How is REDD+ unfolding in southern Africa’s dry forests? A snapshot from Mozambique



- N/A

In 2008, Mozambique prepared and submitted to the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) a Readiness Plan Idea Note (R-PIN). A National REDD+ Working Group was established in 2009. The working group’s initial work plan was revised in March 2010 to accommodate 1) the emerging priority of developing a national REDD+ strategy to inform the implementation of pilot projects whilst 2) allowing the preparation of the Readiness Preparation Proposal (R-PP). The two processes were subsequently merged.

- Inglês

- Nenhuma restrição

- Geral;
- Biodiversidade Florestal

- Relatórios, Estudos, Avaliações de Biodiversidade, Linhas de Base

- Comunicação e Sensibilização do Público;
- Educação ambiental;
- Uso Sustentável da Biodiversidade;
- Ameaças à Biodiversidade

- Nenhuma / Não aplicável
