Causes and Consequences of Displacement Decision-making in Banhine National Park, Mozambique

Conservation and Society 8(2): 103-111

- Gaza

Around the world, decision-making is looming regarding the displacement of people resident in and reliant on the natural capital in protected areas. While policies such as the World Bank’s safeguard policy on involuntary resettlement guides decisions about the potential displacement of people in protected areas, there are often political and other obstacles to implementation. In the case of displacement decision-making in Banhine National Park (BNP), Mozambique, district-level government offi cials promoted the displacement of BNP-area residents and their resettlement into villages outside the park in a manner that was inconsistent with the World Bank safeguard policy.

- Inglês

- Nenhuma restrição

- Biodiversidade Florestal;
- Outra biodiversidade terrestre;
- Biodiversidade das águas interiores e zonas húmidas

- Artigo com revisão pelos pares e teses universitárias

- Áreas Protegidas;
- Uso Comunitário da Biodiversidade

- Parque Nacional de Banhine
