Livelihoods: An Analysis and Proposal to Reconcile Conservation and Development in the Buffer Zone of the Quirimbas National Park
- Cabo Delgado
In Cabo Delgado Province, the Mozambican government has taken conservation as
a development strategy by creating the Quirimbas National Park (QNP) in 2002.
Park management is receiving technical support from WWF. However, as funds
were made available only in March 2005, implementation is only starting to gain
steam in the second semester of this year (2005).
- Inglês
- Nenhuma restrição
- Geral
- Relatórios, Estudos, Avaliações de Biodiversidade, Linhas de Base
- Identificação, Monitoria, Indicadores e Avaliações
- Parque Nacional das Qurimbas