Habitat Fragmentation due to Transportation Infrastructure: Findings of the COST Action 341
Office for official publications of the European Communities
- N/A
Infrastructure builders are inconvenienced by nature, and nature is inconvenienced by infrastructure and traffic. The COST 341 products offer tools for integration of transportation infrastructure in the environmental context. The presence of nature areas, especially, a nature reserve or protected wildlife site, creates more and more challenges for infrastructure projects. More infrastructure is needed to transport people and goods, which leads to more traffic across Europe. Mountains, valleys, rivers, steppes and coastal plains are criss-crossed by arterial routes.
- Inglês
- Nenhuma restrição
- Outra biodiversidade terrestre
- Relatórios, Estudos, Avaliações de Biodiversidade, Linhas de Base
- Economia, Comércio e Medidas de Incentivo;
- Avaliação de impactos
- Nenhuma / Não aplicável