Guidance on avian post construction monitoring techniques for wind and solar energy facilities with specific reference to Migrating Soaring Birds (MSB) in the Rift Valley/Red Sea Flyway Appendix III – Inquiry to stakeholders

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In order to support the literature review and obtain site specific information related to post construction monitoring methods and techniques already employed at wind and solar facilities along MSB flyways, a questionnaire (Section A) was developed and emailed to key subject matter exerts including: • Birdlife International Partners in the hosting countries; • Experts in the ecology and study of birds of the hosting countries and MSBs; • Experts in the interaction between birds and renewable energies in the hosting countries; • Environmental Authorities from the Rift Valley/ Red Sea Flyway countries; • Developers and Financers with renewable energy implemented or to implement in the hosting countries.

- Inglês

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- Documentos de Projeto, Relatórios de Projetos e Avaliações

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- Nenhuma / Não aplicável
