Effectiveness of recreational divers for monitoring sea turtle populations
- Todas as Províncias
ive sea turtle species, all globally threatened, are found in southern Mozambican waters. Illegal hunting of foraging turtles, nest raiding and modification of coastal habitat are assumed to affect local sea turtle populations, but a lack of capacity and resource constraints hamper monitoring and compliance activities. Enlisting the recreational SCUBA diving community to report sea turtle sightings is a potential solution for population monitoring. The effectiveness of recreational divers as monitors was tested through the review of 2 approaches: the use of a routine dive logbook with sightings, and data from a dedicated survey.
- Inglês
- Nenhuma restrição
- Biodiversidade Marinha;
- Biodiversidade Costeira
- Artigo com revisão pelos pares e teses universitárias
- Identificação, Monitoria, Indicadores e Avaliações
- Parque Nacional das Qurimbas;
- Parque Nacional de Arquipelago de Bazaruto;
- Reserva Nacional de Pomene;
- Reserva Marinha Parcial da Ponta do Ouro;
- Zona de Protecção Total de Cabo de Sao Sebastião;
- Reserva Biológica de Inhaca;
- Área de Protecção Ambiental das Ilhas Primeiras e Segundas