Biodiversity in the Patent System: Mozambique A country study of genetic resources and traditional knowledge in the patent system of relevance to Mozambique
One World Analytics
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Our research focused primarily on documents that make reference to Mozambique and to cases where existing distribution data suggests Mozambique is a likely source for the species. This imposes two limitations on the research. First, we focus on identifying species that are a focus of existing research and development. However, the report does not seek to provide the complete global patent landscape for an individual species. Second, because we focused on identifying species from a country we did not search patent data for references to regions (i.e. Africa) or sub-regions (i.e. Southern Africa) in the patent data. To address this issue we deliberately highlight cases where a species is distributed in more than one African country.
- Inglês
- Nenhuma restrição
- Geral
- Documentos de Projeto, Relatórios de Projetos e Avaliações
- Diversidade biológica e cultural;
- Conhecimento Tradicional, Inovações e Práticas
- Nenhuma / Não aplicável