Co-Management of Fisheries in a Marine Protected Area: The Case of the Quirimbas National Park in Mozambique.

MARGov Project – Collaborative Governance of Marine Protected Areas (pp. 163-172), ISBN: 978-989-8745-58-3.

Sustainability in the 21st Century – The Power of Dialogue

- Cabo Delgado

In the Quirimbas National Park, created in Mozambique in 2002, a few no-take areas were implemented in coral reef areas as a way to protect marine biodiversity and help rebuild fish stocks. Many fishers contested the creation of no-take areas, and fisheries management authorities supported them. This document briefly shows what are the threats to coral reefs inside the QNP, what was the criticism of fishers and fisheries management authorities to sanctuaries, what motivated the QNP to change its strategy, and what results fisheries co-management has already produced in the conservation of coral reefs and in the promotion of fisheries.

- Inglês

- Não aplicável

- Biodiversidade Marinha

- Artigo com revisão pelos pares e teses universitárias

- Áreas Protegidas;
- Uso Comunitário da Biodiversidade;
- Ameaças à Biodiversidade

- Parque Nacional das Qurimbas
