Diet and distribution of elephant in the Maputo Elephant Reserve, Mozambique

Afr. J. Ecol.

- Maputo

The distribution and diet of the elephants of the Maputo Elephant Reserve were studied using dung counts, satellite tracking and faecal analysis. The results were compared with earlier data from before the civil war in Mozambique. The elephant population decreased during the civil war, but 180 animals still remain. Earlier studies described the elephants as preferring the grass plains. Currently, the elephants prefer the dense forest patches over the high quality forage found in the grass plains.

- Inglês

- Nenhuma restrição

- Biodiversidade Florestal

- Artigo com revisão pelos pares e teses universitárias

- Identificação, Monitoria, Indicadores e Avaliações

- Reserva Especial de Maputo
