Hierarchy and scale: testing the long term role of water, grazing and nitrogen in the savanna landscape of Limpopo National Park (Mozambique)
Landscape Ecol
- Gaza
This paper compares vegetation dynamics at two sites in the savanna landscape of Limpopo National Park (PNL), Mozambique. In order to test the relationship between vegetation cover and hydrology, nutrient availability and disturbance from grazing and fire over the last 1,200 years at local (100 m2) scales, we use palaeoecological data (i.e. pollen assemblages, charcoal abundance, C/N ratio, stable isotopes and herbivore-associated spore abundance).
- Inglês
- Nenhuma restrição
- Biodiversidade Florestal;
- Outra biodiversidade terrestre
- Artigo com revisão pelos pares e teses universitárias
- Identificação, Monitoria, Indicadores e Avaliações
- Parque Nacional de Limpopo