Chimanimani Management Plan APPENDIX 5 A – Summary of Interviews and Meetings Held for the Preparation of the Management Plan; B – Findings of Sector Working Groups at the Sussundenga Meeting
- Manica
The boundaries of the various traditional authorities are well-known to the régulos and their people. (Perhaps there are difficulties in explaining them to third parties on occasions!) The boundaries of the Core Zone and the Zona Tampão of the ChNR are not well known by either local people or officials and the following are some of the points that came out of the interviews concerning boundaries. In some areas, Mussimua for example, people did not know that they were in the Zona Tampão.
- Inglês
- Nenhuma restrição
- Geral
- AC – Documentos de Gestão
- Áreas Protegidas;
- Uso Comunitário da Biodiversidade
- Reserva Nacional de Chimanimani