Collaborative Actions for Sustainable Tourism (Coast) Project: Reef and Marine Recreation Management (Rmrm) Thematic Area

- Inhambane

This document was developed in a participatory manner. The underlying philosophy is that in a complex context such as the TBT area with its multiple users, stakeholders and managers, management must be approached in a participative, collaborative and transparent manner. It is important to bear in mind that sustainably managing marine tourism in the TBT area is a process - it will not happen instantaneously, but will progress over time if driven collaboratively by the members of the DSMC and other key stakeholders

- Inglês

- Nenhuma restrição

- Biodiversidade Marinha;
- Biodiversidade Costeira

- Documentos de Projeto, Relatórios de Projetos e Avaliações

- Áreas Protegidas

- Outras Áreas de Conservação Nacionais
