, Endangered, or Vulnerable according to the IUCN Red List. 677 Globally Threatened species are known to occur in the hotspot.
Nenhuma restrição
Biodiversidade de montanha
Mapas e dados não georreferenciados (imagens, listas de espécies, etc.)
Identificação, Monitoria, Indicadores e Avaliações
Nenhuma / Não aplicável
Eastern Afromontane Ecosystem Profile Appendix 1. Species Outcomes in the Eastern Afromontane Hotspot
1st African Buffalo Symposium – Paris – 5th & 6th November 2014
Nenhuma restrição
Biodiversidade Florestal; Outra biodiversidade terrestre
Diversidade biológica e cultural
Nenhuma / Não aplicável
1st African Buffalo Symposium – Paris – 5th & 6th November 2014
A continent-wide assessment of the form and intensity of large mammal herbivory in Africa
Hempson, G.; Archibald, S. & Bond, W.
Megafaunal extinctions and a lack of suitable remote sensing technology impede our understanding of both the ecological legacy and current impacts of large mammal herbivores in the Earth system. To address this, we reconstructed the form and intensity of herbivory pressure across sub-Saharan Africa ~1000 years ago. Specifically, we modeled and mapped species-level biomass for 92 large mammal herbivores using census data, species distributions, and environmental covariates. Trait-based classifications of these species into herbivore functional types, and analyses of their biomass surfaces, reveal four ecologically distinct continental-scale herbivory regimes, characterized by internally similar forms and intensities of herbivory pressure.
Nenhuma restrição
Biodiversidade Florestal; Outra biodiversidade terrestre
Artigo com revisão pelos pares e teses universitárias
Diversidade biológica e cultural
Nenhuma / Não aplicável
A continent-wide assessment of the form and intensity of large mammal herbivory in Africa
African Rhinoceroses: Challenges continue in the 1990s
Gakahu, C.
Despite the concern expressed and the measures taken by conservationists and wildlife authorities, the status of African rhinos has worsened during the last decade. The black rhino, Diceros bicornis, has continued to rapidly decline in number, resulting in further fragmentation and extinction of populations. Today most countries have fewer black rhinos than they had three years ago; the deaths represent a great loss of unique genes and adaptation to local environment. However, Kenya, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe have stable populations and, although on the decline in Botswana and towards extinction in Mozambique, the southern white rhino Ceratotirerium simum simum has continued to show an overall increase.
Nenhuma restrição
Biodiversidade Florestal
Artigo com revisão pelos pares e teses universitárias
Diversidade biológica e cultural
Nenhuma / Não aplicável
African Rhinoceroses: Challenges continue in the 1990s
SADC regional program for rhino conservation
Emslie, R.
Dr Rob Brett has been appointed SADC rhino program coordinator and has taken up his position in Harare, Zimbabwe. Reviews of rhino conservation in SADC range states were undertaken from June to September 2000. A key part of these reviews was to identify and solicit potential projects for funding by the SADC Regional Program for Rhino Conservation. At a meeting of the SADC rhino program consortium meeting scheduled for 9–10 October 2000, potential projects for funding were to be reviewed and program budgets and activity plans drawn up for the next six-month period.
Nenhuma restrição
Biodiversidade Florestal
Relatórios, Estudos, Avaliações de Biodiversidade, Linhas de Base
Identificação, Monitoria, Indicadores e Avaliações
Nenhuma / Não aplicável
SADC regional program for rhino conservation
Species expected in the Mozambique region
Todas as Províncias
Nenhuma restrição
Mapas e dados não georreferenciados (imagens, listas de espécies, etc.)
Diversidade biológica e cultural
Todas Áreas de Conservação de Moçambique
Species expected in the Mozambique region
Biodiversity Express Survey, The Njesi Plateau expedition: a biological assessment of Mt Chitagal, Mt Sanga and the Njesi Plateau in Niassa Province, Mozambique.
Jones, S. Et al.
Biodiversity Inventory for Conservation
The mountains of northern Mozambique - scattered granite inselbergs topped with evergreen forests - remain poorly known biologically. Their long geological isolation from the east African rift combined with the conflict-fractured history of Mozambique meant little research effort has been undertaken until recent years. Most recent efforts have focused on the mountains in north-central Mozambique, highlighting their unique biological value, but large highlands in the north-west still remain virtually unexplored. The highlands of Niassa province are one such area and represent a key highland link to the north.
Nenhuma restrição
Biodiversidade de montanha
Relatórios, Estudos, Avaliações de Biodiversidade, Linhas de Base
Diversidade biológica e cultural
Nenhuma / Não aplicável
Biodiversity Express Survey, The Njesi Plateau expedition: a biological assessment of Mt Chitagal, Mt Sanga and the Njesi Plateau in Niassa Province, Mozambique.
The status of lions and their threats in Niassa National Reserve, Mozambique
Begg, C. & begg, K.
NCP has been working in Niassa National Reserve (NNR) since 2003 with a focus on carnivore conservation. Our mission is to secure lions and other large carnivores in NNR by promoting coexistence between carnivores and people and directly mitigating human induced threats. We work in close collaboration with the Mozambican management authority (SRN) and local communities. We have a small team of seven local men and are based in a simple camp in concession L5-South, which is our intensive study area. This report is a technical report that provides analysis of the scientific data collected by NCP between 2007 and 2011.
Nenhuma restrição
Biodiversidade Florestal
Relatórios, Estudos, Avaliações de Biodiversidade, Linhas de Base
Identificação, Monitoria, Indicadores e Avaliações
Reserva Nacional do Niassa
The status of lions and their threats in Niassa National Reserve, Mozambique
Survey of Parasitic Diseases in African-Lions (Panthera leo) from Niassa National Reserve, Mozambique
Lajas, L.
Panthera leo - The African lion - is an iconic species of the African continent, classified as vulnerable by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Once believed to be a widespread species throughout Africa, the African lion is now extinct in most of its range in West Africa and is facing considerable population declines in Eastern and Southern Africa.
Nenhuma restrição
Biodiversidade Florestal
Artigo com revisão pelos pares e teses universitárias
Saúde e Biodiversidade
Reserva Nacional do Niassa
Survey of Parasitic Diseases in African-Lions (Panthera leo) from Niassa National Reserve, Mozambique
Diet and distribution of elephant in the Maputo Elephant Reserve, Mozambique
de Boer, W. Et al.
Afr. J. Ecol.
The distribution and diet of the elephants of the Maputo Elephant Reserve were studied using dung counts, satellite tracking and faecal analysis. The results were compared with earlier data from before the civil war in Mozambique. The elephant population decreased during the civil war, but 180 animals still remain. Earlier studies described the elephants as preferring the grass plains. Currently, the elephants prefer the dense forest patches over the high quality forage found in the grass plains.
Nenhuma restrição
Biodiversidade Florestal
Artigo com revisão pelos pares e teses universitárias
Identificação, Monitoria, Indicadores e Avaliações
Reserva Especial de Maputo
Diet and distribution of elephant in the Maputo Elephant Reserve, Mozambique
Aboveground biomass and leaf area index (LAI) mapping for Niassa Reserve, northern Mozambique
Ribeiro, N. Et al.
Estimations of biomass are critical in miombo woodlands because they represent the primary source of goods and services for over 80% of the population in southern Africa. This study was carried out in Niassa Reserve, northern Mozambique. The main objectives were first to estimate woody biomass and Leaf Area Index (LAI) using remotely sensed data [RADARSAT (C-band, l = 5.7-cm)] and Landsat ETM+ derived Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Simple Ratio (SR) calibrated by field measurements and, second to determine, at both landscape and plot scales, the environmental controls (precipitation, woody cover density, fire and elephants) of biomass and LAI.
Nenhuma restrição
Biodiversidade Florestal
Artigo com revisão pelos pares e teses universitárias
Identificação, Monitoria, Indicadores e Avaliações
Reserva Nacional do Niassa
Aboveground biomass and leaf area index (LAI) mapping for Niassa Reserve, northern Mozambique
Parque Nacional de Banhine – Wildlife survey 2012
Stalmans, M. & peel, M.
A wildlife survey was undertaken during October-November 2012 of the Parque Nacional de Banhine as a follow-up to the surveys previously undertaken during 2004, 2007 and 2012. The same experienced team that undertook the 2004, 2007 and 2009 surveys was also responsible for the 2012 survey.
Nenhuma restrição
AC – Documentos de Gestão
Diversidade biológica e cultural; Áreas Protegidas
Parque Nacional de Limpopo; Áreas de Conservação Transfronteiriças
Parque Nacional de Banhine – Wildlife survey 2012
Cheetah distribution, threats and landscape connectivity in south-western Mozambique
Andresen, L.
This is a research project aimed at providing the necessary information to ensure the growth and persistence of a cheetah meta-population in the Greater Limpopo Transfrontier Conservation Area of South Africa, Mozambique and Zimbabwe. Our primary focus is on improving knowledge of cheetah conservation biology in the Mozambican components and our goal is to make a meaningful contribution towards achieving the objectives of the regional conservation strategy for cheetah in Mozambique.
Nenhuma restrição
Biodiversidade Florestal; Biodiversidade de montanha; Outra biodiversidade terrestre
Relatórios, Estudos, Avaliações de Biodiversidade, Linhas de Base
Identificação, Monitoria, Indicadores e Avaliações
Parque Nacional de Limpopo; Áreas de Conservação Transfronteiriças
Cheetah distribution, threats and landscape connectivity in south-western Mozambique
Improving the conservation prospects for lions in the Greater Limpopo Lion Conservation Unit; determining key threats and identifying appropriate solutions
Everatt, K.
This is a research project aimed at improving conservation prospects for lions in the Greater Limpopo Lion Conservation Unit of South Africa, Mozambique and Zimbabwe. Our focus is to improve knowledge of lion conservation biology in the Mozambican components, determine key threats and identify appropriate solutions to improve lion conservation management and planning at the landscape level.
Nenhuma restrição
Biodiversidade Florestal
Relatórios, Estudos, Avaliações de Biodiversidade, Linhas de Base
Identificação, Monitoria, Indicadores e Avaliações
Parque Nacional de Limpopo; Áreas de Conservação Transfronteiriças
Improving the conservation prospects for lions in the Greater Limpopo Lion Conservation Unit; determining key threats and identifying appropriate solutions
Parque Nacional de Banhine – Wildlife survey 2007
International Conservation Services
Nenhuma restrição
AC – Documentos de Gestão
Diversidade biológica e cultural
Parque Nacional de Banhine
Parque Nacional de Banhine – Wildlife survey 2007
Parque Nacional de Banhine – Wildlife survey 2009
Stalmans, M. & Peel, M.
A wildlife survey was undertaken during October-November 2009 of the Parque Nacional de Banhine as a follow-up from the survey undertaken during 2004 and 2007. The same experienced team that undertook the 2004 and 2007 surveys was also responsible for the 2009 survey.
Nenhuma restrição
AC – Documentos de Gestão
Diversidade biológica e cultural
Parque Nacional de Banhine
Parque Nacional de Banhine – Wildlife survey 2009
Aerial Survey of Large Herbivores in Gorongosa National Park: October 2004
Dunham, K.
The Gregory C. Carr Foundation
During October 2004, large herbivores were surveyed from the air in Gorongosa National Park (NP), central Mozambique. This multispecies census was commissioned by the Gregory C. Carr Foundation. A fixed-wing aircraft was used to conduct a sample survey. The methods are both repeatable and technically robust, and are similar to those used during the 1994 survey of wildlife in Gorongosa NP. These same methods are now regularly used to census wildlife elsewhere in Mozambique.
Nenhuma restrição
AC – Documentos de Gestão
Diversidade biológica e cultural
Parque Nacional de Gorongosa
Aerial Survey of Large Herbivores in Gorongosa National Park: October 2004
Trophic Scaling and Occupancy Analysis Reveals a Lion Population Limited by Top-Down Anthropogenic Pressure in the Limpopo National Park, Mozambique
Everatt, K.; Andresen, L. & Somers, M.
The African lion (Panthera Leo) has suffered drastic population and range declines over the last few decades and is listed by the IUCN as vulnerable to extinction. Conservation management requires reliable population estimates, however these data are lacking for many of the continent’s remaining populations. It is possible to estimate lion abundance using a trophic scaling approach. However, such inferences assume that a predator population is subject only to bottom-up regulation, and are thus likely to produce biased estimates in systems experiencing top-down anthropogenic pressures. Here we provide baseline data on the status of lions in a developing National Park in Mozambique that is impacted by humans and livestock.
Nenhuma restrição
Biodiversidade Florestal
Artigo com revisão pelos pares e teses universitárias
Identificação, Monitoria, Indicadores e Avaliações
Parque Nacional de Limpopo
Trophic Scaling and Occupancy Analysis Reveals a Lion Population Limited by Top-Down Anthropogenic Pressure in the Limpopo National Park, Mozambique
Preliminary description of the spatial occurrence of mammalian biodiversity in central Parque Nacional do Limpopo
Everatt, k. & Andresen, L.
Mammalian species (above 3.0 kg) recorded by this study using camera traps in the Limpopo National Park, Mozambique, from September 2011- November 2012.
Nenhuma restrição
Mapas e dados não georreferenciados (imagens, listas de espécies, etc.)
Diversidade biológica e cultural
Parque Nacional de Limpopo
Preliminary description of the spatial occurrence of mammalian biodiversity in central Parque Nacional do Limpopo
Report on elephant distribution in Save river region
Kerr, M.
Nenhuma restrição
Biodiversidade Florestal
Relatórios, Estudos, Avaliações de Biodiversidade, Linhas de Base
Diversidade biológica e cultural
Nenhuma / Não aplicável
Report on elephant distribution in Save river region
Aerial Survey of Quirimbas National Park and Adjoining Areas
Craig, G.
WWF Mozambique Country Office
Cabo Delgado
An aerial survey of Quirimbas National Park and a corridor joining the park to Niassa Wildlife Reserve took place between 5th and 10th of November 2013.
Nenhuma restrição
AC – Documentos de Gestão
Identificação, Monitoria, Indicadores e Avaliações; Áreas Protegidas
Parque Nacional das Qurimbas
Aerial Survey of Quirimbas National Park and Adjoining Areas
Aerial Survey of Wildlife in the Niassa Reserve and Adjacent Areas Mozambique, October 2009
Craig, G.
Sociedade para a Gestão e Desenvolvimento da Reserva do Niassa
The 2009 aerial survey of wildlife in the Niassa Reserve and adjacent blocks took place between 28 September and 19 October 2009. In Niassa Reserve a total area of 42300 km2 was sampled at an average intensity of 9.3%. An additional 6700 km2 was surveyed to the south of the reserve at the same sampling intensity.
Nenhuma restrição
AC – Documentos de Gestão
Diversidade biológica e cultural; Áreas Protegidas
Reserva Nacional do Niassa
Aerial Survey of Wildlife in the Niassa Reserve and Adjacent Areas Mozambique, October 2009
Aerial Survey of Wildlife in the Niassa Game Reserve, Mozambique, October 2011
Craig, G.
Sociedade para a Gestão e Desenvolvimento da Reserva do Niassa Moçambique
The 2011 aerial survey of wildlife in the Niassa Reserve in northern Mozambique was undertaken from 1 to 19 October. This was the seventh survey of the area promoted and organised by the Sociedade para a Gestão e Desenvolvimento da Reserva do Niassa (SGDRN). A survey of Chipanje-Chetu community-based natural resource management project area, on the western boundary of Niassa, was also carried out during this period, and is reporteded in Annex 1. Adjacent areas to the East of Niassa were surveyed immediately after and the results are reported in Annex 2.
Nenhuma restrição
AC – Documentos de Gestão
Diversidade biológica e cultural; Áreas Protegidas
Reserva Nacional do Niassa
Aerial Survey of Wildlife in the Niassa Game Reserve, Mozambique, October 2011
Avaliação dos Recursos Naturais na Ilha da Inhaca (Oceano Índico, Moçambique): Primeira Aproximação
Pereira, I.; Mondlane, E. & do Nascimento F.
Bol. Goia. Geogr.
Este artigo avalia o estado de degradação ou conservação da terra na Ilha da Inhaca, a partir de uma proposta teórica de degradação da terra e com apoio em geotecnologias. A degradação da terra é concebida como processo de mudanças ordenadas na estrutura e funções da paisagem. Uma parcela de terra é então susceptível à desertificação quando aspectos do suporte geoambiental, particularmente as condições hidrogeológicas são afetadas por fenômenos de degradação (como por exemplo, a diminuição do nível dos lençóis freáticos, seja por conta de variação climática, seja por exploração excessiva dos recursos hídricos subterrâneos).
Nenhuma restrição
Biodiversidade Marinha; Biodiversidade Costeira
Artigo com revisão pelos pares e teses universitárias
Identificação, Monitoria, Indicadores e Avaliações
Reserva Biológica de Inhaca
Avaliação dos Recursos Naturais na Ilha da Inhaca (Oceano Índico, Moçambique): Primeira Aproximação
Further Notes on the Birds and Mammals of the Chimanimani Mountains
Jackson, H.
Durban Museum Movitates
These notes were made during a brief visit to the Chimanimani Mountains with Mr J. R. Shaw from 3 to 9 June, 1974, when we hiked the inner circuit from the Hut to Two Tarns via St George’s Cave and back via Camp Portage and the Valley of the Apostles. They are supplementary to my earlier general papers on the Chimanimani fauna (Jackson, 1973a; b) and should be read in conjunction with them.
Nenhuma restrição
Biodiversidade de montanha
Relatórios, Estudos, Avaliações de Biodiversidade, Linhas de Base
Diversidade biológica e cultural
Reserva Nacional de Chimanimani
Further Notes on the Birds and Mammals of the Chimanimani Mountains
Faunal Notes from the Chimanimani Mountains, based on a Collection of Birds and Mammals from the Mucrera River, Mozambique
Jackson, H.
Durban Museum Movitates
N/A; Manica
The Chimanimani Mountains lie along the central part of the frontier between Mozambique and Rhodesia. The montane fauna of these mountains has been studied by expeditions from the University of Cape Town (see Masterson & Child, 1959; also Mitchell et al., 1958) and the Prince Edward School, Salisbury, Rhodesia (see Siemers, 1967). Hodgson (1971) has collated the avifaunal data and Jackson (1973) has provided some additional records of the birds and mammals in the central area. Nevertheless, much remains to be learned of the Chimanimani fauna, especially on the Mozambique side of the mountains and particularly in relation to seasonal altitudinal movement.
Nenhuma restrição
Biodiversidade de montanha
Relatórios, Estudos, Avaliações de Biodiversidade, Linhas de Base
Diversidade biológica e cultural
Reserva Nacional de Chimanimani
Faunal Notes from the Chimanimani Mountains, based on a Collection of Birds and Mammals from the Mucrera River, Mozambique
Preliminary data on human – carnivore conflict in Niassa National Reserve, Mozambique, particularly fatalities due to lion, spotted hyaena and crocodile
Begg, C.; Begg, K. & Muemedi, O.
Wildlife can cause significant loss of human lives and livelihoods and if not responded to human-wildlife conflict can lead to a critical erosion of support for conservation initiatives. Niassa National Reserve, in northern Mozambique supports viable populations of lion, leopard, spotted hyaena and crocodile as well as approximately 25 000 people. The objectives of this report are to provide a preliminary assessment of the scale and distribution of large carnivore attacks on Niassa residents, with particular emphasis on lions and crocodiles and to provide a baseline against which the level of future conflict can be compared.
Nenhuma restrição
Biodiversidade Florestal; Biodiversidade de montanha; Biodiversidade das águas interiores e zonas húmidas
Relatórios, Estudos, Avaliações de Biodiversidade, Linhas de Base
Áreas Protegidas; Ameaças à Biodiversidade
Reserva Nacional do Niassa
Preliminary data on human – carnivore conflict in Niassa National Reserve, Mozambique, particularly fatalities due to lion, spotted hyaena and crocodile
The birds (Aves) of the middle Save River valley, Mozambique
Allan, D; Davies, G. & Parker, V.
Durban Natural Science Museum
Inhambane; Sofala
This report reviews all the bird species that have been recorded in the middle Save River valley (between Massangena in the west and Covane in the east) in Mo9 ambique, including the results of a recent survey made in November 1998. A total o f 268 bird species has been recorded from the region, including 11 new species found in November 1998. Twenty five species were recorded from the area by early expeditions (mainly in 1950, 1963 and 1965) that have not been found in recent times. Thirteen o f these are waterbirds, suggesting that these early surveys were made during wetter periods than the subsequent efforts and/or that upstream water extraction has resulted in a reduction in waterbird diversity in recent times.
Nenhuma restrição
Biodiversidade das águas interiores e zonas húmidas
Artigo com revisão pelos pares e teses universitárias
Diversidade biológica e cultural
Nenhuma / Não aplicável
The birds (Aves) of the middle Save River valley, Mozambique